Monday, July 9, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Last week was horrible. It was a scorcher! Four 100+ degree days. We are not used to that here. I was so bored and cranky, being stuck inside all week!!! 
The boredom got so bad that at one point, I actually cleaned the house. Ok, maybe not the whole house, but still, I did do some cleaning!
So when Sunday morning rolled around, I was ready to hit the flea market. 72 degrees......YAY! I found that watering can, tray and little shovel, all rusty all cheap! Does anyone know how to clean rust off of a painted surface without hurting the paint?
A pink McCoy vase.
An old owl planter. Love this now, and I'll love it later when I use it in my Halloween decorations!
Can't wait to find the perfect spot for this little cutie in my kitchen. Very 70s, doesn't in any way go with the other vintage stuff in there, but nothing matches in there anyway!
A vintage children's camp chair. I remember my grandparents having the adult size chairs just like this. And I believe there's a picnic tin in this same pattern. I really should get one, because after all, it seems like I'm trying to have one of each kind of picnic basket every made!
Two vintage yellow pots.
And a bunch of green vintage garden tools!
LOVE that rake. Not to use, but just to look at! And I'm pretty crazy about that heart-shaped sprinkler nozzle too.
That's one wicked pair of shears!
I didn't know Sunbeam made sprinklers back in the day, did you?
Of course, the best part about owning a sprinkler is actually using it. Yep, the Sunbeam works!
So does the big tall heart-shaped one, as my neighbor can personally attest to. She was on the other side of the fence, taking the garbage out, when I did this test run. Oops!  So, how was your week? Did you find any treasures? And did you frighten your neighbors with them?!


  1. That heat was making me crazy too. I'm completely smitten with your owl planter. Fun treasures. Good for you!

  2. Hi Carol, wow, you really found some wonderful treasures. Love the heart shaped sprinkle, rake, oh, all of it. I have the same little watering can,so cute, not sure how to get the rust off though. The only thing I bought at a yard sale Sat. was another old chair for 2 bucks, yey!!!! Enjoy,Blessings Francine.

  3. So glad the weather cooled off enough so you could head to the flea market!! What great finds!!


  4. Hee-hee, your poor neighbor! Well, we might have scared the neighbors with our screaming grand peeps all weekend! we finally had some good pool weather and they were hard at it for 2 days!

    We had camping chairs like that growing up, too. I hope you WILL find the basket to match.

    No thrifting here lately but hopefully soon!

  5. You guys have really had it rough with the heat. That's pretty bad when you resort to housecleaning.Great finds-love the childrens stuff. ABout rust-the only thing I've ever heard-I haven't tried it is WD-40. I don't know if it would be safe over the paint though. Maybe if you Google it? Good luck, Carol.

  6. I sigh at all those garden lovelies...That my dear is the sweetest sprinkler ever. Last week I would have run through it. Our heat finally broke and I am thrilled until I heard the weatherman last night say we are in for another round next week? I always lightly...lightly use soap water and Mr. Clean sponge. Too much will take the paint off. Great finds...smiles...Renee

  7. Wow! I went to the flea on Saturday here and found a few bags of sewing notions and a rake head for 14.00. I'd rather go with you!

  8. I've never seen sprinklers like those. Great finds!

  9. That tall sprinkler looks so inviting (even if it had your neighbor shrieking). Fun finds!

  10. I love that tall sprinkler! What a great find! I got a book for Tiger that's all....just too hot and no one wanted to have a sale! Summertime! Hugs, Linda

  11. My mom swears by Real Coke for removing rust. Pour it straight over your rusty stuff and let soak overnight, check in the morning and see how much is left, you may have to reapply. Don't drink it after using it though. ;) Not sure if there would be a good use for it, perhaps down the toilet to descale?

  12. Ooh, I love that owl planter! He's cute.

    We had a run of high temps too but this weekend has been cool and rainy and it is MOST welcome!

  13. Oh my!! that is a great sprinkler!
    I was looking for a rake like that and finally found one last year! I like the looks of it, too.

    You found some goodies!
    Send that 70 degree weather on over here. We are having a cool down but it is still 90!!

  14. Okay, two times I said "OH MY GOSH!" while looking at your finds. That owl planter is to die for! When I was little, Dad had a sprinkler just like the one your found. We played in that sprinkler for many years, many hours. LOVE IT ALL!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. oh what a treasure trove worth waiting for! I LOVE that camp stool, and the tall sprinkler is just

    FAB - U - LOUS!! Glad to hear it's cooled off for you, same here. Good Lord it has been beastllyy!

  17. Wow, when you finally got out you really found some great things! Love the old planters and pottery, and your owl is just the sweetest! Yup, we're celebrating 89 cool degrees here today, LOL!

  18. Carol,
    Glad the temp broke...I will see that about oh....mid October, and no I am not kidding....:) You found some wonderful things, I just love the pottery you find and I agree about the moon/owl piece...perfect this fall! :) Sandy

  19. Lovin' that amazing owl planter! It's just too fun:@)

  20. What great finds! Love the watering can, and tray!! So cute! The owl planter is very sweet! Happy new week! xo Heather

  21. What treasures!!!!! Lovely flowers in your garden post!!! Always enjoy a visit through your blog!!


  22. LOL...I get crabby too when it's too HOT! Better yesterday and today. Nice finds! Love the Owl and pink swan vase! I think goo-gone may take the rust off and not the paint! Maybe you could google it.
    Thanks for stopping over!

  23. I still can't get over how many wonderful treasures you find! You come home with the best stuff!

  24. Your finds are all great! I think my favorite is the OWL VASE! You'll be so glad to have that come Halloween!
    Erica :)

  25. Carol, This was such a fun post! I loved all the green gardening tools. Hmmm, I think I spotted a green rake in my new son-in-law's garage left there by the previous owner. Hmmm! Your "cleaning the house, almost" sounds like me. I get so sidetracked. Always fun to visit here! Elizabeth

  26. That sprinkler collection is just the best! My neighbors are still trying to figure out why I'm always crouching on the porch taking pictures.

  27. You had some great finds last weekend and fun too scaring the neighbor. Hope you are able to get out for more this weekend. I'm going to be digging through boxes with a special eye open for goodies for your surprise package :)

  28. That sprinkler is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!!

  29. Oh my gosh! i love the old sprinklers! Aren't they the best? Why don't they make anything like they used too?

  30. That sprinkler is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!!


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