Monday, February 25, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I love it when I find something that I didn't even know existed. Did you know that there are vintage birthday tablecloths? I didn't!!! Aren't the colors fantastic?
Just in case you forget the words......
And the best part is that on the back, it's a Christmas tablecloth! Saves me some room in the Vintage Tablecloth Cabinet, which we'll visit in a minute, and again for REDnesday.
I have a few of these deer, and am happy to add another one to the herd. But it's that kitchen towel that's got me giddy!
A pink watering can that I can't wait to plant some purple pansies in.
I think it was the Green Bay Packer colors that drew my eye to this watering can!
A pair of drinking glasses with pretty petunias on them.
OK, here we go. I was looking for a particular tablecloth the other day in The Vintage Tablecloth Cabinet, which resulted in me taking everything out, because who could find anything in that mess?!?!
Which led me to "finding" this quilt, which I don't think I've ever shared. Love the Spring-y purple gingham border!
And I'm kinda intrigued by that strange umbrella square.....
Oops, found another quilt I forgot I had. I like pink and green together. Again, very Spring-y.
As a child, I wasn't too crazy about these dishes. Maybe it was the color. I mean c'mon, if those stars had been pink or aqua, it would have been a whole different story
Fast Forward many, many years, and like alot of stuff that I grew up with,  I can now appreciate the atomic mid century beauty of them. My Mom has a set big enough to feed an army, so she let me have a few. I've got my fingers crossed that I can somehow squeeze them into The Vintage Kitchenware Cabinet. Don't even get me started on that.......  


  1. How fantastic is that birthday tablecloth! You really do have quite the lovely collection. I'm glad you rescued that red reindeer too.

    Great finds!

  2. Hi There...
    What a great blog design. I like all the Irish touches. I love your collection...and, your birthday tablecloth is a delight.
    I always enjoy your blog. It's filled with color which I love.
    Thanks for sharing, Carol.
    Carolynn xo

  3. Neat stuff-- what a clever two-sided table cloth!! You might want to try displaying your mom's dishes bottom side out! Cool logo! Just a thought.

  4. Oh you found some great stuff! I love, love that reversible tablecloth, but then I like all vintage tablecloths, it's one of my weaknesses. I'm admitting right here that I'm a tablecloth hoarder. I do use them on my table though. Does that make me less of a hoarder? Lol.

  5. I love that wonderful tablecloth and that sweet little deer! Your cabinet looks like you can still squeeze a few more in. And if you fold them neatly....somehow they never all go back in! lol Enjoy your day!

  6. Love your reversible tablecloth -what a find! You do have a few! Hah!

  7. Oh great, now I need to find my own Birthday/Christmas tablecloth! Wonder how hard tha will be? You found some great things. It's obviously picking up in your are. I love those glasses though. I was just telling my husband that "we" need to come up with some sort of new shelving situation for my overflow of vintage glassware. Why or why couldn't they have made them ugly?

    Have a wonderful week!


  8. Great finds...and your rite it those stars would have been pink or aqua they would have been a great week with love Janice

  9. How cool is that? I've never seen a two-sided tablecloth before!

  10. I loved the starburst dishes...reminded me of the Jetsons! I have a Christmas table cloth like yours that I haven't unfolded...maybe it has birthday greetings on the back! Must go check! =D

  11. You know, if those table cloths are a problem, you're welcome to share them with me. WINK ~ WINK!

    That's awesome that your mom shared with you! Ya know, I have a whole Atomic board on Pinterest! It's dear to my heart although not really my style. ♥

  12. Carol, that is a great tablecloth. I didn't know that there were reversible ones.

    Funny about the watering can and the Packers!

  13. That tablecloth is a real find, I have never seen one before..imagine two for the price of gotta love vintage! Hugs, Diane


  14. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for stopping by. I didn't know about the birthday tableclothes either, maybe we should be getting out more. That is a lot of vintage in that closet, maybe I should come over and help you out with that, you know leave you with more room for new suff.You can let me know when you will be home.
    Nancy Jo

  15. Is it vinyl or cotton? i have only seen ONE cotton birthday tablecloth and someone butchered it. OY.

  16. That is an amazing tablecloth! I've never seen on like that! WOW! Love you found those cute quilt pieces to share with us!! Hugs, Linda

  17. Love that tablecloth. Your tc cabinet kinda reminds me of mine. They are jammed in and if I want to pull one out-about 10 others come with it. Love the rescue quilts too, especially the pink and green.

  18. Some one was thinking with that tablecloth and making it reversible..I don't think I have ever seen one like that before. From the looks of your tablecloth cabinet you can use all the extra room you can get!

  19. I'm amazed you finding such great stuff at this time of the year. It's terrible around here. Just terrible!

  20. Sweet Birthday tablecloth, love always find such great the purple quilt, spring colors for sure....Blessings Francine.

  21. eeeek....
    L-O-V-E the birthday table cloth! Haven't ever seen one!
    It's fun to dig around and see things we forgot in our stashes!

  22. eeeek....
    L-O-V-E the birthday table cloth! Haven't ever seen one!
    It's fun to dig around and see things we forgot in our stashes!

  23. Whoa... you've got a lot of fabulous finds there missy! Lucky you!

  24. Carol,
    O mY!! I love all of your goodies but I especially love the Christmas things!!

    I have you entered in my Giveaway!!

    Good Luck to you!!


  25. Carol, you find the BEST stuff! I love the tablecloth, amazing. I would love to find one and then set my cake plate that plays "happy bday" on it! Those star dishes were ours when I was little..I think they came from the IGA.

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  27. Love your blog... Thanks for sharing the birthday tablecloth... It brought back memories.. We had the same one and it was a standard for all our birthdays...


  28. Hi Carol! I have your blog on my Google reader, but I don't often get a chance to read it. I was thrilled tonight to find my family's birthday/Christmas tablecloth on a recent post! The one I have is vinyl and was something my mom purchased before my first birthday---not sure how old it really is. It was on our dining room table for every family birthday and every Christmas. :-) I have great memories of it. I inherited it when my passed in 2000 and it has been in a box somewhere since then...I sort of forgot about it. And this past Christmas, while sorting through stuff, I found it again! I love having such a vintage, unique piece. Congrats to you on finding yours. :-)


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