Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Month's Worth of MY WEEKEND FINDS!

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~It's been busy around here since I last posted, and I'll talk about that in my next post, but for now, here's what's new at the cottage in the junk department!
Since it looks like I will never ever be able to afford a vintage patriotic picnic tin like this one on Ebay, I decided to buy this beauty from Cost Plus World Market
I couldn't pass up these old 7UP bottles. Alot of the vintage things that come home with me do so because they trigger a memory from childhood, and these bottles are a perfect example. When I was about 5 years old, my family took a camping trip to Yellowstone Park. I remember that when we got thirsty, my Dad would pull a bottle of 7UP from a nearby stream, and I thought that they grew there! Little did I know that he had put them in there to keep them cold! 
A vintage appliqued butterfly quilt. For $3.00!
A close-up of one of the butterflies. Sure wish I knew if this was feedsack material.....
A couple of little birdcages. It's hard to tell from this picture how small they are, or that the one on the left has a minty green tray and the one on the right has an aqua-y one.
The one on the left still has it's original $3.29 Goldblatt's price tag!
I spotted this big heart-shaped bird cage hanging on the porch at a garage sale. I didn't think it was for sale, but it never hurts to ask. Turns out it was for sale. The seller's wife had passed away last Fall, and everything on the porch had some kind of heart on it. I felt sad after hearing that, but I sure will treasure that bird cage even more now.....
I don't know about you, but I actually start to sweat a little when I see something like this Fire King batter bowl at a garage sale. Will it be overpriced? Do I need another piece of Fire King? NO, it was only $2, and YES I needed it!
And while we're talking about jadeite, I thought that this little hobnail creamer would look lovely sitting on the sill with some flowers in it. Forget the fact that it's a repro. All jadeite is welcome here!
Do you ever continue to go to a sale, every week, even though you strongly dislike the seller because he doesn't understand the concept of haggling for a better price? I don't like the guy who sold me that fishy wall pocket, but I do like that fish!
A blue parakeet to keep the pink one company.
Deer have always been dear to me, so after passing up that little brown deer planter at an antique shop while on vacation last year, I brought it home in my suitcase this year!
Still trying to make the kitchen all red, pink and aqua, so this Lustro Ware juice reamer also made the trip home in my suitcase. The sweet lady who sold it to me graciously showed me her kitchen, which is decorated with only vintage aqua kitchenware. It. Was. Amazing! And I'm hoping that she will condense her collection even further and I'll find more at her sale next year!~~~~~So, how's the junking going in your part of the world? 


  1. Come on!!!! Jadite for 2 dollars, you really hit the jackpot girl....Love the porch all decorated up for the 4th, looks great....Happy Summer, Francine.

  2. I always enjoy seeing your porch happenings for each season. Can't get over your jadite. That bowl is seriously amazing and I love the reproduction vase too. Glad to see a new post from you!

  3. Oh my goodness! I need a Fire King batter bowl too! Wow, what a great price!

  4. Where have you been? Out gathering goodies I see! The little bird cages are so sweet. You do find the good stuff!
    Love the picnic tin!

  5. Wow! You really got some great stuff this weekend and plenty to add to the summer and 4th of July celebration! (Rob)

  6. Everything is spectacular! I do believe all those butterflies on that quilt are made of feedsack.......how lucky are you, and only $3....wow. You'll never, ever find goodies like that and at those prices here in AZ.


  7. I found that same Jadite batter bowl at an antique mall for 10 bucks last year. I would say we both scored! Your porch looks so cute & definitely ready for the holiday.

    I was super excited to see that you were back on my blog roll this morning. Hope you had a great vacation.


  8. I wish I could click your photos to enlarge, I need to examine more prints on the quilt. :-)

    I cannot tell if they are all the same era or not from far away. As far as the feedsack question goes (I cannot remember if I have given you this "lecture" or not?) you will never know unless they were part of an intact sack or there obvious stitching holes in the piece on the quilt (which most quilters would NEVER do). The tricky bit is that the same prints on sacks were made as yard goods also. BUT, the orints themselves are still a good indicator of time period. :-)

  9. Hi, Carol! I like your new basket better than the old ebay one!

    I finally made it up to my favorite thrift store by the farm and got some great deals between 25 cents and a dollar! I'll be showing them once those annoying photo bucket bleeps leave my blog!

    Hey, you did PAY for that deer before putting it in your suitcase- right? ;)

  10. Wow Carol, that quilt is wonderful! What a price.

    You really did score on the batter bowl, too. It looks like it is the wide rim one. Those are harder to find and go for more!

  11. So good to see your post - I was having Old Glory Cottage withdrawals - not fun. Your decoration skills are such an inspiration.

  12. Where in the world were you junking? Quilt for $3, jadite for 3? You really found some great things for great prices!

  13. I'm going nuts over every single thing in this post! I gasped at the red/white/blue picnic basket, so I'm so happy to hear that it's not old! I'm heading to World Market! I love the quilt, the jadite, the fish wall pocket...all of it!
    Thanks so much for this fun post!
    Erica :)

  14. Such great finds and prices! A beautiful quilt for3 and Jadeite for 2...you must be living right!

    :) Pam

  15. I am in stunned awe!! $3 for that gorgeous quilt, $2 for Jadite!!! OH MY! Well I love the bird cages also. In fact I love everything you shared with us! I've missed you and your great junk!!


  16. Everything about this post is wonderful!! I have looked the photos over and over :) the quilt is my favorite!! Lucky you!!

  17. Good Lordy, I've got junk-envy!
    The batter bowl, the bird cages, the QUILT (Probably some feedsack in there!) on and on and on . . . . .


  18. Oh My Goodness! I LOVE the appliqued butterfly quilt and the pretty green jadeite batter bowl!!

  19. Carol, I was missing you! Love the quilt for $3! and I have the batter bowl, but paid a whole lot more!

  20. What a score you got with that batter bowl, and I love the hobnail repro piece. "All jadeite is welcome here"--love it! :) --Fran

  21. Love what you found....I have the pillow to match that butterfly quilt. Picked it up for .25 cents at the thrift store. Blessings

  22. Carol it seems like a bazillion years since I've been peeked in on old blog friends and while so much has changed in BlogLand, it is so nice to visit and see you are still sharing your vintage treasures displayed in the most charming vignettes ~ thanks! Judi


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