Monday, April 14, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of MY WEEKEND FINDS, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~~Well, hello there! It feels so good to be rejoining blogland after a long winter's nap. After a few projects around the house and getting used to a new computer ( I hate Windows 8), I'm ready to dive back in and share some junk! I've gone to at least one estate sale every week, usually coming home empty handed.  Garage sale season officially started on Friday, so that's pretty exciting. Oh, and the weather has finally cooperated so that we could go to the flea market on Sunday. Endless rows of junk, how I've missed you!!! 

They may be a little beat up and kinda rusty, but I loooove that big blue picnic tin, and the watering can collection welcomed a new arrival. Crazy about those pansies!
QUESTION: Have you ever seen something at the flea market that you wanted so badly, knew was valuable, and was terrified to ask the price? I have tried several times to win this old Our Country print on Ebay, only to be waaay outbid each time. So when I spotted it at the flea, I whispered under my breath Oh My God, got really scared, regained my composure and asked what the price was. It ended up being about 1/10 of the usual Ebay price! Isn't she beautiful? Even after she was mine, I think I drove Mr. Old Glory nuts because I still couldn't stop saying Oh My God!!! 
This old plastic aqua bread box came from an estate sale. Guess what I keep in there........ 
I learned how to crochet over the winter and I made a bunch of dish cloths!!! I watched a You Tube video and it was a piece of cake. This dummy CAN crochet! Next winter I hope to learn how to crochet a scarf. I'm sure there's a video for that too!
This witch blow mold came from an estate sale, and the seller kept cracking jokes about his ex-wife, so when I paid for it, I had to ask if VIRGINIA was his ex-wife's name. Hahaha! At first I was going to try to scrub off the name, but now I love it and I think it adds to her charm! 
About a week later I found more vintage Halloween blow molds. That huge pumpkin has a flat back, a first for me. I think it will be frightfully awesome hanging on the house!
An old red can that I can picture some pink flowers growing in, and a pair of old Bobby Orr skates to add to the outdoor Christmas/winter decorations.
A pair of old Christmas cellophane candle wreaths.
And a teeny tiny parakeet for the bird cage on the right. Gotta have birds if I'm gonna collect cages!~~~~~~~I don't know about you, but I'm positively brimming with excitement! SPRING IS FINALLY HERE!!! I've got so many plans for the gardens, some demolished and some improved upon. And I'm getting ready for another garage sale, getting rid of lots of unwanted junk. And going to sales and buying more junk. Because that's what we do! Can't wait to see what everyone has been up to. I've missed you all so much! 


  1. Welcome back! You won't believe it but I actually was reading your old archives last night hoping you would post soon! SO great to see you. Amazing finds. I'm so glad you nabbed your picture you have waited for. What a treasure. Love the blow molds. I have the big tall witch and cherish her. I have heard the originals have the white face and the repro has a green face. Also love the aqua box! Happy Spring!

  2. Morning, wow!!!! Great goodies you find. Love the old red can, cute skates too, Francine.

  3. Glad to see you posting your weekly finds. I've missed reading about the cool stuff you find. I love that Our Country print, as well as the other stuff you found. That print is special!

  4. Congrats on learning how to crochet! Glad you are back!

  5. You found some great stuff! I especially love all the vintage Halloween goodies. Virginia! That is so funny!



  6. I've missed you!! I love your posts so much because they are almost like looking at my own. I swear, we share the same junkin' brain!

    I was just thinking that it has been a while since I have found an old picnic tin or bread box. Glad to see that you found one. The rustier the better I say. I like to use those outside. And that aqua bread box? DYING! I must find one.

    Have an awesome week!


  7. OHHH looks like so many great and fun finds!! Crocheting is so fun and addicting! I learned/ taught myself from you tube, isn't it great!?! :) Easter hugs! Holly

  8. I love the print. I don't believe I have seen it before. The bread box is a new to me piece too. Glad you are back.

  9. I just love the witch blowmold!!!!

  10. So happy to see your post. Love your watering can and the picture was meant to be yours!! You found so many great things! Aren't we soooo ready for spring and gardening!!

  11. You always find the greatest things! SO happy you found your print! She IS beautiful! Isn't crocheting fun? I know you'll learn to make a scarf! Just use different yarn and make a very l-o-n-g dishcloth:) have a nice week! Twyla

  12. helllloooooo....nice to see you back! The patriotic gal is wonderful and so glad you snagged her for a decent price. Meant to be.

    Virginia..I think I would leave it be as well.

  13. Welcome back Carol! Wow, you found some great junk (as you say) at your flea market. Hooray for finding the print you've been coveting, love feeling that rush of happiness.

  14. Carol, so glad to see you and your great finds! I'm so happy that you got your "Our Country" print! I dream of things like that. I love the crochet cloths!! hugs, Linda

  15. So good to see a post from you, Carol!
    Yup! Get rid of it and buy more! :)
    Love that bread box!
    Congrats on learning how to crochet! I was going to do that over the winter too but ended up starting a Cutie Pie facebook page instead!

  16. Such sweet finds! Love the watering can and picnic tin! Perfect for spring!! xo Heather

  17. I was so excited to see a new post. You've been missed. You are the Queen of watering cans and metal picnic baskets. Seriously jealous and very happy for you. I'm sure you already know that I absolutely LOVE your Halloween blow molds. Glad that Patriotic print was rescued. It was meant to come home with you!!

  18. I missed your posts! You're back--hooray!

  19. Welcome back, Carole! Don't you just love it when you can snag a treasure that you've wanted for so long? And that watering can...those colors are gorgeous and vibrant. Congrats on learning to crochet! :) --Fran

  20. Oh man, everyone has REALLY been hitting the jackpot lately!

    I found your blog while I was reading a few others... can't wait to read more posts!!


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