Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wednesday Is Rednesday!

Today is Wednesday, but it's really Rednesday! For those of you who still don't know what that means, please join me over at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess, and we all share our love of the color red. Maybe you have something red that you would like to share? Well, join the party!

Once again, my red things are from the kitchen. I love this plaid enamel pot! It usually sits on the stove, but my stove is filthy right now from making spaghetti. There are just some things that I am not willing to share with you all!

I call this a timer, my daughter Liz calls it a torture device. I think she's right. My Grandma told me that Liz was such a skinny baby, and so immediately after she said that, I proceeded to basically shovel food down Liz's mouth. It suddenly became very important for her to finish every single morsel of food on her plate. Thankfully I didn't turn her into an overeater! I wish I could use the stupid thing to turn back time!

Finally, my lovely Pyrex covered dish. I originally bought it to sell on Ebay, because it was so cheap, but I'm crazy about it, so it ain't goin' nowhere! Did you enjoy seeing my red stuff? If so, head on over to Sue's, and maybe show some of your red treasures!


  1. Oh my goodness I LOVE that checkered enamel pot!! WhatEVER! I'm totally jealous. And the timer and the pyrex dish are sweet, too. But that enamel pot is just.. oh my goodness. *coveting*.


  2. I always love your red stuff!

    My mom recently told me my grandmother always felt like my weight problem was because she fed me mashed potoates too early when I was a baby. Imaginge that, and I thought it was my sweet tooth! Ah, if we only could turn back time!

  3. So cute reds!!!

    Barbara Jean

  4. Oh, I love your red kitchen things. So cheerful! I have a red tomato timer; you'd think I could have remembered that and taken a picture...don't blame yerself for pushing food on your daughter! Yer heart was in the right place!

  5. The red Pyrex... is that the Large sized one? It was always called the macaroni-n-cheese dish in our parents house! One of our fav's - Mom's homemade mac-n-cheese, always in The red dish, and the only thing that dish was EVER used for. I found my own in hopes that it would make my mac-n-ch taste like Mom's... it didn't work.

  6. Hi Carol! I have a Red and White enamel ware pot but I've never seen a plaid one! Too cute! ♥

  7. Love all the red! I have that pyrex dish too, I've found three little ones to go with it, do you know how many makes a set?

  8. Oh, I love your reds! Very charming! Thanks for sharing and Happy REDnesday!


  9. What great red things you have. I really enjoyed viewing them.

  10. WOW, Carol! Love the plaid pot! Definitely the cat's meow!

  11. You have some lovely reds posted today. Thanks for sharing! Happy Rednesday!

  12. Reds are the best! And you have some real good ones!
    Hugs, Lisa


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