Sunday, May 31, 2009

Weekend Finds & A Little Makeover

If you would like to see other bloggers' treasures too, please visit Southern Hospitality. Ok, so here's more stuff that I bought that I don't need! I apologize for so many pictures, but to me it looks better to see each thing separately, instead of all in a jumble. Most of this came from an estate sale. I felt so bad for the elderly gentleman whose sale it was. He seemed to be running the sale by himself, and he looked very overwhelmed. It was rather depressing. I don't like going to this kind of sale, because usually someone has passed away, and all of their little treasures are there for the world to see, and it's like they just disappeared. Ok, enough of that! I got the pink pottery dish and blue tin, in the picture above, for 25 cents each. I've been wanting one of those tins for a long time.

Lots of pretty perfume bottles. I love that Paris Special one. My daughter grabbed that one as soon as I took the picture!

Another vintage mirror to add to the collection. Have you ever noticed how hard it is to take a picture of a mirror? You've got to pay attention to the view that's reflected in there!

Another floral tin, 25 cents.

I love this wax paper/paper towel/aluminum foil dispenser. I HAVE to find room for this somewhere in the kitchen! The match holder is a cutie too.

I already have a set of S&P shakers with red caps, but they are RED, so I have to have them!

A little grease can. I don't think I'll actually use it though. I usually put my grease in an old jar, and then throw it away. Can you imagine cleaning this thing out when it's full? Yuck!

A little doggy planter, and two tiny planters marked JAPAN.

A white stool just like one I remember my parents having. It's rather modern, but I think it works with the cottage decor.

Two old bowls. The red one is Pyrex. I'm trying to get the whole set, one bowl at a time. Have you seen how much a set goes for at antique stores? $40-$50!!

And finally, this little vintage metal table. It was all rusty, but.......

I painted it Moss Green, and now it holds our TV trays! I hope you found some treasures this weekend too!


  1. I want a mirror like that! And, I have a girlfriend who collects "red tops" (s&p that you have). And the white footstool, I NEED that!!

  2. I have that same turquoise floral tin that you have in the first picture...I love mine. The grease tin is so reflective of that era...I would never save grease now (nor do I ever accumulate much when I am cooking!)

  3. Tons of great finds! At 25 cents a piece...that's amazing! My heart goes out to that elderly gentleman. I appreciate that you noticed him.


  4. Wowza! You really did find a good sale! I think finding those Pyrex bowls one at a time is the only way to go. That red one looks like it's in fabulous shape. Barbara

  5. That poor man...I always want to offer to hang around and help...which means I miss out on more stuff...and I always wonder, where are your rotten, ungrateful children and grandchildren. Of course, they are probably wonderful people and just can't be there but still..

    And sadly, we would actually use the grease container...for bacon grease. It's a must for friend chicken and cornbread ;D Yeah, I'm from Texas and the South ;D

  6. Wow, you really found alot of deals. Yes, I find it sad especially walking through a home at an estate sad how they sell everything. I guess we have to look at it as just stuff as the people were so much more....
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  7. I love the floral tin and the pink in the first picture.
    You didn't say what you paid for the mirror. I saw one at an antique store today like it for 65$ and couldn't wait to show my husband, I found one in perfect condition in the trash a few weeks ago. I love them!
    The pampered chef bowl is so handy, I use mine all the time.
    Great buys and I feel sorry for the man having the sale, sounds like he was overwhelmed.

  8. Ohhh! lots of great finds! I laughed at the grease mom had one on our stove when I was growing up! Sorry...but food just tastes better seasoned with bacon grease! Can't do it now, though! lol Have a great week!...Debbie

  9. love your blog and treasures! :) Erin

  10. You found some really great finds. I love the mirror! And I have been looking for a wax paper / paper towel / aluminum foil dispenser like the one you's gorgeous (sigh).

  11. Carol, you got some great things. And so many vintage items. I hear you on stuff I don't need. Me too! But, does that stop us, NO!

    I know what you mean about estate sales being sad too, I think about that when I'm walking through those houses. Makes me realize all my junk collecting will be out there one day too.

  12. These are some great vintage finds! And the way that you fixed some of them up and put them to use is so "green!" Good job. Sue

  13. Wonderful vintagey finds! Love those tins and bottles!

  14. You had some GREAT finds!!! I love the little metal table, especially. Thanks for visiting my blog yesterday. :)

  15. Wow you found so many wonderful things! I love the floral tins and the little red S&P shakers.


  16. Hi, Carol! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. You've shown some great things here. To show my age - I can remember some of these things in my grandparents' homes! I just love the colors, but the perfume bottles are my favorite. Thanks for sharing.
    Mary Lou

  17. Hey, Carol. Love your blog and your finds. I have a mirror almost exactly like that except the top is rounded. It was my grandmother's and it reminds me of her; I use it over my makeup table. I had someone tell me that if you could find one of those, they were worth a ton of money. So be glad you are giving it a pretty new home.

  18. That mirror is luscious! The scalloped edges are really pretty. Great finds!

  19. I have those same little baby red capped salt and pepper shakers! I got them at a street market in NYC. I have been wanting one of those aluminum foil, wax paper dispensers! So neat! That pyrex bowl is in great condition it looks like. I'm amazed you see sets for $40-$50. I usually see them closer to $90! Kelly

    p.s. I came over from Rhoda's.

  20. You did very well in your thrifty shopping! I've enjoyed reading other posts below.
    Thanks for visiting my blog; I hope you will visit again.

  21. Ooo! I love that mirror! I have a couple of vintage mirrors, too. They are so much fun, and I love to imagine where they came from.

  22. Hi Carol. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a little delayed in returning the comment, but life has been crazy on this end. I'm off to look around your blog now.

    Love the retro record holder you painted.

  23. sweet that you had a heart for the elderly man running the sale :( i'm sure it would make him at least smile to see how much care you are putting into the treasures you found. My faves are: the footstool, mirror and red pyrex!! :)

  24. I so want that mirror!! You found a bunch of good bargains!!

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hi, Just thought I'd drop by and say hello. I'm pretty new to blogging but have finally taken the plunge! I discovered your blog through a link so thought I'd take a peek! I love your vintage finds and your cottage is gorgeous.

  27. Fabulous finds! And what a great transformation of the metal table; just perfect for your trays.

    I've been to several estate sales where I've left feeling bad for the folks having them. But then I think about how all of their treasures are going to people who will cherish them. It's recycling at its best.

  28. Hi! Cindy from Nebraska here. I can tell you two things about the garden where my lupines are flourishing. I started this garden in a place where there'd been a woodpile for more than 15 yrs. Last year we checked the ph and it was close to where tomatoes would do well. So, that's what I got....loam soil with a ph around a tomato level.

  29. Wow - what a day of treasures for you! I love yard selling, and go nearly every weekend - but, I don't usually find neat vintage things like you have. Love the mirror and the kitchen items! Your blog is adorable.


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