Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Grandma's Kitchen Table

When I was little, my parents and I would spend every Christmas and a week in the summer at my grandparents' house in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. That's me in the photo with them, and the potholder underneath was made by Grandma. Her kitchen was always the coziest, and often the warmest room in the house. It had a woodburning stove, and you could always find me curled up beside it, with a book in one hand and a kitten in the other! And for every meal, we gathered......
At Grandma's table. I loved this table way back then, and I'm completely bananas about it now. When my Mom said that I could have it, I jumped at the chance!
It even has a pull-out leaf, which we probably won't ever use because this table just barely fits in our teeny tiny kitchen.
The drawer is perfect for storing extra scrubbies and dishcloths, and my little tubes of Allergen Block. Wouldn't go to a dusty estate sale without it!
I've also got the big bowl that Grandma would mix the ingredients for her mouthwatering rye bread. The bread was so soft and the crust was so hearty. And then when you put some real butter on it, OH MY!!! That Smoothie measuring cup was hers too. 
Grandma also made THE BEST molasses cookies, which she would mix up in that white Fire King batter bowl.
I remember Grandma wearing an apron every single day, so having one of them hanging in my kitchen really means alot to me.
I've even got her molasses cookie recipe tucked in one of the pockets. Go ahead and enlarge it, but you won't see the entire recipe. It's a family secret!
I always thought that Grandma's table would be mine someday, and I'm so happy to have it here.  I guess Cupcake likes it too. She's made herself right at home, watching the birdies in the trees. And although I know the table is tough and has survived many decades of use, I've put down a sheet of plastic to protect us from her making her butt so darn comfortable up thereAnd Grandma, if you're up there watching over me, I'm sorry I didn't inherit your cooking skills, and I reeeeeally miss your cinnamon rolls, rye bread and dill gravy, which is another family secret!  

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~It was a case of quality over quantity in the junking department last week. But I won't complain, because the flea market is open and it seems that garage sale season has officially begun. YAY!
This poor Napco lady head vase has a broken neck. If she didn't, I never would have been able to afford her! She's a real beauty, despite the fact that she also has a serious amount of vegetation sprouting from her hair!
After I lopped off all of those flowers, she looks fantastic and gets along really well with all of the other girls!
I have been coveting a watering can like this one for a very long time, and finally found one at a fair price.
I'm always happy to add a new piece to my collections. Now, you may be looking at this picture and thinking: "She can't possibly fit another watering can up there. She's done collecting them". WRONG! There's always room for one more, and I was thinking that if I put the vintage trellis that's just sitting in the garage up on that wall, well my goodness, there's tons of room for more watering cans!
It was pretty hard to spot this mid century metal hanging planter in amongst all of those blue silk flowers, but I managed to see past them, and knew the hanger would look cute hanging on the back porch.
After spending a bit of time pulling those fake flowers out, I scurried on over to Jewel to get some real live purple pansies. LOOOOVE IT!
This bird cage was in need of a bird to sit on the perch, so I was happy to find this vintage clip-on bluebird at an estate sale.
My back still hurts from hauling this cement deer up from the basement at an estate sale. And it looks like somebody needs to start raking up some leaves. Or maybe not. Because after all, we're only halfway through April, and it did snow a little bit Saturday morning. Better wait a few weeks!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~So how's the junking situation, and the weather, in your part of the world?