Monday, September 10, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
It was a slow junking week over here, and to top it off, I could not drag my butt out of bed to get to the flea market on Sunday. Oh well, I guess I shouldn't complain, because I found this vintage aqua rotary the FREE box at a garage sale!
After lots and lots of scrubbing and sticker peeling, it looks pretty good hanging by the back door. 
I couldn't believe that on the third day of a garage sale, this vintage Easter planter would still be sitting there. And for 50 cents!  
Isn't this little Lefton graduation boy adorable? Love that wise old owl perched on his cap!
Vintage Planters A Go-Go! Those three metal ones were only 5 cents each. Can you tell that the sellers really just wanted to be rid of them? The pottery planter is Haeger.
I have to admit that as soon as I put this glass carrier in the car, I regretted buying it.
Until I got home and found out that my aluminum glasses look really sharp in it! And in case you're wondering why I almost always take photos of my finds right there on that bench.......1. The lighting is terrible inside the house, because we're surrounded by huge pine trees......2.  If I have to take pictures outside, this is a pretty private spot, and really, the less neighbors to watch me doing this, the better! So, did you find any goodies last week? And tell me, do you take pictures of your junk outside? And if so, do you feel weird doing it?!


  1. The aqua phone was worth is ALL! It looks amazing! WOWZA!!!

  2. I take my photos on my back deck sometimes, because the lighting in my house is terrible. I have incredibly nosey neighbors that are always peeking through their windows to see what I'm doing.

  3. I am a junker too and your newest follower! I love that phone!
    Hugs, Penny

  4. Great stuff. I love that phone! And free=you lucky girl. Yes I take pics outside too-the light in this house is not great for photos. My neighbors probably think I'm crazy!

  5. love the color of your phone! Wish I still had my pink one from my bedroom.

  6. Drove to 5 sales-- 3 were postponed due to rain, and the other 2 should have been also! Bought a 50 cent plastic flamingo! That was it! Love your finds!

  7. I love your blog, found you on Pinterest! My daughters are avid thrift store shoppers and are always finding treasures that they share with me! Your blog is just beautiful... Joy on Granny Mountain

  8. Not too bad!! You did pretty well for not going to the flea market!! I take my photos, (usually), you said the light is sooo much better.


  9. That aqua phone is a beautiful find!
    Michele and I haven't had anytime for garage sales, thriftshops are anything else along those lines...hopefully next year


  10. I totally understand photographing your blog treasures in outdoor locations. The lengths we go to for great shots. Love the drink carrier but I have a thing for your blue phone. I picked up a black rotary phone at an estate sale last Saturday...along with a ton of other things. I've got plans for turning my black rotary phone into a Halloween phone. Tune in.

  11. I love that you admit that you regret buying something as soon as it gets in the car. That happens to me once in awhile too!
    Glad it worked out for you with your glasses!

  12. Wow on the Aqua phone! Major score and free!!!!! Love the planters and yes I sometimes take pics outside. I have a back deck with a table and so it's fairly private so my neighbors don't think I'm too crazy! Hugs, Linda

  13. That aqua phone!!! Oh My! What great finds for your weekend..

    I posted about my finds on my blog this morning. Nothing nearly as cute as yours!



  14. I often take pics in my driveway and wonder what the neighbors must think! But then I remember I'm the only person in the neighborhood who decorates her porch like it is an extension of her home. They don't get me anyway. Who cares if they find my picture taking odd as well!

  15. I never have as good as luck as you Carol, but the fun is in the looking!

  16. Hi Carol, oh such great weekend goodies you found. Love the little planter, so cute. The aqua phone looks great hanging on the wall, brings back many memories. Blessings Francine.

  17. Carol,
    Great finds!!
    I love the aqua phone and what memories that brought back. My parent's had an aqua Kitchen!! Appliances and countertops and an aqua princess phone!!

    Love the carrier that you put your highly collectible aluminum glasses in!!

    You did good, girl!!


  18. Love your fun finds this weekend, especially the phone! How cool that it was in the free box! I didn't get out to any sales or thrift shops this past weekend unfortunately. I need to do like you and start taking my photos outside again, my lighting in the house stinks too.

  19. My dear your dig and scrapping of stickers was well worth it..I am the crazy outdoor picture taker too...heck with the neighbors. Love that little boy and his owl...smiles...Renee

  20. I'm dreading bad weather, my pictures are so much nicer taken outside too!!

  21. Oh WOW!! That phone for FREE! Those seem to go so high! I love it.
    I am glad you didn't pass on that glass holder. Perfect for your glasses!!

    The only finds I have found are what came in the mail! The flea market starts back up next week and I have saved up in case something good is waiting for me!

  22. First - the phone, with the tray? Beautiful. The photos? I have the same problem with shade trees, and it's actually been harder this year to take pictures inside than in the fall and winter, when the leaves fall (but, of course, when there's no sun and something like 18 hours of darkness). I've been going out on the front porch, and I swear every passerby thinks I'm nuts. I don't much care, but I care a little....

  23. I really like the carrier. It realluy ios perfect for your vintage aluminum glasses. I'm sure my nieghbors think I'm crazy when I take photos out on the deck, or in the garden, too. Oh well. They are probably right. Ha! :-)

  24. Love that aqua phone and the little Lefton graduate with the owl on his head. I have just started taking pictures for my "under construction blog to be".I was outside taking pictures of the same garden items in the front yard multiple times in the same day with different sun conditions. I never was one to take pics of still life items, but always friends, kids and pets. After about the third different time of my being out there taking pictures of garden statuary, I did see a neighbor looking out of their window to see what was the big deal that I was repeatedly taking pics of or maybe she could hear my dog repeatedly barking and howling because he couldn't come out on his leash with me all of those times. So now Fuzzy dog is mad at me and my neighbors surely think I'm at least a half bubble off. Blogging is sure to be fun if I can ever get it up and going.

  25. Hello♥

    I love all your newly found treasures. That aqua phone is gorgeous. I can't believe it was in a Free box... funny the treasures people discard.

    I used to feel weird taking my photos outside and in the big picture window at my old house... now I am used to it. Plus that is how I make my living. My new neighbors are used to seeing me outside hauling in lots of treasures almost daily, painting the field behind my house, and snapping pictures.


  26. Ha ha! That is so funny! Yes, I do feel a little weird, taking my stuff outside for pictures, but I have the weirdest colors that come through if I take them inside. So outside is the best lighting for me, too! Mostly, I think other bloggers must think I am weird! Funny thing is, I didn't even realize or think about your pictures being outside until you mentioned it, ha ha! I love your colored tumblers in the wire holder! They look super retro cool! The little planters and the graduate, so cute!! Great old and pretty phone, and for free, Woo hoo!

  27. Kinda late reading this, but I love the phone. Best part is the fact that you got it for free! I can't believe you alomost passed up the drink holder. Those are hard to find. I'm always on the lookout for those since I "accidentally" started collecting 50's-60's pitcher and tumbler sets. Lol.

  28. We live in the country so no nosy neighbors to worry about, but for some reason my stuff doesn't look very good photographed outdoors. Most of the things I photo these days are small pieces of jewelry so maybe that's why. I adore that phone--if I brought one of those home my husband would give me that "oh gawd, here's another thing that doesn't work that she's going to display"look, and then hang it up for me! And you got it FREE!!!!

  29. Carol, You find amazing stuff! Your aluminum glasses look great in the holder. Love the bunnies planter, who could leave that?

    I need to take my photos outside, my light is bad too. Think I'll try it next time. My neighbors are far away. :-)


    so jealous of your new old phone:)

  31. love the color of your phone! Wish I still had my pink one from my bedroom.


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