Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I have wanted one of these picnic tins for years, but could never ever justify the price they would go for on Ebay. I think I even had a dream once, about finding one at a garage sale. It was sitting in a little old man's garage, holding nails and screws. Isn't that pathetic, to dream about junk?!?  This one came from Ebay, and it's in really rough condition, so I could totally afford it! You can barely see the red and white stripes anymore, but that's ok. I still love it!
The addition required a little rearranging of the tins on this bookshelf. Remember, this is only a portion of my collection!
It's the most colorful spot in the house!
I was really excited that this round tablecloth and light-up snowman were both waiting for me on the 2nd day of an estate sale. Half price day too!
Those old gift tags reminded me instantly of Christmases spent with my grandparents in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. It was magical! I'm pretty sure the tags are from the 60s, because there's no barcode on it, which was invented in 1973. There's a history lesson for ya! I already shared that December angel awhile ago. She's only in the shot because I'm leaving her in plain sight so that I don't lose her when it comes time to decorate for Christmas!
A cement blue jay, bought at an estate sale in what was probably the stinkiest house I've ever been in. A combination of mold and many cigarettes having been smoked in there over a long period of time.  I only darted inside, held my breath, grabbed the statue and one other thing, which I'll show you in a minute, paid and ran outside, gasping for breath! 
I was shocked that I missed this cement shroom on the 1st day of another estate sale, but I did see it the 2nd day and got it for half price! Oh how I'm going to miss those flowers in this shot. We're having a hard freeze tonight.......
This Easter blow mold is the other thing I grabbed while holding my breath at that stinky sale. I was sure I would be sick the next day, as I'm very allergic to mold. Pyrex lovers might not like to read this, but if I could have held my breath for just a little bit longer, I could have grabbed a bunch of  pretty pink and aqua Pyrex that I saw as I was darting towards the door. I'll do alot of things to get some good junk, but getting sick is not one of them!
I'm crazy about this little chandie, and I can't wait to hang it on the porch next Spring!~~~~~~~Well that's it for my finds. All in all, I would say that this year has been pretty awful in the junking department. I come home from garage sales feeling like I can never get back the time and gas that I just wasted. Thank goodness for the flea market, estate sales and Ebay! What about you? Has it been a good junking year for you?~~~~~I'M LINKING UP TO A NEW PARTY, "WE CALL IT OLDE". IT'S HOSTED BY DAWN AT WE CALL IT JUNKIN.  YOU CAN SHARE YOUR VINTAGE FINDS AT THIS PARTY. CHECK IT OUT!


  1. You have a very nice collection!!!!

  2. We are on the same page about time and gas wasted going to garage sales-- did a lot of that this summer! Disappointing. I also hear ya about mold-- I have a similar problem. Stinks, doesn't it? On the plus side-- love your finds. I adore the old, colorful Xmas tags. Reminds me of "Christmas past" too!

  3. It looks like you did find some good stuff, even if it was slow going this year.
    That is too bad about the stinky sale.
    I haven't been anywhere to find anything lately. I even passed up the monthly flea market. No new junk around here!

  4. I LOVE your new tablecloth! The fringe is too cute:@)

  5. You find the best "junk"! Just love your tin shelf display, it's really fantastic.

    Sweet tablecloth (of course I would love that) and snowman too. Everything you found is super!

    Thanks for the info on bar codes!

    :) Pam

  6. Lovely picnic tin collection!! My year has been fairly slow, too, as far as finding additions to my collections and I made too many re-selling mistakes this year! Oh, well :)

  7. great finds I collect tins also.
    love the cement finds.

  8. You know this summer I did very little junking since I was having surgery and then slow recovery but my sister has been saying the same not real good score for her either. I sure do love the way you have your tins displayed. ~

  9. I found a ton of those Christmas tags still in the packaging at a yard sale last year. I used a lot of them last Christmas. They made the packages look so sweet.

    Love your tin display. I bought a pink tray at an estate sale over the weekend that looks like it belongs with the set you have on the wall. They are really hard to walk away from . I have that patriotic picnic basket pinned and fingers crossed that I find it someday! I actually prefer the rusty, worn look over perfect. It just makes it look more loved to me!

    As a Pyrex lover and an avid collector of mostly pink and aqua, I was super sad to hear about how you had to pass up those colors! Aaaaaaaaagh!!!! But I bet you may have sacrificed your health a little bit had the house been full of vintage lunch boxes and picnic baskets, right?


  10. Don't worry I dream about junk too. I dream about estate sales. I dream about blogland friends. I have crazy dreams.

  11. Hi, Carol!

    I'm always so happy to see a junkin' post from you.

    Yes, I dream about finding stuff AND I blog about it in my dream, too! H-ha!

    I have some of those gift tags also and I'd say late 60's early 70s. Those colors stir up happy Christmas memories for me!

    I'm glad you were able to buy that picnic basket. I've still never seen one in person!

    This junkin' year was better for me because I'm in town now and have easier access to junk.

    I'd love to see more pics of your chandy! ♥

  12. Your collection of tins is just wonderful. I love it. And the Easter blow mold you found was worth running and grabbing as well as the awesome bird. You did well!

  13. Wow!!!! Love the tin basket, beautiful as is all the other buys. the Blue Jay is wonderful, you do find the neatest goodies, Francine.

  14. I will start a junk/thrifting dream support group. The night before estate sales, I often dream of finding a room filled with vintage Halloween. It never happens in reality though. I love your tin collection and how you have them displayed. Brilliant!

  15. More great treasures! SO happy you found the tin you've been wanting! Maggie

  16. I so enjoy seeing what you have found lately! Love it all!
    Erica :)

  17. You found some great things! I love things that remind me of Christmas past! Love your picnic tin collection!

  18. I absolutely love those tin baskets too! I havent had the chance to buy one at a good price ...yet! And I loooove that christmas angel!!

  19. Stay warm tonight! I won't tell you how wonderful it's been to not have to use the air conditioner OR heater here at Sweet Bee Cottage. Wait....I said I wasn't going to tell you and I just did! Silly me!

    I love, love, love that tin! I'm nearly as addicted as you and yes, they are so stinkin' expensive these days. Thanks for sharing your vintage pretties.

  20. Found you via Flickr. I love the tin and Easter blow mold especially, too bad you had to miss the Pyrex. :(
    I'd love for you to share this with my readers at my We Call It Olde Link-Up, goes each week from Tue-Sat. For any post on vintage, antiques, history. Stay well! -Dawn @ We Call It Junkin.com

  21. I gave up on the sales a few weeks ago. On to some household projects...

    I will agree this year has been pretty bad, but visiting your blog always gives me hope , hope that I'll find a great treasure on my next jaunt!

    Your tins are just fab!

  22. I love your wonderful collection of picnic tins!!

  23. I just came back over to say thank you so much for joining my We Call It Olde Link Up. New one starts tomorrow, hope to see you there. Take care - Dawn @ We Call It Junkin.com

  24. Love your picnic tin! I only stopped at two yard sales this season. The others I drove past without even getting out because in my area the yard sales lately are mostly comprised of tables of piles of old, wrinkled, used clothes.

    I have better luck at the thrift stores, even though they are a little more expensive.


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