Sunday, July 12, 2009

Weekend Finds

There were quite a few garage sales on Friday, and I did pretty well. First is this vintage tablecloth. I know it's pretty wrinkled, but I just wanted to throw it on the table and see if I liked it. Oh no, guess what? I like it! Add it to the hundred others I have. I'm supposed to be selling these on Ebay, but every time I buy one, it's my new favorite. It was only 50 cents, my new favorite!
This old etched mirror is gorgeous! I desperately want to hang this on the wall, but there is no hanger, only felt on the back. Any suggestions? I wish they made an industrial strength plate hanger!

That huge trellis was found curbside. I love when it's also garbage day when we're out garage saling! My friend Nancy is fearless, so she jumped out and got it for me. I really should bring my camera on garage sale day, because it's always an adventure! We always get lost in the part of town where we found the trellis, and there's just no excuse for it, because I've lived here for 14 years, and she's lived here even longer! Lots of fun!

I hit the vintage Santa jackpot at one sale! Do you like my fancy backdrop for this picture? It's my microwave! I spare no expense for you all! Love the old blowmold Santa, and I've started collecting those cups. But....

one of the little cups is stuck inside the big one! I tried and tried to get it out, and now I'm just afraid it will break and I'll cut myself. What do I do? Do I have to lube up Santa with some Vaseline or olive oil?! Help!

I love this bowl. I'm calling it my Atomic Bowl! It's shaped like things from the 50s I think, that were called Atomic. It says Bolero Therm-O-Ware on the bottom. Looove iiittt!!

Another "Mother" picture, and Wuthering Heights and Sense and Sensability, two books that were on my "must have" list.

And finally, a vintage pink sewing basket. This will be going on Ebay. My goodness, it better! My husband always asks me, when I come home from garage saling, keeping or selling? And lately it's been keeping every time! If you would like to see more thrifty treasures, hop on over to Southern Hospitality.

One last thing. Coloradolady is having a great giveaway to celebrate her blog anniversary. Go check it out, and her blog!


  1. Wow! Did you have fun, or what!!! I love all your thrifty finds, including the curbside recycled trellis! Also, I used to have a green sewing kit just like the pink one you found. Beautiful!

  2. You and I would be great shopping
    companions, I love all your great
    finds! People are really getting
    rid of treasures, I am amazed!
    ♥ Jewelgirl

  3. WOW! you did so get some treasures! That Santa is great! I'd try soapy water for removing the little one. Just keep giggling it around and I think it should come out! Good Luck!
    The sewing basket is also lovely! I don't have any suggestions on the mirror but I know lots of people have them so it can't be that hard!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Wow, neat things! You could put the mirror on a table as a centerpiece with pillar candles on it.

    I love the sewing basket. Too cute!


  5. You found some great things this weekend! I can't resist a tablecloth either, they're piling up around here too :) Great mirror, I have no idea how you would hang it, but it would look so pretty on the wall.
    I have the glasses and pitcher to match that bowl, only mine is pink and white, I don't use the glasses too often, but the pitcher is always in the frig filled with black cherry kool-aid (hey, we all have a weakness).

  6. Great buys - I used my stove as the background for my pics the other day. We think alike.

  7. I love your finds. I agree that mirror is beautiful...I bet somebody knows how to hang it.
    Love your vintage cloth ...I haven't found one yet...
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  8. You seem to have scored! The mirror... I guess you have to glue some hangers on... with really good and strong glue.

  9. Wow - I'm super jealous of that mirror! It's a beauty!

  10. Really grat things you found! Love the mirror! Linda

  11. My video of the finds I got yesterday is up at my blog..Oh girl, you would have loved the table clothes that I found yesterday. I only picked up one,,but there were a few I was itching to get,,but I resisted...

    Thanks for sharing..That mirror is gorgeous. No tips from me,,I would have to ask hubby to see if he could brainstorm. Will get back to you if he has any suggestions...

  12. Neat finds! I love your "new favorite" tablecloth!

  13. If you will google rubber disc plate hangers, I think you will find a suitable hanger for your find. If you can't find, it let me know and I will send you the link to show you what I am talking about.


  14. Oh, that old mirror is charming. Hope you can figure out how to hang it. There has to be something you can glue on there to hold it up.

    Love all your vintage finds!

  15. Great finds and free is good. ;)
    My Domestic Bliss has some mirrors similiar to yours hanging, check with her to see how she hung hers.

  16. The mirror has felt on the back because it was originally used as a dresser tray of sorts...set it on the dresser and put your perfume on it. To hang it on the wall go to the hardware store and get thyself into the section where they have all the screws/hinges/etc. There will be drawers in that section that contain tiny pieces of hardware. There are several different versions of mirror hanging hardware available, but they are all essentially small plastic pieces that have a lip on them. You screw through them into the wall and the lip holds the mirror in place. What you need will depend on how thick the glass is.

    DO NOT try and use a plate hanger! Too heavy.

    And now that I have said all of that, you should just send it to me! It would fill in the last hole on my mirror wall quite nicely.


  17. The mirror is gorgeous! And I love the sewing box!

  18. Fun little Santas! I would try imersing them in a sink full of hot sudsy water for a while, they might work themselves apart. Dont force it though! Be gentle, and keep trying. Sometimes these dishes just suddenly decide to let go of each other.

  19. Yardsaling with you and Nancy sounds like a blast! I love all your finds, especially, the trellis, Santa and the sewing basket. I think the vintage tablecloth would make cute cafe curtains!


  20. You absolutely hit the JACKPOT this weekend! I LOVE that tablecloth. I have been on a tablecloth spree lately. That trellis is fabulous for a curbside find!!! I also love all your Santa collectibles. I think I would put some water in the sink with a squirt of veg. oil and see if that gets them apart. GREAT stuff!!!

  21. You found some really neat stuff. . . that mirror is gorgeous!!! Thanks for stopping by. :)

  22. I love the atomic bowl! There's a set of snack sets that would match it perfectly. They are white, turquoise and pink with stars on them. You should look them up on ebay! I see them all of the time. That would make a cute hostess set with your bowl.

  23. oh funny. I skim when I read....well, it's not skimming but, I read prases like most read words. SO! When I read about the garbage day and garage saling, My phrase reading translated to "garbage saling" in my brain! I thought, Genius. Then I read it outloud to my husband and realized my mistake. But, I think that's my new word. Garbage saling!
    I have 3 of those vintage glowing Santas, I love them! The table cloth is wonderful! I have a few. We hit a couple of estate sales today and I was glad to see the tablecloths were all used and worn and faded. Sometimes I just want to continue the hunt for nice ones. The atomic bowl is so neat...something that I'd buy! If I think of anyting on the mirror, I'll come back! I'll have my MENSA husband look at it.

  24. I haven't even thought to look for table cloths at yard sales. Something else to add to my list.

    Love the mirror too.

  25. Please let me know when you put that sewing basket on ebay. I'd love to have that.

  26. Goodness Gracious...You did great.
    I love it all!

  27. cute bowl! I want it, seriously.

    For the cups. Try putting ice cubes/ice water inside the mug and letting it sit for a minute (or stick them in the freezer). The cold will help contract the cups. Then, to get the bigger one to expand, dip it almost to the top in hot water. don't let the hot water get on the inside of the mug. This should hopefully make the outer one bigger and the inner one smaller so it will pop out.

  28. You always manage to find such wonderful stuff. I love the mirror and the sewing basket. Its a shame about the cup stuck in the bowl. I had a teapot with the lid stuck inside it for ages until I put it in the dishwasher and then I think the heat must have expanded the pot enough to get the lid out!

  29. MY goodness! You did do good! Love all the vintage treasures you found! I know what you mean about hubbys...mine always ask me If I am buying "that" to put in my next garage ;) Nancy

  30. I wanna go shopping with YOU and Nancy!! What a fabulous haul!

    We call it "dumpster diving" when we find treasures set out for trash. It's great to live in a college town and ride through the apartment complexes and campus when the school year is over.

  31. Thanks for stopping by my blog, yes little girls are so much fun to shop for and since my girl is really only into dresses I have decided to not fight it as I am sure the day will come soon enough that she will not want anything to do with a dress. So I have learned not to waste money on jeans or shorts for her.

    You made some great finds this week, I love the mirror you found, I hope you something to hang it with.

    Maybe just try soapy hot water to get the mugs unstuck. Good luck.

    Have a great week.

  32. My husband sent me over I love your garage sale finds! The mirror is great! I love the sewing basket!

  33. Hi Carol,

    thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you! I have added you to my favorites! Wow, you got some great treasures there! Love that tablecloth, and the mirror,and a c ute collection of Santa mugs. Try putting them in hot soapy water as someone else mentioned. Don't put them in the dishwasher though. It will eat the paint off.
    Someone gave a great idea about the mirror. yes, get the mirror thingies, that screw into the wall, and hold the mirror in place.
    Good luck!


  34. Thanks for stopping by to see my recycled propane tank, turned into a bobber. Great yard sale finds!

  35. Hi, Carol! Thanks so much for stopping by to visit my blog. :) You have some amazing finds this week!!! The FREE trellis is great, and I adore the Santas!!!

  36. Oh man, you had a great day! Love all your treasures! I can't believe the table cloth was only
    .50; steal!!!

  37. THanks for the kind words about my daughters room.

    I LOVE several of the vintage items you found, especially, the pink sewing basket, the atomic bowl, the etched mirror and Santa!

    The arbor is a great find as well!

  38. Love your finds and love that vintage sewing basket!

  39. Oh my - that mirror is to die for - love it!! Don't have a clue how to hang it - sorry - but good luck! Let us know how it turns out, OK?

    I really like that trellis thing - y'all did good.

    Happy Monday to you -

  40. You found a mirror too! Nice. Thanks for stopping by!

  41. You got some really great stuff. There are mirror hangers that you can get at HD. I think that is where I saw them. Hugs ~CINDY S~

  42. That sewing basket is a real keeper!
    Great find!

  43. Love the mirror, definitely a great find! I also liked the tablecloth ... I'm just a sucker for vintage linens. I also enjoyed reading about your makeovers ... great post! P.S. thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I do hope you'll come back and visit again soon.

  44. P.S. again ... forgot to mention the sewing basket ... I bought one on eBay a few years back! Love it in my sewing room! And also the collection cloches ... never knew what they were until I started reading blogs! Just want to let you know that I did jump over to Coloradolady ... thanks for sending me her way!

  45. My goodness - I really enjoy all the fun things you have bought - I love vintage too. There are mirror hangers - they are little"L" shaped white plastic - they screw into the wall and the long part of the "L" fits over the mirrow and holds it in place - try the hardware store -especially if you have a small local one, they probably know what I am talking about.


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