Tuesday, July 17, 2012


I just have to share with you my new pair of glasses!!!
No silly, not that kind of glasses!
This kind! These rooster glasses are just like the ones that I would drink orange juice out of every morning when I was at my Grandma's house. 
I don't remember Grandma ever using frozen concentrated juice, but odds are that once in a while she probably did. Maybe she only served freshly squeezed orange juice when family visited. All I know is that when I was there, it was always freshly squeezed, and it was always yummy! 
She would then put the juice in this bottle, and even at that young age, I loved this bottle and knew that one day I must have it for my very own. It now sits on a shelf in my kitchen, and every time I see it, I think of Grandma. LOVE the lily-of-the-valley!
My new pair of glasses are a great addition to what is turning out to be a nice little collection! How many will be enough? Honestly, every time I find one of these, it transports me back to Grandma's house, a place filled with so many happy memories for me. How could I ever stop buying something that makes me so happy? So, the answer is this: There are crazy cat ladies, and then there will be me, the crazy rooster glass lady!      If you would like to see more reds, visit Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!


  1. The glasses are sweet!!! They just don't make cute ones like that anymore!

  2. Lovin' your fun glasses! And I agree, grab 'em when you see 'em:@)

  3. I think I'd have to pick them up any time I saw those swanky swigs too! Someday my own grandchildren are going to be so confused trying to find anything they remember from my house, everything here is from the 50s! Hee hee!

  4. Love those glasses! It is always nice when a collectible has sentimental value. Enjoy them!

  5. Love that size. Great collection and my mom always fresh squeezes oj. My kids are so spoiled..smiles...Renee

  6. I think that until you start seeing episodes of "Hoarding: Buried Alive: Rooster Glass edition," you're probably safe.

  7. I love drinking glasses...all mine are mis-matched. I like the way they look in the cupboard. There are some for actual drinking...and some are Looky-No-Touchy glasses. Cute post! =D

  8. Of course you needed those "new glasses"!! Cool rooster design!

  9. Your juice glasses are divine and that lily of the valley container is just precious. What a treasure.

  10. I would say your grandmother squeezed her oranges for the juice in these glasses.

  11. What, no cat's eye red eyeglasses?
    Very sweet glasses, can never have too many, what if one should break? Love the lily jug. Happy Rednesday!

  12. So sweet new glasses you have!! Love the pitcher, too!! Have a lovely day! xo Heather

  13. I love love love fresh squeezed juice. How wonderful to have your grandmas pitcher! I adore your juice glasses - I've been on the hunt for some for a long time, with no luck.

    Happy Rednesday!

  14. They are lovely. And such wonderful memories, too. I have food memories from visits to my Mammaw's home in Mississippi. She made the best divinity; always had fresh shelled pecans in the freezer (the kind of freezer that was drawers at the bottom with the refrigerated portion on top) and the yummiest fig preserves ever. :) Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

  15. When I was young we used the left over jelly jars for juice glasses since they were the right size for us I suppose. I love these glasses and adore Roosters in the kitchen. I have a few of my own. Wonderful taste!

  16. I really like those glasses and your Grandma's jar!! I would say 8 would be a good set but if you find more than that, I wouldn't hesitate to grab them.

    That is a GREAT morning glory tablecloth or runner that you have with your glasses!!

    Stay inside and keep cool.

  17. Love the swanky swigs!!! Very retro!
    I hope you're having a wonderful Rednesday! :)

  18. So sunny and bright! Love when we find something our Grandma had, I think that's the reason I got into vintage so much in the beginning!

  19. Hi Carol,
    I absolutely loved your post! Rednesday is my favorite time of week! It's so much fun visiting all the red loving blogs. Yours NEVER disappoints me!
    Blessings and friendship,
    Carolynn xo

  20. Hello, I agree, love this post. Never have enough cute glasses,jugs,whatever, a collecter to the bitter end!!! Blessings Francine.

  21. You know thinking of Grandma's kitchen is special to me! love the glasses, too cute and I think it is wonderful that you have the OJ container.

  22. Very sweet, love them...I have memories from my grandma's house here having the old tin glasses in different colors and the Jadeite coffee mugs..thats what sticks in my mind...Come by and visit and join me...Happy Wednesday with love Janice
    @ spoonwither.blogspot.com


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