Thursday, October 31, 2013


Happy Halloween, from our spooky house to yours! I thought I would share a few pics of our outdoor decorations today, and I had a little fun with Pic Monkey while I was at it!
I often wonder if people think: "There's The Crazy Cat Lady House" as they're walking or driving past our house during the month of October! I decorate "cute", with pumpkins and black cats, instead of gory. Lots of cats up on the porch railing, strolling along "Black Cat Crossing" this year!
Another black cat, in the garage windowbox!
Still more cats, this one by the back door.
The back porch.
I didn't realize Cupcake was watching me the whole time, until I uploaded the previous pic! I have a feeling that she's wondering what's the deal with all of the cats out there, and why can't she be out there too! 
A vintage plantstand, full of sparkly pumpkins.
I guess this is more Fall than Halloween, but there is a crow lurking in the background. If you've ever seen Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, you know how a couple of birds can lead to total chaos. I remember having nightmares after seeing that movie! 
More Fall decorations. When I bought that picnic basket, I remember thinking that even though the red had faded to orange, it would work perfectly with the Fall decorations. So I packed it away in the shed,  and that's how I have so much junk! 
Recent flea market/estate sale finds.
The only indoor Halloween decorations I managed this year. I recently brought home that movie from my Mom's house. I remember when my Dad would put that movie on the old projector, it was equal parts terror and excitement. That spider is HUGE! 
Our pumpkin, carved by our very artistic and talented daughter Liz. I think she could tell that I'm obsessed with owls this year! I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Halloween! It looks like it's going to rain all day and night here, so I guess we won't get alot of trick or treaters. We usually have 100+ kids come to the door, so it's looking like we will be returning candy to the store. Tricked Ya!! I've already called dibs on the Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and the Twizzlers! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I have wanted one of these picnic tins for years, but could never ever justify the price they would go for on Ebay. I think I even had a dream once, about finding one at a garage sale. It was sitting in a little old man's garage, holding nails and screws. Isn't that pathetic, to dream about junk?!?  This one came from Ebay, and it's in really rough condition, so I could totally afford it! You can barely see the red and white stripes anymore, but that's ok. I still love it!
The addition required a little rearranging of the tins on this bookshelf. Remember, this is only a portion of my collection!
It's the most colorful spot in the house!
I was really excited that this round tablecloth and light-up snowman were both waiting for me on the 2nd day of an estate sale. Half price day too!
Those old gift tags reminded me instantly of Christmases spent with my grandparents in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. It was magical! I'm pretty sure the tags are from the 60s, because there's no barcode on it, which was invented in 1973. There's a history lesson for ya! I already shared that December angel awhile ago. She's only in the shot because I'm leaving her in plain sight so that I don't lose her when it comes time to decorate for Christmas!
A cement blue jay, bought at an estate sale in what was probably the stinkiest house I've ever been in. A combination of mold and many cigarettes having been smoked in there over a long period of time.  I only darted inside, held my breath, grabbed the statue and one other thing, which I'll show you in a minute, paid and ran outside, gasping for breath! 
I was shocked that I missed this cement shroom on the 1st day of another estate sale, but I did see it the 2nd day and got it for half price! Oh how I'm going to miss those flowers in this shot. We're having a hard freeze tonight.......
This Easter blow mold is the other thing I grabbed while holding my breath at that stinky sale. I was sure I would be sick the next day, as I'm very allergic to mold. Pyrex lovers might not like to read this, but if I could have held my breath for just a little bit longer, I could have grabbed a bunch of  pretty pink and aqua Pyrex that I saw as I was darting towards the door. I'll do alot of things to get some good junk, but getting sick is not one of them!
I'm crazy about this little chandie, and I can't wait to hang it on the porch next Spring!~~~~~~~Well that's it for my finds. All in all, I would say that this year has been pretty awful in the junking department. I come home from garage sales feeling like I can never get back the time and gas that I just wasted. Thank goodness for the flea market, estate sales and Ebay! What about you? Has it been a good junking year for you?~~~~~I'M LINKING UP TO A NEW PARTY, "WE CALL IT OLDE". IT'S HOSTED BY DAWN AT WE CALL IT JUNKIN.  YOU CAN SHARE YOUR VINTAGE FINDS AT THIS PARTY. CHECK IT OUT!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~Is it just me, or has the junking been really awful this summer? Or is it that I've been trying to be more selective and not bring home so much junk? No question about it, the sales have been awful! The junk I'm about to show you was accumulated over a period of about a month and a half, and I don't have much to show for it! 
I fell in love with this bird cage stand as soon as I saw it at the flea market. But I'm not going to use it to hold a bird cage.....
It's going to hold a flower basket!
Anything aqua colored seems to catch my eye these days, so I was immediately drawn to this old picnic jug.
And when I saw the label, I had to have it! It's packed away now, but I can't wait to decorate with it next summer. 
Even the box is cool!
I've always wanted one of these birdcages with the singing birds in it. I like it, the cat hates it!
A huge, super-grungy flower frog. Definitely needs a good soaking and scrubbing.
A big fat crock for the front porch.
A Norcrest owl planter, bought weeks ago for a quarter. Proud of myself that I actually remembered where I put it for safe keeping until it was time to decorate for Halloween!
Holiday decorations. I knew the poinsettias were all chippy and her arm was broken when I bought that Lefton angel.....
But how could I miss the fact that she was missing her left arm??? Although the masking tape price tag was conveniently covering her nonexistent arm,  I think somebody needs to wear their glasses while shopping inside a dark garage..... 
A bunch of vintage trick or treat buckets.
And finally, a Santa blow mold that spent way too much time in the back of the van, or the shed on wheels, as I like to call it. Why did it live in the van for a few weeks? Because I had to sell a snowman blow mold at our garage sale in order to make room in the shed for the Santa. If you're a true junker, that made perfect sense to you. There's no arguing with a junker's logic!~~~~The garage sale and flea market season is drawing to a close, and I am sad yet strangely excited. I want to learn how to quilt, so that I can make one out of a quilt top that I found at a garage sale, and I'd also like to finally learn how to crochet. It's going to be a looonnnggg winter!