Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Vintage Thingies Thursday!!

YaY! It's Vintage Thingies Thursday! Our lovely hostess is Coloradolady, so pop on over there if you would like to see other bloggers' thingies! I forgot until a few minutes ago what day it is, so I scrambled to find something vintage to share. All I could come up with are some of my favorite things that are inside my secretary/hutch. They're silly, but it's all I got! I have had this poodle jewelry holder since I was a little girl. Her poofy hair is kinda dingy looking, from years of dust accumulating in it. I don't know how I can safely clean her, so she remains grungy!

I don't know how old these clocks are. One says West Germany on it, and the other two say Japan. I think they're cute, but when I look at them, all I can think of is the apple-green one that got away. Alas, someone grabbed it before I could. We all probably have a story like that!
These little bike-riding gals are very precious to me. They belonged to my Grandma, and they sat on her desk for a million years. They've been broken and glued together a few times, because my boy cousins couldn't keep their hands off pretty things without breaking them! Do I sound bitter? I'm really not! But I love these girls so much that I keep them imprisoned behind glass to keep them safe, so that I can pass them on to my daughter. Do you have something precious that no one can touch?


  1. This is a good week for bicycles and clocks. Those bike riding girls are sweet.

  2. ooohhh i LOVE your little poodle jewellery box..she's gorgeous not grungy :)

  3. your stuff is soooo cool love it all

  4. awww you have some cute things this week, love them :-)

  5. All your little goodies are so cute. Nice post and I enjoyed visiting.

  6. Oh very cute "thingies"! Thanks for sharing!!

  7. My sister and I each have one of those mini grandfather clocks. I've never thought of them as collectible, but now I'm going to go check out the markings. Thanks for sharing!

  8. that little poodle is something else. I think I have a little clock like yours.

  9. The Poodle is just too cute and the clocks are special, but I really love the little bike riding girls. Little boys can be so clumsy, can't

  10. Little poodle is so sweet and the bicycle riders are just as sweet. Happy VTT..have a great weekend.

  11. You have great thingies. I like the clocks but I really like those two pitchers that are on either side of the clocks!
    Happy VTT!

  12. That little poodle looks mighty sweet to me! All of your things are so cute! The little girls on bikes are priceless! I don't blame you for keeping them behind glass, I would too...just to keep them safe!!

    Have a great VTT and a wonderful weekend.

  13. Oh my goodness, I used to have the red clock. Did this ever bring back memories....

  14. Such little cuties!

    Thanks for stopping by the other day. I also am a big fan of homemade vs. store bought to avoid all the preservatives. When you make it you know exactally what is in it!


  15. I love seeing others peoples treasures! Those little bike riding gals look pretty cute!

  16. I'm glad you have those bicycles and that they survived your cousins!

    On my blog (the Happy, Happy Housewife towel), you mentioned not having a dishwasher. Growing up, my mom would never buy one because she said she had three - my two sisters and me!

    By the way, I've enjoyed your past few posts - just haven't gotten around to commenting this week!

  17. Love all your little vintage treasures. This is my first time by your blog. It's so cute!

  18. The clocks remind me of one my older (16 years older) sister had in her kitchen. I love these.

  19. Love all of your cute collectibles
    this week, my fav the bicycle set.
    Happy VTT!

  20. Those clocks are darling. I know what you mean by things that get away..there was a vintage needlepoint pillow on ebay that I will never forget...ugh. I guess I didn't need it.

  21. My favorite is the poodle! Love the expression on his (her?) face. So cute.

  22. Oh my goodness - your house is so. stinkin'. cute!!! Love the poodle, too. Thanks for dropping by today!

  23. Oh Carol, I love the poodle box -- how fabulous is she, grungy funky hair and all. I laughed out loud -- I LOVE that you have kept her since you were a little girl.

    And the bicycling ladies -- it's so wonderful to have precious keepsakes from family. Lovely post!

  24. Lovely items this week, Carol. How tall are those clocks? They look small. Those bicycling ladies are so cute.

  25. We must be cousins cause I had the same sort of boy cousins!!

    Your precious things are such memory holders. Glad you can pass them along to your daughter.

    Happy VTT!!

  26. I love those little clocks! I hope you come across the apple green one that got away someday =)

  27. Oh I know.... I had a poodle similar with that poofy hair and I decided to wash and possibly condition that mess. The poor dear never came back to me for a hairstyle.

    And ya know what? nope. I own nothing that cannot be touched. I generally hover over people and make them feel nervous so they'll put that stuff down :)

  28. Love the little bicycle riding people. I am partial to things that have memories attached!


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