Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Vintage Thingies and Other Stuff

It's that time again! Time to show your thingies! If you would like to see more thingies, go to Coloradalady's blog, where Suzanne is our hostess. Meet my new favorite thingie. Isn't she a beauty? I just got her from Ebay, and I love her! It's so retro cool, isn't it? As soon as I got it out of the box, I played the radio for hours, and the clock keeps perfect time. Only one problem. It scares me. When I went to turn it off, and put it there on that table, the back was so hot! My husband tells me that this is normal, because it is a tube radio, and tubes get hot. I'm afraid to leave it plugged in and running, because it might start a fire. Does anyone have a tube radio? I love it so much, and I want more old radios without the clock. Can you feel another collection coming on?

I've been working on this sign for 2 weeks now, and I finally finished it! Ok. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking How pretentious. Not only has she NAMED her house, but she's made a sign too! Don't worry. I'm thinkin' the same thing!

It took forever to figure out the right color to paint it (you probably need to enlarge the pic), but sometimes the easiest way is right under our nose. Or in our blog header picture.

I found these thermoses and sandwich box under the seat in my van the other day. I had bought it on our trip to Wisconsin, and forgot all about them.

I hung it by the back door, because I want everyone to know that I am so ready for a picnic!

Finally, I want to thank Shauna, because I won this book! It came by UPS yesterday, and I'm so excited! My first blog giveaway win! I can't wait to read this book, as I have been trying to get it at the library, but it has a looonnggg waiting list for it. My good luck continued, because a couple days later, I won a book (thank you Elizabeth!) from another giveaway! I will share that as soon as it arrives. It's always a great day when you get a new book, isn't it?!


  1. Love the little pink radio. How cool that it plays and keeps time.

  2. Looks like you found some really neat items. VTT is such a great way to see very interesting items.

  3. Your radio and other items are very cute.

  4. Love the clock radio... reminds me of the 60's when the parentals had one.Hubs is right- they do get warm because of the tubes... my dad was an electrician. The old thermos is so cool. So vintage...
    :-) Sue

  5. I really miss the vintage radios I used to have many years ago. One of them was one I won in a contest.

    I have a similar picnic set that I won in a contest about 1970. Only used about once or twice, but I hate to get rid of it.

  6. I love all your vintage things...and I love your sign...its great...

  7. I remember picture tubes getting hot so the same goes for the radio. I had a transitter radio that looked similar but not the cute pink. I like pink! And I really like red plaid--love the lunch set.

  8. Ok, where my spell check when I need it. TRANSISTOR radio

  9. Oh my goodness! I love your pink radio! I want my camera back, my mom borrowed it several days ago and hasn't returned it! Sheesh, and they live 4 doors away, I ought to go get it! Anyhoo! I found an old radio VERY similar to yours in a dumpster in our neighborhood several years ago. I have it in our covered deck! Will bet a picture in a post one of these days...even if I have to buy a new camera!

  10. I remember both the old pink radio
    and the plaid picnic/thermos wares.
    Thanks for the fun memories!

  11. Oh that pink radio is soooo cool!!
    Yes, I remember the tubes getting hot. Love the picnic set!

  12. I love the, love it. And the thermos and picnic goodies, well they just scream out..get the fried chicken and lets go. :)
    Happy VTT and hope your weekend is wonderful.

  13. oh gosh.. the pink radio is super cute! very retro! even the green tray behind the radio is pretty.. and I really love your picnic set! thanks for sharing & happy VTT

  14. I don't think it's at all pretentious to name your house and put up a sign. You live in a classic!

    Your radio is to die for! How cool!

    Love the thermoses too.

    Happy VTT!

  15. Your radio is so very cute! I love the color. You did really a great job on your sign, that is too cute! Have a great VTT!

  16. what a gorgeous radio..straight outa the 50s..i love it :}

  17. Hi Carol..
    I would love it if you would be on lookout for more little shelf shadow boxes. I like the older one..for some reason, a well loved one means more to me. Thank you for your help..:)

  18. Oooh! That radio is too cool!

    I think every house should have a name, the old great ones deserve it ;)

  19. Nice post today - and your sign is so cute!!!

  20. Hi Carol!
    Thanks so much for visiting my blog & I'm so happy to find yours & too! Too cool that the very first post I see is about an old Pink Radio because I have one too! My brother brought it to me a few months ago & it works great. I was worried about the tubes being so hot too but so far it's A-OK - I love hearing it warm up like the old days! You have an awesome blog!

  21. Very cool classic pink radio-now where is your poodle skirt?

    Great red plaid picnic set!

  22. That radio is AWESOME! What a great color =)

    Congrats on your bloggy win!

  23. love your vintage goodies...and your sign turned out great. it's ok. i named my house too. i always wanted to do it~ so i did ;)
    i call mine mt. sterling. catchy eh?
    have a wonderful weekend.

  24. Congrats on your book wins! The Pink cloak is just fab!!! I so want one!!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  25. Love, love, love the radio! So cute! I also love your picnic things- very fun!

    What a great blog you have! I'll be back often!


  26. That clock is so cute. I have several old thermos bottles I use in my kitchen. They are fun.

  27. Your little pink radio is just the cats meow! Whoa, what a find! I can just imagine how much fun you had finding just the right place to display her. She is beautiful! I think I'll need to come by to look at her again :)

  28. We have quite a few old tube radios but none that are pink like that!. That one sure is eye-catching and you've made it look even nicer with all the beautiful vintage pieces around it too. Love that metal tray behind it, btw.
    Happy VTT!

  29. love the colours of the radio and vases. the plaid thermoses bring back memeories of broken glass on the ice int he winter! lol

  30. My dad still uses his tube stereo and when you walk by it it feels really hot! Don't forget to send me your address so I can have the publisher send you the book. I hope they don't get suspicious since you just won The Host. LOL It's the same publisher as April & Oliver.

  31. I love your little radio, and it works too~ that's amazing! I recently bought a vintage fan that gets hot after it's be on for awhile, so I only turn it on for a little bit & always unplug it.
    Your sign turned out darling! If I had a cute little house like that, I'd name it too :)

  32. That old (I should say "vintage") pink clock brings up all kinds of sweet memories for me. I remember when I was a girl and my best friend lived next door; you could often hear the singing voice of Rosemary Clooney pouring out of the radio, through her screen door, and into my yard. I can hear it still! Thanks for the wonderful memory!

  33. I enjoy visiting your blog! You always seem to find such great vintage treasures. I'll be back.


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