Sunday, August 16, 2009

Weekend Finds & Reclaiming My Garden

I must say, this is probably the weirdest assortment of things I have ever found! The garage sales were awful this week, so all of this came from antique stores. Every Thursday, my Mom, sister and I go antiquing. I found this old wrapper from a loaf of Wonder bread. There is a thick piece of foam in there to keep it's shape. Does anyone remember when loaves were sold like this? I just love the colors, and it looks great in my kitchen!

Next is a little red transistor radio. I set out on Thursday with a mission to find a transistor, after I saw Nicole's cute blue and white one. I couldn't believe my luck! I don't think it's real old, maybe the 70s? I don't care. It's RED!

I have been looking for barkcloth in my price range, and Thursday I found 3 panels for $6 each! I love the pattern, and the colors are perfect. Only problem is....

I don't know if I want to use them for curtains, or to use to make covers for chair cushions. So I have one panel hanging along with the current curtain. I don't think this is helping me decide at all, and is probably confusing me. And it looks stupid! I need to put the other barkcloth panel up there!

I found this Bill Shakespeare figurine. I wish I could find out more about him. I spend about 30 minutes online trying . He has alot of what looks like silver hallmarks on the bottom, and it also says "D Whitton" on it. Does anyone know anything about him?

For those of you who read my previous post, about being scared and intimidated by my neighbor, and afraid to work in my back garden for almost 2 years, here is what I did on Friday.

Come take a little walk with me, through the arch, into what was once my Secret Garden, and which I am now reclaiming.

I put a little picket fence, reclaimed from another neighbor, between the yard and the thug's garage. I wish it could be an 8' fence. Normally, you are supposed to put the good side of the fence facing your neighbor. As you can see, I didn't do this, and I DO NOT CARE. I saw him yesterday looking at the fence, and I must confess, my heart still races when I see him, from fear, but mostly I think it's anger at myself for living in fear for so long. My garden is going to be cute again, I swear it!

Finally, say hello to my little friend, Chester the Cicada! I found him in the garden, and alas, he was dead when I found him, so he is going in a frame, to be preserved forever. He won't be alone though, and I'll show you some time. Because I like bugs!


  1. Good morning! Bravo for taking back your yard!!! Well...for beginning to...I have a neighbor from h*#l as well ,actually he's from Canada..:o}..who become my nemesis 4 yrs ago when we had 4 a row..remember that? it's been 4 years...i tried to forgive, but no now i basically just ignore him. it's not my way, i'm one of those "plays well w/ others"...but sometimes you just can't change it. But, you can change YOUR side of the fence!!! *elaine*

  2. Good looking barkcloth! I wouldn't be able to decide what to do with it either. My mom wasn't a Wonder Bread fan but I do remember the wrapper. She must have been turned off by that "soft whirled" stuff. Good luck with the garden!

  3. Good For YOU!
    It is yor yard and you need to enjoy it. We can't let the mean people win!!
    I saw a bumper sticker that said
    "mean people suck"...of course you don't want to make it worse.
    Love the bark cloth...I see pillows or maybe a table cloth? I don't's just in fun to think what I could make.
    Ddeb :)

  4. Good for you, get back in your garden and enjoy it. If you show you dont care, then your neighbour will leave you alone. People only intimidate those who show they are scared and thats why they are bullies, I bet they wouldnt treat a 6'4 man with huge biceps in the same way. Love your thrifty finds especially the barkcloth X

  5. Oh my goodness Im totally going to come to your house and STEAL that red transistor radio!! I am touched that I inspired your search and I am happy for you that you found such a sweet treasure!!

    I'm glad to hear you are reclaiming your garden, good for you, sister.

    We have found ONE thing that we disagree on, however, and that is bugs. Eeeeew-no!! Bugs=bad. but I am glad that you like them... someone needs to. :)

    Thanks for advertising the giveaway, that's an extra entry in the draw for you! :)

    Thanks for sharing your goodies, carol. Blessings!

  6. Lovin' the Wonder Bread Wrapper - The Breadman is a Wonder Bread routeman. I'm always on the lookout for old Wonder Bread stuff. (PS we don't eat it - he just sells it. Shhhhhh!)

  7. Fun finds, I never thought about wanting an old radio till I saw a gorgeous 50's pink one last week, unfortunately a little bit out of my price range. I know I'm going to be looking for them everywhere now!

    Good luck with your yard, once upon a time I lived in town, and I remember what a pain some neighbors can be :(

  8. I love your interesting fines.The bread-sack and barkcloth being my favorite. Glad you are able to reclaim your "Secret Garden". The Bible instructs us to Live peacefully with all men,if possible.Sometimes no matter how hard we try it turns out,that just isn't possible...enjoy your yard and pray for your neighbor as you work. Could be God just may be able to soften his heart and save his soul....
    Have a blessed week......

  9. Great finds! Mine always end up being a hodge podge of items too. Everything from vintage, frilly, to primitive and so on. I love the radio and Billy Shakespeare the best!

  10. Please be careful -- criminally minded people do NOT think and act as normal people do.

    I like those barkcloth panels! And your cicada! "My, what big eyes you have, bug!" We have some gorgeous shiny green beetles here -- they look metallic -- and when they die, I put them in a little bowl on display...

  11. Where was it ever written that the "good" side of the fence should not be what YOU look at? *grin* I have always had the board side facing us in the last 3 fences we've had built. I am entitled to do what I want because I have paid for it! LOL
    Just ignore bad neighbor guy and go about your own business of reclaiming your yard.
    I love your barkcloth curtains and the transistor radio.
    :-) Sue

  12. That jerk! I swear, you should tell him your blog gang is gonna come make him wish he wasn't so mean!!

    Just call the cops next time...they know how to deal with people like him!

    I can't wait to see what you do with that sweet spot!♥

  13. Hello Carol! It is so nice to meet you! There just is nothing more fun than going antiquing, is there?! My favorite thing! Enjoy your yard and have a nice week! Twyla

  14. The barkcloth panels at $6 each are a fabulous find! I think you hit the "jackpot" with those!!!

  15. I love that radio also..oh my!! I got some material also on the weekend, didn't know it was called bark cloth..I just bought it because it reminded me of all of my grandmothers material she had stored in her house way back when..I too don't know what I plan on doing with mine, but I do love it!!

  16. Chester....I find his brothers & sisters all over my driveway every summer. Too funny!


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