Monday, May 28, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Before I get started, I'd just like to take a moment to remember and honor the men and women who lost their lives while in service to our country.
OK, so let the junk extravaganza begin! This is my first purple vintage quilt ever. I'm not a big purple fan, so I didn't even really want it. It was marked $5, which is a great price, but I walked away because I'm running out of room to display them. When the seller said "Well how about $2?" I really had no choice, did I?
Apparently I now collect vintage Lady Sunbeam personal care products. I found this little pink Lady Sunbeam electric razor and it looks pretty darn cute sitting next to the Lady Sunbeam hair/nail dryer I found last week.
I hate to cook, but I sure do like vintage pink hand mixers and recipe boxes!
I would have loved to take a picture of these two pottery deer where they're really going to go, but that would have involved dusting all of the white pottery on the shelf. It just seemed too exhausting!
I found that dark blue globe bank in the middle at the flea market a couple of weeks ago.
I didn't want to be the only person in blogland to not have the Donkey Party game, so I grabbed this one because finally there was one in my price range!
I will never ever pass up Halloween stuff. It's right up there with Christmas for me!
More vintage gardening tools. It's amazing how once you decide to seriously collect something, it seems to pop up everywhere.
And last but not least is my favorite find this week. It's an old record from the 50s, and in case you haven't noticed, I do like to have vintage pin ups on my blog, if they're not too risque. I wanted this record real bad, but first I had to mentally will the guy that had it in his hand to put it down, so that I could buy it. Then I had to do some serious haggling to get it into my price range. It was a very satisfying win for me! So, did you haggle your way to any treasures over the weekend? 


  1. I'm smiling at your donkey party game (which is my blog header right now). Gotta love your Halloween goodies! $2 for a quilt!! Of course it had to come home! Another fabulous stash. Good for you!

  2. Wow you did find some great stuff! I love the way you display! I'm right there with ya about the Halloween! Love the cats, too! Julie London's "cry me a river" is one of my all time favs!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh Carol, you found some good stuff this weekend! I love the Calendar Girl record and the quilt (I'm not a big purple fan either) for $2.00! I also like pin-ups and saw a Varga coffee table book yesterday but it wasn't in my price range. I'm getting ready to post my finds from Saturday. You have inspired me to try and do it on a regular basis.

  5. Well, I would have thought the 'lavender' quilt was the buy of the lifetime! I'm so glad you didn't come home without it! Love your fun finds...Halloween stuff is always fun!

  6. Wonderful finds!! I especially love the Sunbeam electric razor and the pretty pink hand mixer!!

  7. Lovely finds....apparently I need a donkey game too...can you get right on that for me....just kidding. Oh your pinks are darling....enjoy your memorial day...smiles...Renee

  8. I need the pink razor for the bathroom at 1515..we display vintage bath stuff. you did great as always. None this weekend for me.

  9. I think I need to come shopping with you! Seriously you are on a lucky streak here! I am glad you got that quilt...amazing buy! My Mom had that same recipe box but we can't find it now :( so I'm on the lookout for one!Oh and I had one of those little pink electric razors after I tore up my legs with a real razor and my Mom was worried I would bleed to death lol. Donkey party, vintage garden tools and deer? SCORE! Big Hugs, Linda

  10. Lovely goodies! Lots of fun pink. I think it is fun to find a "new" collection! Happy Memorial Day!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. The Julie London album is wonderful!! And I am a sucker for vintage garden did well!
    Annette :>)

  12. What great finds!! My mom had a pink Lady Sunbeam razor just like the one you found!! Such memories!!

    The garden tools - oooo la la!!

    Way to go on the haggling!! I'm not good at it but my I take my oldest daughter along - she is a pro!!

    have a blessed day!

  13. Happy Memorial Day! Great finds! I love Halloween stuff too! Hard to find here at sales, though. Everyone is wise to it! BTW Julie London, the lady on the record, was married to Jack Webb of Dragnet---Sgt Joe Friday!Just a little trivia for ya!

  14. Oh, great, now I'm the only person in Blogland without the Donkey Party game.

  15. Wow! I love the vintage gardening tools, have been looking everywhere and scored none! I must live in the wrong state!


  16. Hi Carol!! what great finds!! Love the hand mixer!! So neat!! The Lady Sunbeam is sweet!! Have a lovely week!! xo Heather

  17. There you go again finding all the great stuff! Love the halloween things you picked up!

  18. I need to go shopping in your neck of the woods. You never cease to amaze me.

  19. Such cute things! It was raining all weekend in our neck of the woods, so I didn't get to go to either flea markets! I'm glad to see that someone found some treasures!
    Erica :)

  20. Wow Carol, your weekend finds are awesome. I love the quilt and for 2 bucks you could not pass that up. Also love the recipe box. I just love all your collections.Glad you found the Donkey Party in your price range. Great score this week!


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