Thursday, December 12, 2013


HI THERE! Sorry I've been away so long. I don't know why, but it seems I've lost my passion for blogging. Hopefully it's just a phase! Do you ever feel like that? Well I decided to snap out of it and share a few pics of our outdoor decorations!  
I had been hunting for a cheap pair of skis for awhile, and finally found some last winter at Goodwill, for $5! They were a funky color though, so over the summer I spraypainted them red and varnished them. 
So come on over and join me for some skiing or ice skating!
And when you're done, grab a hot beverage from one of the many thermoses in the refreshment center!
I saw this hanging poinsettia basket in Martha Stewart Living, and fell in love with it. But I wasn't going to pay $38.50 for one.
I already had all of the "ingredients" to make my own: silk poinsettias, greenery, lights, and a metal hanging basket.  
So easy to make! 
It's hanging on the back porch....
And it's pretty at night too!
A pot of poinsettias by day.....
And a light-up decoration by night! I added red lights to these, and it's a nice red glow, not OMG The Poinsettias Are On Fire, like this shot is making them look!
My Tonka truck.
I love that sign from Home Goods, and it makes me wish that more stores sold vintage-inspired decorations. 
Last but not least, my candy cane flag pole! I love that thing, and would you believe it was only $5 at The Covered Bridge Festival?!~~~~~Well that felt good to finally do a post! Next week I'll share some indoor decorations and some of my finds, which have been few and far between. How has the junking been for you? Vintage Christmas has been pretty nonexistent over in this neck of the woods, although last Sunday I think I bought almost every single blow mold I saw at one antique mall, because they were at garage sale prices. I'll show you next week!


  1. I love this post! Brings back a lot of memories!

  2. I love your pretty things and how nice to decorate outside, too. I've been searching for vintage things and have found a few. It has slowed down again this week though. I need more! heeheehee! Happy holidays!

  3. What an enjoyable post, love your decorating with all the vintage goodies, Francine.

  4. Very festive décor!! Your skis look great in red! Anxious to see the blow molds!

  5. Hi, Carol!
    Love that little snowman thermos!

    What a great idea for those skis!

    Sure, I go through "don't feel like posting" phases but then I'm back!
    My main goal is to enjoy so if I don't- I don't! ♥

  6. You've been missed. I love all your outdoor decorations. What a cool idea to paint skis. I might need to steal that one. That candy cane flag pole is too cute! All your decorations are amazing. Please don't stop blogging. Your blog is one of my absolute favorites!!

  7. Very nice decorations!

    I'm the same way. I guess real life just gets in the way sometimes and blogging can be very time consuming if you're not careful.

  8. There you are! Festive porch and love the candy cane flag pole!
    Hoping your passion returns and it is just a phase.

  9. Carol I have missed you, but I totally get the blogging blues! I have had them but think I'm coming out of it! Seems Christmas has inspired me! Love all your vintage decorations and that sign is really adorable. Don't stop posting!! hugs, Linda

  10. I'm always happy to see a new post. I just love to see what you have been up to. Your outside decor is great! You have a nice porch to decorate.
    Merry Christmas!

  11. Such sweet and wonderful decorations!! Love the vintage truck with trees!! Wishing you a Merry Christmas! xo Heather

  12. I always love what you do to your porch. With the exception of a bunch of Santa blowmolds, I can't do anything with mine because I have three sneaky dogs.

    I have had some pretty good luck with the vintage Christmas at the thrifts this year but not nearly as good as last year. Wonder why? I did find that same Poinsettia tin you have. Tins are a new collection for me this year. They are so cute!

    I was super excited to see you on my blog roll this morning. Please come back more, Carol!

    Happy Holidays!


  13. I love all your neat vintage Christmas decorations. Everything reminds me of Christmases long ago.

  14. Love those skis. I'd never find anything like that here.I also really like the candy cane flagpole-never seen one of those. Can't wait to see the inside!

  15. Good to see you! I love that you made your own Martha basket! The skis are adorable, too. I doubt it would have occurred to me to paint them! I recently scored a really neat collection keeps growing! I know what you mean about blogging. I have been in that mode for a long time. I have been better recently, but today I feel I hit a wall. Not good!

  16. How cute! Those vintage looking signs are great!!

  17. Your porch decor is always so wonderful! I think we all go through phases where we don't feel like posting, or don't have anything to post about. It always passes in about a week though and then I get right back into it, before anyone even notices I've been quiet.

  18. Yes, I get in a blogging funk, but usually what snaps me out of it is when I look at my blog posts from the same month, but the year before and I enjoy reading about our life and what we were doing, and some how that inspires me. :) I love your ski display! Your light up hanging basket looks just like the catalog! You did a great job. I hope you keep blogging and that you have a Merry Christmas!

  19. I love your candy cane the Covered bridge festival? OH, I will have to look next year!
    Merry Christmas, Carol!

  20. Carol, everything looks wonderful! I like the design of your poinsettia hanging basket better than Martha's. That snowman thermos is soooo cute - I've never seen one before. Gotta start hunting!

  21. Oh I know what the blogging blues are Carol! Please don't stop blogging though! Love your decorations!



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