Sunday, July 19, 2009

Weekend Finds

Well, we went to about a dozen garage sales this weekend, and it was pitiful! LOTS of baby stuff, which is great for someone with a baby, just not what I'm looking for. I bought this picnic basket at an antique store on Thursday, which is the day my mother, my sister and I go antiquing every week. I got excited when I saw it, but at first I wasn't even going to look at the price. These go for ALOT of money on Ebay, and I never see them at antique stores. Well imagine my surprise when it was 1/3 of what they go for on Ebay! WooHoo! A nice addition to my collection.
I got this metal candleholder for $1.00. It's about 3' tall, and I've already painted it, but it's not done, so I'll show the results in my next post. I didn't really want to buy it, but at that point we had been to about 5 sales, and I hadn't bought anything yet. Not a really good reason to buy something, but I knew it had potential, and it made me feel like the whole day wasn't a bust!

These perfumes were 25 cents each! I never spend money on perfume for myself. To me they are a luxury, as I'd rather spend my money on flowers and antiques! I guess everyone has their weakness, and perfume is not mine. Let me tell you I was pretty excited to get Estee Lauder Pleasures, Beautiful, and Beyond Paradise, and Perry Ellis, all for a quarter! I'll be smelling fancy for a year!

I got a set of four of these trellises for $6. I had a metal arch mysteriously break and bend in half in the back yard, so my Sweet Autumn Clematis desparately needs something to take over, and these will be perfect. I swear, that plant is like something out of Little Shop of Horrors! I'll show this in my next post.

Remember this mirror that I couldn't figure out how to hang?

Well, Sarah told me to get my butt to the hardware store and get those plastic thingies to hang mirrors with. Duh! How did I not think of this myself?! They worked perfectly, and were so easy to do. This is part of my vintage mirror collection. As you can see, I "need" a couple more small mirrors. There's too much empty wall space! Sarah has a gorgeous collection, which I am very envious of!

I had my morning cup of coffee at the patio table on the back porch, and MimiLucy decided to join me. She likes to watch the birds as much as I do!

A couple of minutes after she plopped down on the patio table, a hummingbird came to investigate that lantana in the picture above. I knew it was a good idea to put it right by the table, because hummingbirds love lantana. It's amazing how close they will come if you sit very still. I want to go sit out there later, with my camera, and try to get a good shot, because I've never gotten a picture of a hummer. Don't worry, the hummer was never in any danger of being eaten by Mimi. She is old, overweight(she asked me not to use a full body shot), and lazy! I hope you had a great weekend, and maybe found a treasure or two! And if you would like to see other bloggers' thrifty finds, go to Southern Hospitality, where Rhoda is our lovely hostess!


  1. Mimi is beautiful and what a buy on the perfumes

  2. I'm loving the picnic basket! I have 5 of them, and haven't added a new one for several years. Your pics are great, even if they aren't in the "correct order"...I have the same problem...blogger really needs to make this process easier. Have a great Sunday *elaine*

  3. Oh I should have thought of those for the mirror too! Glad someone was thinking! I'm so jealous of you picnic tin!!! It is just perfect!! Your right you don't see those around any more! Well Done! You got a load of great finds!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Hello Carol !!!!!!!!!
    Thanks for visiting me and I'm a have some awesome buys 25 cents for perfume...WOW..and I so enjoy your blog! I think we could do some damage out thrifting together!!
    Happy "hunting"!!
    Deb :)

  5. I love it when you happen on something that you can totally put to use for a good price - like those trellises...your clematis will be smiling.

  6. Great finds! I love the basket!

  7. Love the picnic basket and the candle holder. Fun stuff!
    Mary Lou

  8. Awesome deal on those perfumes. My Mamaw always wears Beuatiful, so I love it too, and Pleasures is one of my personal faves. Lucky you!

  9. Sales to the North of Chicago were not very good this weekend great old basements to rummage around in..but I enjoyed myself early this am at the flea...

  10. I love Mimi - she sounds a lot like me!!!
    Can't wait to see the candle holder redone. And, that mirror is just beautiful.

  11. WOW...I LOVE those perfumes. That tin basket is my favorite...oh my, you truly did get some fantastic finds girl!!

  12. great finds Perry Ellis for .25¢ I'm so jealous. Thanks for stoping by my blog!

  13. Oh Carol, your picnic basket is to die for! Two of your perfumes are my favs- what a bargain- do they still have a good scent? They can usually last a couple of years. Glad you found some good stuff.
    :-) Sue

  14. That candle holder is so pretty. Love your other finds too.

  15. I wish I had been to your sales - I was looking for baby things!

    great deals on all your things. the picnic basket is my favorite

  16. I LOVE MimiLucy, and she is just gorgeous! My tubby kitty Sinatra would never permit the cute picture that is on your blog. It makes me smile every time I see it.

  17. LOVE the new picnic basket! Awesome job with the mirror your yours that I want!!!!
    MimiLucy is so pretty. I hate to say this but, sometimes when I'm referring to the bird feeders, I call the "catfeeders". Ouch!

  18. Your blog is cute, cute, cute!

    I'm so glad to have found you!

  19. I love the picnic basket and to find perfume so cheaply - that's crazy! You had lots of success!

  20. I love all your *stuff*! The picnic basket is so neat. :) MimiLucy is just precious. :) Visiting from Rhoda's party. :)

  21. What a deal on the perfumes! I run into a lot of sales with tons of baby stuff too. Lately they all most of them are!

  22. Score on the perfume! I love your story about the mirror it made me laugh!

  23. Great finds!! Love all that perfume. I too have found that out yardsaling, but not for 25 cents for big bottles. I paid about $3 to $5 & was still happy with that. I'm gonna do a post about mine too one of these days.

  24. The metal candle holder is amazing. I can't wait to see it painted.


  25. So glad you found that basket for a lot less. The Candle holder is very cool. Great job hanging that pretty mirror!!

  26. You go antiquing every week?!? I am jealous.

    I am loving all of your finds, especially the perfume. I am the same way, just can't justify spending that much.

    I didn't know that about Lantana and humming birds. I have some, but it is at dog level. Maybe if I move it they will come:)

  27. Hi Carol,

    Looks like you got some great stuff! I used to wear the perfume Beautiful! such a pretty fragrance.


  28. I love that metal candle holder and the mirror is to die for. I really have a thing for mirrors!

  29. Awesome finds! Love the picnic basket and the candle holder! Your cat is to cute!

  30. I'm glad you've managed to hang your mirror. It is much too nice to leave lying around. I envy you with all the garage sales you seem to be able to go to. There just aren't enough of that sort of thing near me.

  31. You did good! Love the vintage picnic basket and the candle holder. I've got a thing for scrolly!

    And thank you for the good suggestion on my heart shelf. I'm off to check out ACMoore this week!

  32. I have a small collection of vintage mirrors the etching on your new one!

  33. I have never found a metal picnic basket or a mirror on my hunts, and I definitely want to!

  34. Love the red picnic basket and you have a very pretty kitty too!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  35. Looks like you found some awesome things! I love the mirror. Thanks for stopping by and visiting my blog today.

  36. I really like the candle stand. I did not think about the clips for the mirrors - good idea.

  37. Really great finds - the perfume is an awesome deal!

  38. Your kitties gave me a giggle. Love that picnic basket. And the mirror looks great on the wall.

  39. Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit today over on 47th Street. :) It's always great to meet new friends. I'm so happy to hear there is a way to hang mirrors! Thank you for including this with your post as I have some things like this that I couldn't figure out how to hang either. Love your purdy kitty! Enjoyed your post! Donna

  40. What great finds! LOVE that picnic is precious!

  41. Mimi looks like a great old cat. I like your vintage mirror collection.

  42. Wow! Perfumes were a steal! Love the candle holder too!

  43. What a buy on those perfumes! I had my first humming bird at my window feeder today, I just love watching them!

  44. Ooh I love your treasures & your blog, too! Thanks for dropping by Poppyseeds today:)

  45. Carol,
    I know your situation, I had a beautiful pink rose bush over a trellis and it broke this summer, that was not a pleasant experience. Love the candle holder. I also have a small collection of picnic baskets, but mine are much smaller, some are for individual lunches.

  46. Awwww I LOVE the pictures of MimiLucy!! She is beautiful! I also LOVE hummingbirds and have managed to get some pictures of mine.

    LOVE that trellis and what a great price!! Also, that picnic basket is wonderful!

  47. That candle holder is great!! And..I love Beautiful perfume! What a bargain!! You did good, chickadee!!

    I think that you could do something small for your daughter's dorm room that wouldn't wind up on the floor!! Heehee!! Something on the wall would work!


  48. Hi Carol,
    You showed us some great finds and shared clever ideas and information --- very interesting and fun to read!

    Thank you so much for the nice comment! I was great hearing from you ...

    Looking forward to seeing more of your finds and projects.
    Bye for now,

  49. Hello Carol !
    Thanks for following my blog !
    I haven't painted on mirrors but, I know people do...I think any slick surface should have a shot of primer first even for the tray -unless you scuff it up a little first. I scuffed up the light fixture before sticks better.
    I love your finds - they are all so cheery !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  50. Thanks for visiting my blog and yes, mom is ok, thanks for asking. As for the Twilight books; Yes, I did read them in order or I should say I inhaled them in order! Loved them and can't wait for New Moon. My daughter was recently visiting in Seattle and was going to take the Forks tour but the plans fell through. We are fans tho. Love the picnic bin and Mimi.
    Alicia from Titere con Bonete

  51. I love the mirror, that is a great idea ,I have a few things I'd like to hang!

  52. You certainly got a steal of a deal on the perfumes! I agree...I hate spending a lot of money for fragrances and they are sooooo expensive!

  53. I adore that picnic basket, it is such a nice piece! The perfumes are such an awesome deal as well =).

    Thank you for stopping by and commenting at my blog, I really appreciate it!

    I am going to browse the rest of your beautiful blog now! :)

    p.s. Mimi is adorable!!

  54. Love your site, too cute! You found some wonderful items and the mirror is fabulous!

  55. Love the picnic basket! You would love it where I am. THere are NEVER any baby stuff...just a lot of antiques. I have a baby though, so sometimes this makes me frustrated.
    The perfume was a GREAT buy!

  56. Those picnic baskets are expensive on ebay so good going!


  57. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods! I LOVE that mirror. So beautiful! And great deal on the perfumes. You saved a ton and will be smelling pretty for a long, long time!


  58. pritty kitty! the picnic box and pleasures perfume are my faves!


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