Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~My Mom has been in the hospital and is now in a nursing home rehabbing, trying to get strong enough to go home. Anyone who has been in this situation knows how stressful it can be, and that it's also important to make time for the things you love, so I've been squeezing in a little junking!
I was seconds away from spraypainting this curvaceous bird cage white, but something stopped me.  
You see, I want to hang it where that Stars and Stripes sign is on the front porch. Will it just fade into the front door if it stays black? Does it need to be white to give it that cottagey feel? Please help! I know it's just paint, but I'm trying to avoid wasting paint and time! 
I think I'm going to make that pink quilt top my winter project. Wish me luck! And I'm going to see if my sister, who is an amazing quilter, can do anything with all of the pieces in that little black suitcase. Got all of this for only $6!
Whenever I can, I like to show what I've done with my finds. In this case, that Napco canary plate is a new addition to the bird room bathroom. A couple of years ago, our daughter asked "What's with all of the birds in the bathroom?". I hadn't realized I had so many in there, so since then it's become The Bird Room!
New additions to the holiday decorations.
A heavy metal Abe Lincoln bookend(?) and a huge flower frog. That thing is bigger than my palm! I think I'm going to start rubbing Abe's nose for good luck, like they do at his tomb in Springfield, Illinois!
I think I've been watching entirely too much Downton Abbey! My sister bought all of the seasons and let me borrow them. I can SO picture one of these tiny silver bud vases in one of the ladies' rooms!
Pardon the mirror reflecting the chalkboard on the other wall. This is by the back door and that's where I've hung my newest vintage camera.
More old Girl Scout stuff for my budding collection: A collapsible cup, compass and pocket knife. Still hoping to find my old uniform and beret packed away at my Mom's someday!~~~~~Did you find any good junk over the weekend? And could you please help me decide whether or not to paint that birdcage?!?


  1. Hi Carol! I did find osme good junk ove rthe weekend and even some curbside goodies! I posted it if you go to my Maggie's Lil' Fixins page. Love what you got! The Girl Scout stuff is awesome.Cool bird cage. I think I would spray paint it white! I love a crisp white bird cage! Maggie

  2. I would definitely go with a white birdcage. It will stand out so much better! Love your bird bathroom. Mine is full of birds too, although that was never the intention. Sometimes things just happen that way!

    I did find some great stuff at the Plucky Maidens show. One thing in particular made me think of you. Now I just need to find the time to blog!


  3. It's all so adorable Carol and I woud love to sort through that fabric ~ I like the idea of the bird cage being white, but I also like it they way you found it ~ so there, I'm no help LOL! Judi

  4. Hi, Carol! Old quilt pieces and a quilt top! Yum! I keep forgetting about my cutter quilt!

    Just a thought on the cage- since you like to decorate for Halloween, maybe leave it black until after?

    That would be awesome if you could find your girl scout uniform. I wish I could have been a girl scout. It was one of my biggest childhood disappointments!

    I recently found an aqua hair dryer from the 60's maybe? It's the hard cased hood style like in a beauty parlor. Once I get it all cleaned up, I'll show pics but I'm saving it for my future booth. ♥

  5. You could always keep the birdcage black until Halloween passes (tuck in some vintage Halloween treasures) and then paint it white for the rest of your future uses. You always find the best goodies. Best of luck with the quilt project. Thinking of you and your mother during her rehab.

  6. Good morning!
    It looks like you found some great things this weekend.

    For the color of the birdcage. It will come to you. If you go ahead and paint it, you can always redo it if you have another idea.

  7. Very cool finds, Carol!! I love the Girl Scout figurine!!! Hope your mother makes a speedy recovery and is home soon :)

  8. I am sorry to hear about your mom.. I hope she gets better quick and is able to go home soon!!
    Your home is just beautiful! I love all of your finds! Especially that bird cage.. I think whether to paint it or not depends on what you might put in it? If you put something light colored in it, it could stay black and stand out from the house.. Hope that helps!! Hugs!!! Melissa

  9. So sorry to hear about your mom. I have been there and wish you and her the best.
    I wonder why so many of us have birds in our bathrooms? Love your collection.
    I would paint the bird cage white so that it will show up better.
    Visited family this weekend but found some treasures at Plucky Maidens last Thursday.

  10. I have been there with my mother. She is 86 and has something major happen every other year it seems. Last count I think she had had 13 surgeries in 9 years. It is hard. But I agree you can become consumed with caring for them and you need a little relief.
    I like what the others said about the bird cage.....leave it black til after Halloween. You can't see it painted black on the porch. I would paint it later. It would awesome painted pink near your collections.

  11. Sweet finds Carol! Sorry to hear about your Mom, hope she is out of rehab soon. Agree with a couple comments to leave your birdcage black through Halloween and then decide. After, you might want to spray it red for Christmas & Valentines, etc. I love spray paint, makes it easy when we change our minds.

    Like your bird room, cute!

    :) Pam

  12. Paint the birdcage. You can paint it again if it doesn't work!
    Sorry to hear about your Mom!

  13. Carol I always enjoy seeing your finds. So many are things I would buy if I could!! I think paint the birdcage so it will show up on the porch. Hoping your Mom is on the mend. It does take so long to recoop doesn't it.


  14. Hi Carol, love all your weekend finds! I personally would paint the bird cage white. Happy Hunting! :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I would paint the bird cage only if I could find someone to paint it for me. I am that lazy.

  17. Hi Carol! I'm missed you! Glad you found a bit of time to share with us when you have your mom to help out. I found some interesting stuff at an estate sale this weekend. Haven't been thriftin' for ages. I might sneak out and do some tomorrow. Baby Bee starts school tomorrow but I still have a couple of days of freedom before I go back to school.

    Now, should you paint it? Well, it might stand out a little more, but something told you not to do it - listen to your instinct! (See? I'm no help at all!)

  18. $6? Insert sounds of me fainting here. Paint the cage.

  19. I did find some goodies this weekend also. Would love to have you visit my "Saturday Treasures". If you get a chance. You found a lot of neat items.



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