Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~My Mom has been in the hospital and is now in a nursing home rehabbing, trying to get strong enough to go home. Anyone who has been in this situation knows how stressful it can be, and that it's also important to make time for the things you love, so I've been squeezing in a little junking!
I was seconds away from spraypainting this curvaceous bird cage white, but something stopped me.  
You see, I want to hang it where that Stars and Stripes sign is on the front porch. Will it just fade into the front door if it stays black? Does it need to be white to give it that cottagey feel? Please help! I know it's just paint, but I'm trying to avoid wasting paint and time! 
I think I'm going to make that pink quilt top my winter project. Wish me luck! And I'm going to see if my sister, who is an amazing quilter, can do anything with all of the pieces in that little black suitcase. Got all of this for only $6!
Whenever I can, I like to show what I've done with my finds. In this case, that Napco canary plate is a new addition to the bird room bathroom. A couple of years ago, our daughter asked "What's with all of the birds in the bathroom?". I hadn't realized I had so many in there, so since then it's become The Bird Room!
New additions to the holiday decorations.
A heavy metal Abe Lincoln bookend(?) and a huge flower frog. That thing is bigger than my palm! I think I'm going to start rubbing Abe's nose for good luck, like they do at his tomb in Springfield, Illinois!
I think I've been watching entirely too much Downton Abbey! My sister bought all of the seasons and let me borrow them. I can SO picture one of these tiny silver bud vases in one of the ladies' rooms!
Pardon the mirror reflecting the chalkboard on the other wall. This is by the back door and that's where I've hung my newest vintage camera.
More old Girl Scout stuff for my budding collection: A collapsible cup, compass and pocket knife. Still hoping to find my old uniform and beret packed away at my Mom's someday!~~~~~Did you find any good junk over the weekend? And could you please help me decide whether or not to paint that birdcage?!?