Monday, February 4, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm so glad to be back from my unintentionally long blog break! Last year was rather exhausting, dealing with all of my Mom's health issues, and then she had more surgery a few days after Christmas, and I guess it all caught up with me and I've been feeling rather BLAH. But while taking photos for this post, I've gotten that old excitement for blogging back again!
First I just had to share these glittery owls that I found at Dollar Tree. Aren't they cute? Until I find a better spot for them, they're hanging out up there on the fireplace. 
Try as I might, I just could not get a good shot of this aqua Miramar planter that hangs in the bedroom window unless the curtains were closed!
I'm trying for a red, pink and aqua kitchen, so I grabbed that chopper when I saw it.....somewhere. I used to be able to remember where I got everything, but I guess not being able to remember anymore is a sign that I have way too much junk!
A huge pixie to add to the collection. She's got some extremely pointy ears, doesn't she?!
The globe bank on the left is a new addition to the collection.
A super heavy metal patriotic eagle thingy! I also found something that I'd been looking for, for a few years now. I'll save that for REDnesday! ~~~~~~~ During my blog break, I didn't even feel the urge to go junking......that's how BLAH I felt! But the urge is back with a vengeance, and I even discovered a new thrift store, where I found the pixie, globe and eagle. See, I can remember where I found some of my junk! And I can't wait to catch up with everyone, and see what kind of junk you've found too!


  1. So good to see you back. Boy do I know how caring for a parent can take it out of you.......I totally lost 2011 to caring for my mom. I still take her to a lot of doctor appointments, so even when she's well there's a lot of work keeping her that way. God Bless, and I hope your mom is doing better.


  2. Glad to see you back! Great finds! Best to your mother too!

  3. I'm sorry you've been feeling blah. Hope your blah's turn to sunshine, soon! I love the way you display your "finds". The globes are so neat! And I love your newest pixie. So glad to find a new post from you. :)

  4. Good to see a post from you.....Love your finds once again, you always seem to find the great vintage goodies.....Blessings Francine.

  5. I was so excited to see your post in my blog list this morning. I haven't felt too much like junking lately either but all it takes is one good score to get it all back! Love that planter but especially the curtains in the background. My kitchen is pink and aqua with touches of red too. Great junking minds think alike!


  6. Hurrah! Carol and her junk are back! ;) Those owls are really cute! You just never know what you'll find at the Dollar Tree!

    Stupid ole blahs. I hate 'em!

    Spending so much time with my grands has made me half sick all the time. 2 more days and then they move so hopefully I'll get rested up and ready to blog more, too. ♥

  7. It is good to see you post! I so understand the blahs lately. Glad you are doing better. I hope that your mom is doing better, too.
    You found some cool junk. I went to the flea market yesterday and oddly, found exactly what I was looking for. That never happens!

    Have a great Monday!

  8. Welcome back, Carol! Totally get you on the feeling blah thing. And for me, whenever I take a break from blogging it is harder to get re-started the longer I wait--so then I wait longer, and then it's harder--totally a cycle.

    Hope things are looking up for you!

  9. Carol you know I missed you!!! So glad you got the blogging and junkin mojo back! Love love that elf and the planter! I can't remember day to day sometimes but for me it's age...ha! I hope things are better with your Mom. I know health issues with aging parents is rough! Hugs, Linda

  10. So HAPPY to see your post! Very sorry that your Mom has been so ill and that you have had the "blahs"!
    Fun finds! I haven't been out for awhile looking for treasures! Between the cold and too much already, just staying home!

  11. Welcome back. You were definitely missed. Continued well wishes for your mother and yourself. Taking care of loved ones is so difficult. I love your collection of globes. Your pixies are pretty darn cute too. Welcome back. I always enjoy your thrift finds!

  12. So glad to hear the blues are gone!It is hard sometimes isn't it? Any your finds! The pixie is very sweet!! And I love all the globes! I am on the look for one, but so far nothing!
    Happy Monday,

  13. Hi Carol,

    I have been in a funk lately too. Glad you are feeling better though. I think we all, at some point start feeling the blahs. I am off tomorrow to Fla, to visit my sweet blog friend Shari, whom I met on one of the blogs. Isn't blogging wonderful?


  14. Carol, I'm so glad you are back!! Sorry to hear about your moms troubles, though. I LOVE you bathroom curtains. And the little turquoise kitten tin is just like one I used to have. Good finds!!

  15. I've missed you! Glad you are back.
    Great finds, and I'm a Maeve Binchy fan too!


  16. Hi Carol,
    Nice to hear from you. Glad you got your thrifting wits about you again. You did find some nice things. That little hanging planter in your window looks like a McCoy.
    Nancy Jo

  17. SOOOOOO happy you are back! I missed your posts so much!


  18. So glad you're back, Carol. I hope your Mom is doing better-sick parents can give you the blahs. Sounds like you have your mojo back. Cute finds this week. Love the chopper and the little tin doll plate.

  19. Welcome back Carol,
    We were wondering if everything was okay....I'm glad to see you back and I hope your mom is doing better....I love your little owls!

  20. Sorry to hear about your Mom's health issues. I know that one photo is supposed to be about the aqua planter, but I'm oggling the curtains. Love them!

  21. Welcome haven't lost your junking 'touch'!

  22. Glad you are back and feeling better. Hope that your mom is doing well, too! Sweet new treasures, and those owls are so cute!! xo Heather

  23. Good to see you are back! I always enjoy seeing your finds. What a cute collection of pixies. What fun to find a "new to you" thrift store.

  24. Glad to see you back and not blah! Careful what you say around that pixie - her ears look like they will pick up even a whisper.

  25. Love your pixies! I have a globe collection too. Aren't they great? I am glad your back to blogging more. Taking care of parents can be exhausting. But, we love them :) Hope she's doing well.

  26. Glad you are back blogging!
    I have that little blue kitten tin also! so cute!
    Best wishes in taking care of your mom. I know how difficult and wearing it can be...I too take care of my mom and she has had many health issues. Knock on wood she is healthy right now! karen...

  27. LOVE the chopper! Those owls are super fun too! I am so happy you are back. :)


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