Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~I think I'll start with what I found under the Christmas tree, just because I can't contain myself about the first thing I'm about to show you!
An Aqua Dish Drainer!!!!! I've been looking for awhile, and finally found one at my price. Don't the lunch dishes look pretty in there? Honestly I was never so excited to wash the dishes! Well, if we're really being honest, this was the first time I was excited about washing dishes, but you know what I mean. I can't stop looking at it, and I think the family will come to love it too, because I put away the clean dishes alot faster than I ever did before!   
I got a vintage clip-on parakeet for the green bird cage. Wait, you can't really see her in there, can you? Let me take her out for a minute...
Isn't she pretty? Ok, that clip hurts like the dickens, so I'm putting her back in now!
I also got a green one for the cage with the pink design on the front. As I think I've said before, if I'm gonna collect bird cages, I might as well have some birds in there too!
Santa shopped on Ebay and found another watering can for my collection!
My friend gave me this children's wheelbarrow. We saw it several weeks ago at an estate sale. I almost bought it, but then I turned to Nancy and said "It's so cute, but where am I gonna put it? I shouldn't get it, should I?". She said "No, you've got enough stuff in your gardens".  Well, she obviously went back for it. What a sneak! I think I'll make her figure out where I'm gonna put it!
I saw this Perfect Polly Pet Parakeet at an estate sale. Now I normally share only the vintage junk that I find, but I knew this guy would be perfect for one of my bird cages. Those vintage ones I shared earlier are very pricey and I would never put one outside.
So this guy is perfect for the cage on the porch. I only took a quick pic of it and then brought it inside because parakeets don't belong outside in the winter!
I also found a bunch of vintage sheets and pillow cases at the same estate sale, all still in their original packages. Reminds me of my Grandma. She always had tons of unopened packages of sheets in her closet. I don't know what she was saving them for. Guess it was that generation that kept using things until they fell apart before they would open something new!
The pillow cases were only 69 cents when they were new.
Don't forget to use FAB detergent when you finally bust open that package!
This nice lady will tell you all about the fitted sheets. I hate "projecting tapes", don't you? What the heck are projecting tapes?!?
Couldn't leave without this Rosbro Easter Bunny and his little wheelbarrow. 
This July angel boy was found at a thrift store, and he will get a slight makeover for the 4th. Don't you think he needs an Uncle Sam hat?!?~~~~~~~~Tune in again and I'll share my favorite finds of 2013. It really wasn't that hard to pick my faves, because it wasn't a very good year for junking. I sincerely hope 2014 brings an abundance of junk for everyone! HAPPY NEW YEAR AND HAPPY JUNKING!!!


  1. Happy New Year! As usual, you are the Queen of the best junk EVER! Love those parakeets--the vintage one has so much detail.I think the green cage is my favorite. SO pretty. Have a great New Year's Eve and I can't wait to see what great stuff you'll discover in 2014! Maggie

  2. Fun finds! Love the plastic Easter Bunny. This Fall and Winter has been terrible for thrifts for me! Hope next year picks up. Happy 2014 to you!

  3. Lovin' your Easter bunny and the 4th of July boy! I still don't ever see those figurines here... Happy New Year, I wish you all the best (and lots of fun thrifting) in 2014:@)

  4. You had another great week, Carol! The Easter bunny is definitely my favorite. Happy New Year! (Rob)

  5. I felt the same way when I bought my red dish drainer! I'd like to have an aqua and pink, too!

    That wheel barrow is so cute. Aren't you the lucky one to have such a sneaky friend?

    Gosh, you better not leave that fake bird on the porch too long or someone might call the pet police! :)

    Happy New Year, Carol!

  6. It is always so much fun to see what you have found in your junkin trips! Love the dish drainer and that watering can of course! Can't wait to see you fav's of the year. I'm working on my list also.

  7. I would tell you what I liked best but basically I would be re-reading your entire blog to you! I LOVE IT ALL!!!! The story about your friend sneaking back to buy you that wheelbarrow made me laugh. I did the same thing to my BFF with a piece of Pyrex. She wanted to buy it but I had already picked it up for her at another thrift store. I told her it was way overpriced and to wait. She was super excited to see that I tricked her!

    Happy New Year!!


  8. You always find the cutest things! I love, love all the birds and bird cages - the plastic cage is really beautiful. My granny had those identical striped sheets, and she always had lots of unopened packages of linens in the closet too. I wish I had them now! Happy New Year, and happy thrifting to you!

  9. An aqua dish drainer that fits your sink!!!!!! Yea! It looks great. Love all your new birds. They add quite a bit to the bird cages. And what a sweet friend you have who went back for the wheelbarrow. A good Christmas for you. Hope your New Year is super!

  10. You find the greatest treasures.... I have the same dish drainer, love it....Happy New Year, Francine.

  11. Love the aqua dish drainer!!!! Very cool. Happy New Year!!!

  12. You do always find the best stuff. Love your new watering can, sweet! Aw, nice friend. Can relate to the space problem, have to continue to take more out so I can bring more in, lol.

    Happy New Year!

  13. The Easter bunny would have me hopping a happy dance! Fun finds and more to come in 2014!

  14. The drainer is fantastic!!

    You have found some great stuff lately.

    Happy New Year!!!

  15. Loved your bird cages and the Perfect Polly was just the answer ! Messy little critters they are!
    My grandmother had many parakeet's--all named "Tweedy"
    We only knew there was a new Tweedy by the color change!!
    Just found your site--Love it!!

  16. HAPPY NEW YEAR,Carol!
    Looks like "santa" was very good to you with those great gifts!
    Fun finds too and your little birdies are too cute!

  17. You know why we blog? Because only other bloggers understand how really, really great it is to have an aqua dishrack. (Not to mention that Rosbro bunny. And if anybody says I kind of swore when I saw that you got yet another watering can when I still have none, they might be lying.) Happy new year, Carol!

  18. Cute Rosbro! Would love to have a sneaky friend like that - you're lucky!

    Happy new year!

  19. How sweet your friend went back and got the wheelbarrow. Love the watering can, I don't think I have seen that one. So your the one I use to bid against on ebay for them? I got a new picnic basket myself last week!

  20. You really are the Queen of the best finds. Love those parakeets. Looking forward to more fabulous treasures in 2014!


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