Monday, July 23, 2012

MY WEEKEND FINDS~Junk In (almost) Every Color!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
But before I share my finds, I simply must wish the official kitty of Old Glory Cottage a HAPPY 1st BIRTHDAY! Yes, Cupcake Sprinkles is 1 year old today! Mr. Old Glory's birthday is in a few days, and I thought it would be a great idea to combine the birthdays into one big celebration, but Cuppy would not hear of it, and wanted her own party. She looks pretty much resigned to the fact that as long as she lives here, she will be dressed up like a doll, doesn't she?
Now, let's proceed to the junk portion of this post! I got pretty excited when I spied these canisters in a box at a garage sale. Love the YELLOW lids and the pretty tulips and daffodils, but it's the confetti that seems to be falling from the sky in celebration of these lovely canisters that made me decide to get them! 
PINK! Love those gingham plates, and I only wish there had been more than just the two of them. Very happy to add a vintage bunny to the Easter collection, and that birdie planter to the pottery collection. And I had to snake my arm through a crowd to reach that sparkly clock. I knew that if I just stood there and waited for the crowd to clear out, I'd miss it.  Didn't even knock anyone over!
My first ever pieces of BLUE Fire King!
A candy cane girl and an angel, all decked out in RED, to add to the Christmas collection.
And the last colorful pieces of junk are GREEN. Can any one of you truthfully say that you have enough flower frogs? I didn't think so! I don't have one shaped like that, so I nabbed it for a quarter. And I couldn't pass up that shovel to add to my vintage green garden tool collection, or the swankiest of swigs, that daffodil glass! All in all, it was a very colorful junking week! So, what did you find  last week? 


  1. Oh Carol! I love everything you found! I always look forward to your "finds" posts, you always find great stuff. Happy Birthday to Cupcake Sprinkles...and Mr. Old Glory too!

  2. I absolutely love those canisters. Canisters are one thing that I almost never pass up (along with bread boxes, picnic baskets, you name it). What a haul & Happy Birthday to sweet little Cupcake and Mr. OG!

  3. Great finds. Enjoy those canisters. They are so cheery! I have a clock that would love to sit next to yours! Thanks for sharing.

  4. I love the canisters too - cute!!

  5. How sweet is your kitten in her party hat! Those canisters are divine and that blue fire king creamer and sugar are pretty lovely too. I always look forward to your weekend finds.

  6. Wow Carol! I absolutely love everything you found!! I couldn't have passed those canisters up either!!

  7. Awesome finds, all of them! Love that little pink birdie planter and the BLUE Fire King! Is it the same turquoise blue as the teardrop bowls I found?

  8. Great finds!! Happy Birthday to Cupcake and the Mr.

  9. Happy Birthday, Cupcake!!! Did Mommy make you your own special cupcake with sprinkles?

    Carol, those are super great finds. I love the canisters.

    Stay cool today!

  10. Happy Birthday Sprinkles! All your finds look like colorful birthday candles. You always find the best things in your quest for More! Have a lovely week! Elizabeth

  11. Hi Carol, all I can do is ohhh and ahhh, what great finds. Love everything you bought, I collect blue fire king, WOW!!! Also can`t get enough flower frogs,great one,the pink plates, to sweet,birdie planter, OMG. I`m green with envy but happy for you, want to go yard saling where you go, tee hee. Blessings Francine.p.s. love the picture of Cupcake,soooo cute.

  12. What an adorable kitty! Just precious! I can't believe you got her to wear a hat! Was she sedated? heh heh Love your finds too!

    Cheery wave from

  13. I've never seen blue Fire King! I love those pointy flower frogs and use them to stand pictures and paper crafts in! FUN FINDS!

  14. I've never seen blue Fire King! I love those pointy flower frogs and use them to stand pictures and paper crafts in! FUN FINDS!

  15. Happy Birthday to sweet Cupcake!! Love all your pretty finds! Have a wonderful week! xo Heather

  16. I can't tell from the photo of your Fire-King pieces but it looks like either Azur-ite Swirl or, more probably, their Turquoise Blue line. If it is Turquoise Blue you're lucky because you don't have to hunt for a lid, the sugar didn't come with one! I could never in a million years get my cat to sit still for a minute wearing a hat, but I guess if you start them out young your kitty will be wearing one for years to come! Happy Birthday, lovely kitty!

  17. Happy Birthday, sweet little Cuppie Cake Sprinkles!
    I have never met a cat that I didn't love...and your darling pet is no exception!
    Oh...You found so many delightful treasures!! Awesome!!
    I hope you have a wonderful week, Carol!
    Carolynn xo

  18. You find the BESTEST stuff! I want to go junking with you! I have one blue Fire King bowl that my neice calls the macaroni salad bowl because I actually use it for that and if I don't she will pout. I posted my finds this week on my blog too.



  19. I haven't been doing much junking so I'm really enjoying your finds. I love the pink pottery birds, the frog and those Fire King pieces oh my!! Happy Birthday to Cupcake...looks pretty cute in that hat! Hugs, Linda

  20. I love he gingham plates but it's all about Cupcake! How cute!

  21. Cupcake looks adorable, I'm amazed she plays along so well! Can't get over the way you find the ladies, they are very SCARCE here and big bucks when you do see one-enjoy:@)

  22. Happy Birthday to Cupcake Sprinkles!She looks so cute!
    Love all your fabulous "Junk" !

  23. How sweet! Happy Birthday Cupcake! I wish a junk excursion found me all those goodies! You rock!!

  24. Cuppy is the cutest cat ever! Happy Birthday! Those plates are gorgeous and all the pinks are so nice, Carol.I can't believe you found blue fireking-I didn't even know there was blue-do I see another collection starting?

  25. Happy Birthday to Miss Cupcake. She looks adorable! Your finds are over the top. I can't imagine having such a good bunch of finds in one weekend. I guess I need to get out more :>)

  26. Oh where to start??? Your finds this time around are all wonderful! I'd have grabbed each and every one of them! Happy Birthday to one very pretty kitty!
    Erica :)

  27. Hi Carol,
    GREAT FINDS!!! Blue fireking..who knew! Love the little Christmas angels and pink plates!!Flower frog is cool!
    Thank you Very much for praying for my BFF! It's a huge shock. God is in control.

    cute hat on birthday kitty

  28. I really don't know how you always find all the good stuff. Happy Birthday Cupcake. I am drooling over all the goodies...Smiles..Renee

  29. I LOVE the daffodil swanky swig that you found! I have a few with little blue flowers on them. :-) Happy birthday to your sweet little kitty!

  30. You always score big time. I just gotta say, that's one cute kitty. So patient to lay there and pose so sweetly with her party hat. I must confess, I only have one frog. I've thought of collecting them, but haven't yet. Now you've got me convinced. Love the shape of your new one. The one I do have is really a small dish with a rose on the front and the lid is a frog. 50 cent yard sale find when vacationing in Idaho. Too cute to not buy.

  31. What a good week you had! I try not to buy plates because I can get carried away (moi?) but I would have had to have those pink ones. Happy birthday to the cupcake!

  32. OH My Goodness, the Blue Fire King, THe CLOCK * THE CLOCK!!! I LOVE IT!

    Beautiful treasure as always :)

  33. You find the best stuff! I want to go junkin' with you!! I haven't forgotten about your surprise package - still unpacking stuff and having a hard time deciding what to send!

  34. Adorable kitty! I love her little hat! If I tried that with our kitty, he would probably eat it..hehe. Super cute blog...I am following you now!

    Hugs, Angie

  35. When I read the title of this Post and then saw your kitty cat...I thought you got him while junking....ha. Love your finds especially the canisters and the pink bird pottery.


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