Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It's Rednesday!

It's Rednesday, so if you love the color red, join me over at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this fun party!

First is this cute metal thing that you can hang your vintage red potholders, like I did, or your keys or rings, which doesn't sound like a very good idea. Why would I want to hang my rings up on the wall?! I like the little saying on there, but you'll have to click to enlarge it.

I have (am stuck with) a little washer and dryer in the kitchen. The washer is now broke, so that cute fruity curtain hides a multitude of clutter. I call the dryer on top my circular iron. I just spritz my husband's workshirts, through them in the dryer, and voila, they are wrinkle-free. I love my circular iron!

Sue, this is for you! I found this cookie box at a grocery store in Wisconsin, and I couldn't pass it up!

Finally, let's go outside and see what's blooming. The garage windowbox is looking pretty good. But what is that red thing in the middle?

Why, it's my red rooster! All nestled in amongst the flowers. A friend gave him to me for watering her garden a few years ago. I change this windowbox for every season, and he is always a part of the decor! Now, if you enjoyed seeing my red things, bop on over to Sue's to see more!
Added at 6:30 A.M. : Is anyone else having trouble with Blogger? According to my dashboard, I am not following any blogs! I've lost all of my blogs that I'm following! I've cleared out my cache, and still nothing. Help!!


  1. Carol, that vintage key rack is super cute, and I really like your rooster! That circular iron sounds very convenient!

    I'll have my rednesday post up soon, and Im excited about it, it's a good one this week if I do say so myself. :)

  2. What a lovely bunch of red! Especially that rooster!

  3. Hi, Carol! I love your red curtain! ♥

  4. I say wait a bit on the blogger problem, sometimes they resolve themselves.

    In the meantime, if you are depending on that followers gadget to keep track of blogs, you might consider using something like bloglines or google reader so you dont lose your "favorites" list.

  5. Love all the red, that little key/ring/potholder rack is sooo cute!

  6. Carol, what a cheerful post, love it! The vintage hanger is c-u-t-e! Your garage windowbox is gorgeous! What is the lil Rooster's name? He needs a name, he is just darlin'. Thanks for cheering my morning with your photos! Have a great day!

  7. I love all your red goodness....that cookie box is so cute.I love cherries,are have you already guessed that...


  8. Happy Rednesday!

    And yes I had trouble with Blooger earlier...I could not access my dashboard...but it all came back about an hour later, thankfully.

  9. Thanks for the cookie box! But I'm a little put out that you didn't leave me any cookies in it! LOL! (I should get some decals and do something similar.)

    The potholder rack is superb! I saw one like it on eBay earlier this year. Love the "clutter curtain" - good idea! And the rooster is great - glad you leave him there year-round!

  10. Mine is fine but I didn't get on until this evening! Good Luck! LOVE your reds!! Cherries are the BEST!!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. I love that potholder rack. That is just way too cute! I did enlarge the picture, and the saying is great! You have some really good reds. laurie

  12. Love your reds! I'm a bonafide lover of red and it's every where here...just the way I like it. lol!
    Enjoy your day!


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