Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Grandma's Kitchen Table

When I was little, my parents and I would spend every Christmas and a week in the summer at my grandparents' house in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. That's me in the photo with them, and the potholder underneath was made by Grandma. Her kitchen was always the coziest, and often the warmest room in the house. It had a woodburning stove, and you could always find me curled up beside it, with a book in one hand and a kitten in the other! And for every meal, we gathered......
At Grandma's table. I loved this table way back then, and I'm completely bananas about it now. When my Mom said that I could have it, I jumped at the chance!
It even has a pull-out leaf, which we probably won't ever use because this table just barely fits in our teeny tiny kitchen.
The drawer is perfect for storing extra scrubbies and dishcloths, and my little tubes of Allergen Block. Wouldn't go to a dusty estate sale without it!
I've also got the big bowl that Grandma would mix the ingredients for her mouthwatering rye bread. The bread was so soft and the crust was so hearty. And then when you put some real butter on it, OH MY!!! That Smoothie measuring cup was hers too. 
Grandma also made THE BEST molasses cookies, which she would mix up in that white Fire King batter bowl.
I remember Grandma wearing an apron every single day, so having one of them hanging in my kitchen really means alot to me.
I've even got her molasses cookie recipe tucked in one of the pockets. Go ahead and enlarge it, but you won't see the entire recipe. It's a family secret!
I always thought that Grandma's table would be mine someday, and I'm so happy to have it here.  I guess Cupcake likes it too. She's made herself right at home, watching the birdies in the trees. And although I know the table is tough and has survived many decades of use, I've put down a sheet of plastic to protect us from her making her butt so darn comfortable up thereAnd Grandma, if you're up there watching over me, I'm sorry I didn't inherit your cooking skills, and I reeeeeally miss your cinnamon rolls, rye bread and dill gravy, which is another family secret!  


  1. Oh I love your post this morning, so beautiful about your Grandma and the memories you have of such a great time when you were the table, bowls and that is one of my favorite cookies, lucky you to have these treasures to enjoy for years to come.....Blessings Francine.

  2. Wow! What a great table and great memories too! My Grandma's kitchen table had that drawer as well! I forgot all about it till you mentioned it. Maggie

  3. How lucky are you to not only have something that brings back such great childhood memories but something as AMAZING as that table!!! I would totally do a whole kitchen overhaul to make that beauty fit.

    Have a great day!


  4. Great table made better by your story! So glad for you!

  5. What a terrific post filled with great memories. thanks for sharing your Grandma with us. The table is amazing, and the condition looks pristine. Now I'm craving warm, buttered Rye bread, LOL!
    :) Pam

  6. I'm so happy for you. What a beautiful table and memories. Such a lovely tribute to your Grandmother.

  7. I'm so happy for you, Carol! You have memories of your grandma and you have some of her belongings that you remember! That's really a gift to be treasured. ♥

  8. Carol, what treasures you have, to have not only the beautiful items but the sweet memories to go with them! You are lucky.

  9. Carol, how marvelous! Things from Grandma's kitchen are the best. That is a great table. My cousin is bring my Grandmothers Hoosier cabinet home to 1515 in May and I am so excited to have it back where it started.
    Too bad you won't let loose of that recipe, I could make you a apron with it on the front. Dill gravy? I have never heard of that. Have a great day!

  10. Oh how I've missed my visits. I did get your email Carol and thank you! I have been tied in a knot working three jobs and I've gone down to two and finally have time to stop and smell the roses and enjoy spring.

    I loved reading about the memories of your grandma and it made me think of my grandma Anne. She would come to our house for three months every summer as my parents were building Once Upon a Fairyland. She would wear her apron too from sun up to sun down literally. She would bake all day long and freeze it for our winter. You have been so blessed to have her table and the goods in the drawer are full of charm and a huge cup of love, I can see that and feel that.
    Come visit me again pretty please. Some say I am not showing up on their blog roll but I am very much blogging to my hearts content!

    Hugs lots of them! Jackie

  11. Oh Carol, it's just exactly like the table my grandma had in her kitchen, too. Your kitchen area even looks like my grammy's kitchen. Her table was right under the kitchen window and I'd sit there and drink milk out of jelly glasses....remember those?

    I keep wanting to go see my grandmas house in Phoenix (I live in Gilbert, AZ) yet I'm worried about all the changes it might have gone through in the past 40 years and the memories will not match, but it's on my bucket list. I know it's silly, as it's only about 45 minutes away, but I might just cry if it's way different. Oh how blessed you are!


  12. Oh Carol, I am so glad that you brought the table home. Your Grandma would be so happy for you to have those things.
    I have always liked that style of table. Lucky you!!!!

  13. Love your Grandma's table and other treasures! Your post has me missing my Grandmas!! One of them had a old metal table. It was silver. They are keepsakes for sure. I do have an old recipe book from one that has her "approval" on some of the recipes...good memeories!
    Thank you for the birthday wishes!

  14. Oh, I love your Grandma's table , too! That is exactly the type of table that I DREAM of finding some day! It is fabulous - and so very special because it was handed down to you.

  15. A wonderful post today. I love your table and all your grandmothers things passed to you. I too sit at my grandmother's little drop leaf table in my very own little kitchen. Much different than your's,but just as special :) Blessings friend

  16. Carol I love your Grandma's table! You are so lucky to have that and so many of her bowls and other kitchen treasures! This post made me so happy....thanks for sharing!

  17. How wonderful that you have some vintage items from your Grandma! The memories behind them makes them so much more special. My Grandma makes the best chicken & dumplings, potato salad, and fruit cocktail cake. YUM!!! I made sure I wrote down her recipes. She's 86 years old now and sews on her quilts every day. Future family heirlooms!

    Oh yeah, AllergenBlock, awesome!

  18. The perfect spot for your grandmother's table and the fond memories associated with it. Molasses cookies are my favorite!

  19. Hi Carol!
    What a lovely post :) I love that pretty reminds me somewhat of my Grandmom Ordes, my other grandmother had more of a colonial style. That apron really brings back memories of both of them...they were always in the Kitchen fixing something yummy for us! Thank you for sharing :)

  20. could have almost been talking about my vacations and holidays! And in Wisconsin! How wonderful that you have her table!!!!! My grandma's dining room table is at one of the great grand kids houses. I have next to nothing of hers, but I do have wonderful memories....I am so happy that you have pieces of your childhood and real physical memories of your grandma! :)

  21. Of course you had me at "northwoods" and I LOVE the kitchen table too. The very BEST part about "stuff" is the story/memory it contains.

  22. What a great table, I'm so glad you have it to enjoy! If you can only share one family secret... My vote is the Dill Gravy!!! Oh I'd love to know about that:@)

  23. Oh Carol, how sweet is this table!! My grandma had one like it, (not the same pattern) in her small kitchen too! I agree with it being so cozy. How fortunate that you were able to inherit it, to continue making wonderful memories with your family! Love it!!


  24. That table is fantastic! Also love the sound of homemade rye bread.

  25. This is such a sweet post. I didn't want it to end. How lucky to not only have such lovely memories but to have her things, so special.

  26. Well, every single one of us would love to have inherited that sweet piece of Grama's furniture! WOW! I love the idea of tucking her recipe in the pocket...such loving memories.

  27. Grandmothers were just the best cooks!

  28. oh my gosh..I'm so mashed banana girl...what a blessings..all of it...oh my gosh...That is really awesome and such a precious gift...

  29. I love those tables, and that one especially, and the fact that it found a happy home with you. What a treasure!

  30. I love your table and you're so lucky to have it. It's not just any old's your grandma's which makes it even more special. I just love sentimental things.

  31. Hi Carol, I am new to your blog! I found you through Sunny Simply Life's blog roll. I am loving your grandma's table. I know that someone in my family had one of might've been my maternal grandma. It looks so familiar.

    I hope you come over to my blog and visit as well. I'll be adding your blog to my blogroll! Hope you have a beautiful and blessed day.

  32. Loved this post! How wonderful to have your Grandma's pretty red and white table and other keepsakes. You've got me thinking about and missing my Grandma and Grandpa. My Grandma apparently didn't write down her recipes. No one in the family has ever been able to make chicken and dumplings that are as delicious as hers were. The picture with you and your Grandma and Grandpa is so sweet.

  33. Loved this post! How wonderful to have your Grandma's pretty red and white table and other keepsakes. You've got me thinking about and missing my Grandma and Grandpa. My Grandma apparently didn't write down her recipes. No one in the family has ever been able to make chicken and dumplings that are as delicious as hers were. The picture with you and your Grandma and Grandpa is so sweet.

  34. Loved this post! How wonderful to have your Grandma's pretty red and white table and other keepsakes. You've got me thinking about and missing my Grandma and Grandpa. My Grandma apparently didn't write down her recipes. No one in the family has ever been able to make chicken and dumplings that are as delicious as hers were. The picture with you and your Grandma and Grandpa is so sweet.

  35. You have such great treasures from your grandma and great memories! My mother had a brown bowl just like your grandmothers'. That kitchen table is wonderful!!

  36. Oh -I know that pretty little table is so at home in your kitchen. I love having reminders of family around. I can just smell that yummy rye bread-that's one thing I miss about living in Chicago-good rye! Wonderful post!

  37. Loved this post. So glad the table and other went to you. So glad your grandmother had someone who cherished her memory. Angels to you!

  38. Your table is absolutely wonderful! How special that you have so many of your sweet grandmother's things. I know that I treasure each and every thing I have from my dear grandmother, too.

  39. Grandmothers and grandfathers deserve all our esteem! Your photos just reminded me of that. What perfect memories, and you can even use them. Thanks for the post!

  40. Absolutely adore your collections and your gardens! I'm hoping someday to be able to stage the items I treasure so I can enjoy them every day as you do.
    This entry was a favorite and reminded me of a crafty idea I saw on Pinterest; they took an old recipe, scanned it and printed it out on fabric to create a custom tea towel. The process sounded quite easy actually. It wouldn't be vintage, but could be cute in your kitchen and a unique way to hide Grandma's secret recipe in plain sight!

  41. We just found the exact same table!! Do you know how old it is or the maker? Anything to give me an idea?


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