Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Vintage Thingies Thursday!

Please join me at Coloradolady, where Suzanne is our hostess, to see vintage thingies! After I found my pink dollhouse last week, I started to get nostalgic for some of my old dolls.

So I dug out my old Barbie lunchbox, and my Barbies. I had ALOT of Barbies when I was a little girl, and I would line them up all along the front porch, playing with a couple of them at a time, then moving down the porch to play with the others. I wish I knew what happened to the rest of the dolls I had.

This Barbie has wigs. I wish I had taken a picture of her without a wig. She always kinda scared me when she was wigless. Maybe that's why I bit off a couple of her fingers!

Here are all of the clothes that are left. My Mom knitted alot of clothes for them. Can you see that my name and room number are still on the lunchbox?

I also found these in the lunchbox. Very disturbing...Now for this next doll, if you have a weak stomach, you might want to look away, because she is U-G-L-Y!!

This is Poor Pitiful Pearl, or Poofalah as I called her, because I couldn't pronounce her real name.

Is she not the ugliest doll you've ever seen?! Yes, yes she is, but I loved her!

Here are the Liddle Kiddles that I have left. I remember having more, but I guess they went to dolly heaven. The one on the left is Sweet Pea, which is the flower for April, and she still smells faintly flowery!

Does anyone remember Dawn Dolls? I loved these dolls so much! They had such glitzy clothes, like they were made by Cher's designer, Bob Mackie! Remember Dawn, and Angie, and Gloria? Don't they look so fashionable, and put together, like they're doing a photo shoot for Chico's?

When in fact, they are complete slobs!
Did you enjoy seeing my vintage dolls? If so, then go to Suzanne's right now, and see more vintage thingies!


  1. I've always had a soft spot for ugly dolls. In fact, my daughter was born the year that Cabbage Patch dolls were introduced - but there was such a craze that I never got to buy one for her!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  2. Oh, I remember the Liddle Kiddles....I gave all my barbies and barbie stuff to my cousin...and my aunt will not give them back...I wish she would...I had doll clothes my grandmother had made for me, I should have kept my stuff and not given it away...Oh. Well...too late now! Love all of your...even the one you say is ugly.
    Have a great VTT!!

    Ps when you use mod podge, wet the back really good with product. Put on surface, and using a wet sponge, try and work air bubbles out, then...put the mod podge over the top, most of the time, that works rather well.

  3. Unfortunately I don't have any of my childhood dolls. I do have some ragdolls I bought about 15-20 years ago. I will probably show the vintage ones some time.

  4. My Barbies and other dolls are still in my parents' basement. I should get them and show them off. I never heard of a Barbie with wigs, but everyone I knew cut her hair. I never did.
    I'm giving away books to 8 winners, so check it out if you like to read!

  5. I still have my barbies and I keep them in my old plaid lunchbox. I do not have BARBIES tho - only SKIPPERS. My mom did not like how Barbies were so well endowed and womanly shaped. I had the flat chested teen skippers. I had Dawn dolls - and they had a chest so not sure what was up with that.

  6. Very nice collection of vintage dolls. It is nice to see something different posted. Enjoyed it very much.

  7. This is my favorite post I am in love with the dolls of my childhood and you and I have many ones alike. I always check out eBay for Liddle Kiddles. I had Violet and Apple Blossom and wish I still did. Can I come over to play? please!!

  8. What a great fun post. I love it..and also Poor Pearl. She's adorable and just as loveable as the "beautiful" girls. :)
    Happy VTT..bring your dolls over and we can have a tea party...

  9. I have to concur, that doll is not attractive. But she was probably very loveable all the same. Love the neat Barbie accessories!

  10. OMG!!! What great thingies!!! I love the Barbies. I need to get out my stuff!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. I never had Barbies but I do remember Poor Pitiful Pearl. She is so homely that it makes her kinda cute!

  12. Oh you are so lucky to have saved all of your dolls! I don't think I have a single one saved- my mother threw them all out. *sigh*

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  13. Thanks so much for sharing your fun childhood memories. I LOVE that your name and room number are still on your lunch box. How adorable.

    Sadly, I have almost nothing from my childhood years. We were a military family growing up and often lost things in moves, but when we did our final move, when I was starting 8th grade, we left all my toys in our storage shed on our property and moved to our last posting befor emy dad retired. My parents rented out the house, but when my father returned to have the renters evicted for not paying rent, we discovered they had broken into our storage and got out all our toys and ruined them. i was devestated when my dad came home and told us he couldn't salvage anything.

    I don't usualyl go around missing my "stuff" from childhood, but it would be nice to have some of my old barbies. these are precious memoreis you have here thanks for sharing!


  14. I wasn't allowed to have Barbies - - - my mom was one of THOSE mom who thought they had too much boobie. Never heard of Dawn. We DID have Tammy. Dad made us a wardrobe out of a box covered in contact paper - - - had a little pull out drawer at the bottom, a closet at the top, and two doors that opened. I think he even made us some hangers out of pipe cleaners. Mom sewed us Tammy clothes. BUT - - - my Tammy is LONG GONE to I know not where.

  15. Poor pitiful Pearl...oh my, homely little gal, ain't she?

    What a collection of fashionable dollies you have!

  16. I had forgotten about Liddle Kiddles. I had a couple but who knows where they went. Probably the same place with all my Barbies. Midge was my favorite.

  17. Awww! Pearl is so pitifully poor that she's almost cute. I really like her! I have some OLD Barbies from when I was a child. I'm 51 so, these are about the earlies that they could be. My GRANDMA knitted clothes for my Barbies. I have just one outfit I think. I miss my Grandma. followers are back....and so are the ones I follow (such as you). Yay

  18. Love the black Barbie lunchbox, your lunches were stylin'!

  19. wow! what a great collection! you got so many of Miss B.. and they all look so pretty despite the years you keep them in lunch box hehehe.. I wish my mom keep some of my childhood toys.. Happy VTT

  20. I guess I wasn't a dolly person, I only ever remember having one doll, Jean-Ethel & somehow she got left in the cow pasture & stepped on by the animals-her body was cloth-I think Mum cleaned her up. I just wasn't into dolls! And we never had Barbie in Australia! And I had all sons so I am a Barbie dummy!
    You sure have an amazing collection though.

  21. i love your old dollies esp the liddle kiddles and the barbie lunchbox :)

  22. Wonderful memmories...great take on the challenge!

  23. I was to old to have Barbies, but my younger sister had a couple. Barbie with wigs sounds awful, but she had one with exchangeable heads! I think it was cruel.

  24. I remember the Liddle Kiddles--was just trying to remember their name the other day. And I actually had the same one you do--the one on the right in the gold frame. I think I wound up cutting her hair and giving her a chin length bob...

  25. Poor Pearl...she did get hit by the ugly stick didn't she...LOL! I always thought Cabbage Patch dolls were the ugliest of them all and did NOT see the appeal!

    I don't remember Dawn dolls, but if I ever run across an old Tammy doll I'm gonna snatch her up!

    Liddle there is a jaunt down memory lane...

    Loved your post today!♥

  26. Ugh...I got rid of all Barbie stuff many years ago! And you think your doll is ugly? You should see the raggedy ann that was my daughter's 30+ years ago. I saved it for her, but it is scary!

  27. Hi Carol,I loved seeing all your dolls.They are wonderful. I remember them all from my childhood,unfortunately I am not blessed to have any of mine left. Little nieces inherited them afraid. I did still have a couple when I left home to start my married life but I don't know what became of


  28. You brought back so many memories. I still have some hand made Barbie clothes but haven't seen hide nor hair of a Liddle Kiddle or Dawn doll in years!
    -The Tablescaper

  29. Wow - what a fantastic Barbie collection, Carol! I remember sewing clothes for mine! Unfortunately I never kept my Barbies! Oh - and I also had a Pitiful Pearl - how can you not love that funny face - but I don't remember Liddle Kiddies. Thanks for a great post!

  30. My sister and I had Barbie. Mom made some clothes for us and we learned to sew our own. The house burnt in 1973 so I don't have that one. I have collected some from yard sales. Never heard of Pearl. Did a google. There are variations in body style and size ( 12" and 17") And prices run from 15.00 to 175.00. Great post.

  31. I still have my Dawn doll and her cute pink car. I owned only two barbies and handed both of those over to relatives, but I did keep my skooter doll and Liddle Kiddle. I enjoyed viewing all of your dolls today. Take care~

  32. Yes, it was fun to see your childhood dolls. Wish I had kept even one of mine!

  33. I remember Kiddles and Dawns! They were my favorites...even over Barbie. I still have my kiddles, but my Dawn collection went the way of Ebay back when I needed some quick cash! Schucks!

  34. I love that you still have your Barbies - our girls had a lot of them and I used to knit tiny sweaters on round toothpicks. Oh the patience I had back then. LOL

  35. Lol..sigh...I so remembered the Barbie with the wigs...I too someday will have to search for my Barbies...but I was more of a baby doll kinda gal!

  36. Oh how neat! I had a Barbie, so did my sister -- and I worked so hard making sure my Barbie not only had a killer wardrobe, but a nifty apartment as well --- made a sofa, a closet, table, swimming pool and cabana --- all out of things like cigar boxes (yes, really) and Contact Paper in wood grain and red velvet. I should have known I'd love decorating from that!

    I also had Tammy, and her Mom, and her sister, and I think a boyfriend. And I still have Tammy and her sister -- in fact, they are sitting on my bookshelves right now.
    I LOVED dolls... good practice for being a Mom. :-)

  37. I remember Poor Pitiful Pearl. She was an ugly doll. How great that you still have all of these and the doll clothes too! I have my Barbie - I'm old enough that girls only had one Barbie, because there was only one Barbie (Ken had not even been born yet)! Barbie came with dark hair or blonde hair. Love your lunch box. laurie

  38. Barbies!!! I still have mine too! All my girls played with them when they were young and now they sit under a bed in a box...I have boys now :p
    Thanks for stopping by for a visit and yes, I do use my pasta bowl. Mostly for soft things rolls, tortillas, or napkins :0)

  39. Oh, what a neat collection of dolls! I love the Barbies and the Kiddles!!! How cool are they??!!!

  40. I loved the dolls particularly the Barbies! I had Cindy who was similar to Barbie but the British version. And Poor Pitiful Pearl, well yes I agree, she aint the prettiest!

  41. Uh. You have a Poor Pitiful Pearl. I was scouring the web for pitiful dolls and came across her. I didn't know that someone so kind had adopted her. I feel so much better now.

    I love all your dolly heads. I never knew that there was a bald Barbie with wigs. I think my mother ripped out pages of the Sears catalog so I wouldn't whimper and whine.

  42. I am glad I checked out your last weeks VVT! This is a fun one for
    me, I had Barbies and Little Kiddles
    too! I had that wig set and yes she
    was a bit scary without the wigs with
    that heavy eyeliner on the Barbies
    eyes! scaryyyyy :)


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