Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's Vintage Thingies Thursday!!

Please join everyone over at Coloradolady's, where you can see lots of vintage treasures, and Suzanne is our hostess. Today I am sharing two old boxes that I use for storage, and inadvertently this post has ended up being about my Grandma!

This first box is in our bedroom.

I've thought about selling it several times, but I just can't do it, because it's too pretty!

It's an old Fannie May wood candy box! After you enjoyed the yummy candy, you were supposed to use it for storing gloves or hankies. So I am told.

Can you see that there is a large mirror when you open it? Can you see why I can't bear to sell it?!!

I use it to hold my Grandma's hankies. I remember one time when we were visiting my grandparents, and our daughter lost a tooth. We wrapped the tooth in one of my Grandma's hankies, and Liz slid it under her pillow, all the while thinking that there was no way that the Tooth Fairy would find the tooth so far away from home! Come morning, lo and behold, there were four quarters wrapped in that old hanky!

This box is an old stationary box that I had given my Grandma, back in the early 70's. I loved getting letters from my Grandma! I need to get them down from the attic, and put them in the box, where they belong. Now it just holds old receipts. Well, I hope that you enjoyed seeing my vintage thingies! Now go check out some more at Coloradolady's!


  1. Ooh love that candy box, I can see
    why you cannot give it up! Writing
    letters to grandma was great and
    getting postcards from her was so
    special too!!

  2. What great memories and treasures to have. I love seeing things of this nature, as they take on a different meaning as time passes.

  3. That candy box is fabulous! I can see why you can't part with it. Beautiful!

  4. I really did enjoy seeing your vintage thingies. Now I am off to see the website you suggested for more vintage thingies.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  5. what a lovely post and what sweet memories of a wonderful grandmother..i love these boxes especially the one full of gorgeous vintage hankies :)

  6. Your grandma's boxes are lovely. I can't imagine even thinking of selling the one holding the hankies. Hang on to it and the story to give Liz.

  7. How wonderful, the boxes are pretty, functional and sentimental too. Definatley keepers!

  8. I could not part with the boxes myself. I love the candy box, that is beautiful. And your vintage hankies are just so pretty.

    Have a great VTT!

  9. what a lovely candy box.. I know the feeling of giving it up.. :-) too beautiful not to keep.. especially if there is story behind it.. precious! great memories indeed especially when you still have the letters from your grandma.. Happy Vtt

  10. Beautiful boxes, but the memories are the best.

  11. Love the fact that your special vintage pieces bring up precious memories. Sound like they are close to your heart.

  12. Sweet vintage thingies and a sweet post about your Grandma. It's so hard to give up the things with a family why do it? Let someone else make that decision when you no longer need that connection...ya know what I mean? Have a great rest of the week *elaine*

  13. your hankies are wonderful! and your boxes are too...
    have a great day

  14. Oh, why part with them! They ARE treasures and they HOLD treasures.

  15. I love love love your boxes!!! I am a box a holic...but have never had a pretty one like yours!

  16. Wee bit about my grandmother (Mamaw) today on my post too. I remember she carried hankies in her black patten leather purse...I wish I had them now!!

  17. Hi Carol,

    I love the vintage letter box. When I was a young girl, I always used to buy my grandma writing paper in a box like that for christmas. Nice memories! :)


  18. Both boxes are wonderful! and so are your memories of your Grandma!
    Thanks for sharing.

    Happy VTT!!

  19. Both boxes are lovely but oh that candy box! Love that you really do store the wonderful collection of your grandmother's vintage hankies in it!

  20. Oooo, little candy box is so sweet, it's just beautiful.And I love the stationary wonderful to store those very letters...and the hankies!!! vintage hankies are one of my favorites to collect. I just loved all your treasures..

  21. My maternal grandmother used handkerchiefs for years--she bought hers from the ladies' department of nice department stores, we kids used to buy them for her for Christmas and her birthday from places like TG&Y or Woolworth's. I don't even know where you'd look fir nice ladies hankies these days.

    And I think I had one of those stationary boxes during the 70's!

    There are things I have, too, that I think about getting rid of, and some things that I've gotten rid of that I wish I hadn't--it's hard to know what to hold on to!

  22. I so enjoyed reading your story about Grandma!!! You must really have treasured your times with her, and these items are all that more special to you! Bless your heart!

  23. Wow you had a generous tooth fairy! We used to get just one quarter.

    Lovely boxes -- I'm glad you have kept them. I especially love vintage treasures that come with family stories. thanks!

  24. Gorgeous stationary box, no doubt about it, grandmothers rocked!

  25. I think the old boxes are wonderful especially that one with the hankies in it. It's like a surprise from the past everytime you open it.
    Happy day!

  26. Hi Carol,
    AWESOME candy box...and with the old hankies...COOL!! Love IT!! I'm glad you are keeping it.The letter box is sweet too.
    Happy Weekend.
    Deb :)

  27. Hey Carol Thanks for stopping by! The frame w/hinge is actually a 2 side frame that was hinged, w/that massive hinge! The pin was removed so it became 2 un-hinged frames...I was going to re-pin it, but then thought it might be more interesting if hung with ribbon, or jute through the hinge pin holes? sweet lady @ the sale tried to say it was an "antique" until I showed here the new pine wood and little plastic turns on the back...OMG I'm educatin' folks @ yard sales now!! LOL Have a greta Sunday *elaine*

  28. DO NOT SELL THE BOX. EVER! And stuffed full of sweet hankies...What a treasure! Happy Junking Sunday!

  29. I'm a sucker for old fashioned hankies! Great finds!!


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