Monday, July 27, 2009

Thrifty Weekend Finds

Oh, I'm so late jumping in to join the party at Southern Hospitality! Congrats Rhoda, on the big move! I usually post my finds on Sunday nights, but I suffer from migraines, and Sunday I had a doozy. It's 3PM Monday, and I'm finally feeling human!

Well, I think I finally pushed my husband over the edge. He usually never says anything about my finds, but when he came home from work on Friday, he said "What's the deal with all the white chairs?" I said " They were only $1 each!" He said "I didn't ask you how much they were, I asked what the deal is with them. What are you going to do with them?" I said "They were $! each!! Who cares!" I actually only wanted one of them, but....they were $1 each!!! They're perfectly chippy, and I love them!

This statue was also only $1, from the same sale. This was the final sale of an estate sale that I had gone to a couple of weeks ago. And I learned a lesson when I bought this: when going to an estate sale or moving sale, always wander into the backyard, because there might be treasures there too!

I got this mirror to go on my porch.

I remembered seeing these chandelier crystals at the sale weeks ago, and they were $1 each then.

This time they were $1 for all of them! I grabbed that box so fast, and wouldn't put it down until it was safely in my car! My daughter wants to add some to the lights in her room, and I want to add some to the dining room light fixture. Can you believe the people at the sale asked me what they were?! I said "I dunno", and I walked quickly away!

I got this pink turkey for $1. A pink turkey!!
The old candy tin and biscuit tin were found at an antique store.

And these chalkware fruit will be great additions to my fruity kitchen. They were $1 each. I hope you found some great treasures this weekend too. Now go check out everyone else's at Southern Hospitality! And to Mr. Old Glory: Happy Birthday!


  1. those crystals and beautiful. I can't believe you got them ALL for $1! Good for you!

  2. I thought your finds were cute until I came to the pink turkey. And then I thought your finds were AWESOME! I mean who doesn't need a pink turkey. And for only a buck! Great finds.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  3. More chalkware - yay! As for chairs - what reason do you need other than they were a dollar?

  4. Fabulous deals! All those crystals for $1.00? Scandalous!! Gotta love it!

  5. Wow, you are one lucky girl. Chairs for $1, and an entire box of crystals for $1. Awesome!

  6. Well, I would say your deals made up for the really sorry to hear that you suffer from migrains!

    Take care and have a nice evening!

  7. Hi Carol,

    WOW.....$1.00 deals....AWESOME!!!!
    Love the crystals, the pink turkey is funny and the chairs...WOW...
    I'll be posting my finds tonight...but you win for spending less...
    Hubby's are funny...Old patio chairs can go for decent money!
    Deb :)

  8. I love the chairs--the arm shape is great!!!!

    Good work Carol!


  9. Hi Carol,

    Sorry to hear about your migrane. Glad your feeling better and could join us! Wow, you got some great deals there!

    Debbie :)

  10. Okay, so how many $1 chairs were there that Mr.Old Glory had to ask what's up with all the chairs??? tee hee.... As for your turkey.... I don't think I've ever seen a pink one, but it isn't too too bad.... LOL I love your bargains this week, Carol. We would have such fun if we went on a shopping foray together!!! hugs, Sue

  11. Boy you really got some great bargains!! I'm so sorry you suffer from migraines. Ugh! My hubby gets them, too.

  12. WOW Carol....I can't believe most of those things were $1.00!!!!!!! I would have had all of those chairs too. Every time I find a chair my hubby wants to know what I am going to do with another chair....DOES IT MATTER?????!!! I LOVE each and every treasure you found!!!

  13. WOW...she sales...she scores!! Love the chairs and all the other goodies, and the prices are truly amazing!! Extra points for the backyard tip...I always check to see if there's a shed or other funky outbuilding...some of my best finds have come from the "junk nobody will want" in the backyard! *elaine*

  14. I heart those crystals you lucky girl!!!!! And for a buck!!!! Love that find!

  15. Oh My goodness! Great deals and you and your husband sound just like us.

    "What are you going to do with it?"

    "Does it matter? It was free?"

    "But where are we going to put it?"

    "Did I mention it was free?"

    In my case you have to add...
    "How did you get that home? It couldn't have fit in the car."

    "I wheeled it home for free!"

  16. Hope you're feeling better!! I laughed b/c your husband sounds like mine. :) I think your $1 chairs are fabulous!

  17. I agree - the chairs are 1.00 each - so why not get all of them. Great bargains.

  18. OKay...the chairs for $1.00 each were crazy, the statue for $1.00 was nuts BUT the WHOLE DARN BOX OF CRYSTALS FOR $1.00 put me over the edge!!!

  19. Wow ... you did GREAT! I think we're all jealous of that box of prisms for $1 ... OK, were are happy for you ... but a little tiny bit envious! ;)

    Thanks so much for the nice comment you left earlier ... made my day!

  20. That chalkware fruit is trying to bring back some tucked away memories. I think an aunt had some like
    I am glad you stopped by and I followed you back over.
    Oh, $1.00 is just crazy for those chairs!!

  21. What great finds! Love that pink turkey!


  22. Hey I have the amber twin to your pink turkey! I wonder if they were separated at birth? :-)

    LOVE those chairs -- and a buck apiece? I'd have bought them, too. Estate sales here tend to be really expensive. . . lucky you!

  23. I love the chairs -- even more becase they were $1 each! My mom had those fruit pieces in our kitchen when I was young.

  24. You totally cracked me up with that convo with your husband, lol. This is why I can't take my boyfriend shopping with me. He just doesn't see my vision. He's like "That's old and dirty." I say, "It's perfect!"


  25. Your husband's reaction to the chairs made me laugh. Well, you can never have too many chairs can you? Yours seem like a real bargain to me so I'm not surprised you couldn't resist.

  26. $1.00 Wholly Cow!! I would have brought everything home too! And the convo with your husband makes me laugh cause it's the same with mine. He just doesn't see what I see :)

    I'm not sure which is my favorite find of yours.

  27. Wow - you really did good! That is funny that the one running the estate sale did not know what they were. Must be new in the business.

  28. Oh I love your chairs & mirror. My DH would have had a similar reaction. He happened to have one when I got my green chairs. Men lol.

  29. Hello Carol - wow, what fabulous finds! You really scored. I especially love the mirror, and those chairs! Thank you for sharing.


  30. Hey...what great finds. The crystals are worth their weight in gold. Way to go with all your scores.
    As far as whitewashing my mirror...honey, I just throw that white paint on. No big deal!

  31. I enjoy your blog so much. I stop in all the time to see all of your wonderful finds. The coversation you had with your husband about the chairs was similar to a conversation I had recently with mine regarding a telephane stand/table!!

  32. You hit it big time! I wish I could find sales like that. I did buy a bag once with lots of craft stuff in it and when I got it home it had about 25 crystals inside. I only paid $1 for it!

  33. OMG, I can't believe the deals you got! Amazing!

  34. Hi Carol. Sorry for the delay. I meant to get over here sooner, but you know how it goes. I love your thrifty finds. Those crystal prisms was a steal.

  35. Scored on the chairs, statue and crystals big time!!!!


    That is the best estate sale find EVER.

  37. I can't believe all your $1 items, lucky girl!

  38. Hi Carol! I am very late getting to your blog to visit but, wow! What great treasures you found! I love everything and I love your style! Thanks, too, for stopping by. Your visit and sweet comments made my day!
    Cindy :)

  39. Those crystals have to be the find of the month - gorgeous!

  40. Wow - I want to go garage saling with you!!! Such great deals! And if you are wanting to sell any of those crystals, I know who would love them - ME! I recently took home some lights my in-laws had had for forever, and I was so glad to get them - only to find what I thought were crystal pendants, were plastic, and were very yellowed! Anyway - good for you!

    Hugs from Michigan - Diane


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