Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
It's that time of year when the blog gets even more neglected than usual. It's gardening season! Mr. Old Glory and I have been working hard in the gardens. We (and when I say "we" I mean mostly HE) demolished one of the gardens, because it's becoming impossible for me to take care of it all. My problem is that I never met a plant I didn't like, and when you add in tons of freebies, it's downright overwhelming and not fun anymore. To all of you beginner gardeners: Keep It Small!!!  
Have you EVER seen a sweeter little watering can than this one? Me either! I saw it on Etsy, added it to my Favorites and minutes later I bought it. I've never seen one like it before and knew I better buy it or have it forever haunt me as "The One That Got Away"!
Here's the back. Loooove that wheelbarrow full of posies!
A gorgeous lady head vase, with a bouquet of fantastically tacky plastic flowers blooming out of her head. Only $5 at the flea market. Normally I haggle on everything at the flea, but this time I was dumbfounded and just handed the seller a fiver and walked quickly away!
A pink lucite clock to add to my collection. Very hard to get good shots in the bedroom where the rest of the collection is, because of all the trees. Nice and sunny in the dining room!
A vintage Imperial camera, fished out of a $1 box at the flea. The Playtime water colors paint box is a find from several months ago. It was covered in paint on the outside and I don't even want to say how much time I spent, using just my fingernails, getting that paint off!
An old laundry cart, found at an estate sale. I don't know why I bought it. Our "laundry room" is in the basement, and believe me, this won't make it any cuter. I guess it falls into the category of something that I've always wanted. Not crazy about the yellow and black liner, but I know that I can always make a prettier one someday. 
But wait! It doesn't necessarily have to be relegated to the dreary basement. It can hold plants!
OR, it can hold vintage linens, like that daffodils in a flower cart tablecloth which I recently found. Yes, the jury is still out on where the old laundry cart will end up.... 
Last up is a Napco parakeet plate, hanging on the jadeite green secretary hutch. So that's it for my finds. A pretty meager assortment for sure. I can't decide if the junking is that bad, or if I'm getting pickier. I think it might be the latter. I caught myself several times at the flea market almost picking something up, but then saying to myself: "You don't want that. The old you, the one who bought everything because she saw it on another blog wants it, but YOU are trying to lead a simpler, less cluttered life. Walk away, just walk away!". Sometimes you really need to listen to that little voice inside your head in order to be happy!~~~~~Has that little voice inside your head recently talked YOU in or out of some junk? Do tell! 


  1. I would have grabbed the head vase, no questions asked too! Great deal. Like that parakeet plate. And less cluttered is always better (and cheaper too).

  2. I am on the hunt for a laundry basket just like that! I found one very similar at an estate sale a while back but when I went to pay for it, the person giving the sale decided that they wanted to keep it. I was crushed! There should be a rule against that kind of behavior :-)

    Have an awesome week!


  3. great finds! loving that watering can as much as you are!

  4. Oh that little watering can is so sweet!! Lovely finds, and I love love that laundry cart!! You're right you can use them for so many pretty things!! :) Hope you have a great week! xo Holly

  5. I'm terrible at listening to that little voice inside my head telling me to walk away. I think I need to borrow a few of your AMAZING watering cans for my gardening shed. We're in the process of glamming it up. It's become more of a get-away room than a gardening shed and your collections would be amazing in there!! You know I'm always green with envy (in a happy way) when you show off your amazing collections.

  6. I'm so glad that someone else is telling themselves to walk away when they find something vintage and fun in the thrifts or Flea but KNOW they don't need it and can't use it. I've no place to store things so if something comes in, then something better go out of here! Love the laundry basket, you will figure it out and oh that watering can...soooooo adorable.
    hugs, Linda

  7. Thanks for the chuckles this am! I feel the same about my laundry room ;) I LOVE the imperial camera and a tad bit jealous u swiped it for a buck! Score!! And th e head vase lady..5$, some ppl just don't know what they have, awesome for you! I need to get to the flea next wknd, Thaks for the inspiration!

  8. I always grab laundry baskets as they have multiple uses...as you can see by your post! Yours is nice since it has the metal basket and not just a fabric bag liner. Good purchase!

  9. I love that sweet little watering can. I definitely need to purge clean and organize. Too much stuff is making me a little crazy. Have a great week. Tammy

  10. What a deal on the headvase - she's a beauty - love that watering can too!!

  11. Carol, that head vase is adorable. What a great price.

    Great watering can!

  12. I understand about keeping a garden small. Our yard is just too big to handle. It makes gardening not so much fun :(

  13. Cutest little watering can!! I think you got some great things. I am in the process of "clearing out" my house and potting shed. So, now, when I go junking, I walk away from many things. I don't sell any more so I just figure someone else will find it and love it or sell it for profit. I have reached a point where I do really want things to be more simple.

  14. That watering can is too cute! Ha to giggle at the laundry room comment. Mine will never be blog worthy, because that would mean I would have to do laundry.

  15. Just today I talked myself out of several items at a thrift store!
    Years ago as a "greenie" I would have bought things in a heartbeat!!
    But now, things are getting a little cluttered, AND I'm getting pickier'!

  16. I always love all that you find. You are the luckiest junker ever! Don't feel like you are overwhelmed with stuff...stuff is good! Surround yourself with stuff :) the saying is "Less is more" but I say "More is better!" Maggie Have a great day!

  17. Oh a watering can I do not have nor have I seen, good catch to add to your collection!

  18. What a cute watering can, and I love the basket and clock. I recently bought a 1940's painted high chair with decals on it to sell on e-bay. I was thinking of keeping that too! lol but I really don't have the room.



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