Saturday, October 31, 2009

Looky What I Got!

I just had to post this real quick, in between trick-or-treaters, to show you what I just received in the mail! It's what I won from Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage!
First is this teapot. Isn't it gorgeous? Oh my goodness, I love it! And let me tell ya, it's cold enough to brew up a big pot. It's only in the 40s, and very windy. Brrrrr!

Next is this sweet little BOO banner that she made!

And she gave me a cute wood pumpkin too! I was so excited to get this today, because Halloween is right up there with Christmas for me! Thank you so much Janelle!

I hope you are all having a jolly Halloween! I know I am!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Vintage Pitchers and Creamers

I'm joining the party over at Coloradolady, where Suzanne hosts Vintage Thingies Thursday.

Today I am sharing some old pitchers and creamers. I love this rooster, because the colors are still so vibrant. It was made in Japan.

I have no idea how old this kitty creamer is, but I've had it for a very long time.

I had to have this elephant creamer because my Grandma had one just like it! She would water her houseplants with it, and I remember that his trunk was chipped, and she wrapped masking tape around it. I would happily trade mine for her old chippy one any day!

Isn't this kitty creamer cute? It was made by Shawnee Pottery, and it's called Puss 'n Boots.

I've had this rooster pitcher for a long time too, and there are no markings on it, so I don't know how old it is.

And finally, we have this old yellow ball pitcher. Again, no markings. Boy, do I need a new camera. I am not happy with these pictures at all! Oh Santa.....

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


If you like the color red, you're going to want to join me over at Sue's pretty blog, It's A Very Cherry World, where she hosts Rednesday every week!

Last Friday I went to a garage sale run by a former antique dealer. She had one huge room full of stuff that was priced, but people could wander throughout the house, and if they saw something they liked, just ask and maybe she would sell it. I saw this vintage spice rack, above, and

also this spice rack hanging in her kitchen, full of dust and grease. I asked her if she would sell them, and she said ok, $10 for both, but I had to come back another time, because it would involve getting her husband to take them off the wall. Well I knew that if I didn't leave that house with them right then and there, someone else would snatch them up, so I asked the husband real nice if he would take them down for me, and he gruffly said yes, but I had to wrap them myself. Done! After knocking over the dog's water bowl twice, I got it all wrapped, and got out of there before anything else tempted me. One more thing I can cross off my list of must-haves!

I don't remember if I've ever shown these before, but I made another one of these glass totems, after I found this great rooster at a garage sale. These things look so great tucked in a garden, but the garden is done for the year, so I stuck it in a pot to take the picture.

I knew that if I packed the rooster away, I'd never find it, so I just went ahead and made it. I usually leave these things out all winter, but this one I think I will bring inside. Especially since I noticed after I got the rooster home that his lips, I mean his beak, had been repaired.

My bushes are burning! I love these bushes. They look like nothing special all year, but come fall, they are spectacular! Wanna see more reds? Head on over to Sue's!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weekend Finds

I'm linking up with Junkin' Monday at Cottage Charm and Family Inspiration for the first time!
I went to a garage sale on Friday, run by a woman who was an antique dealer getting out of the business. Her whole home was full of treasures that she was letting go of. I restrained myself, and only bought a few things. I love the vintage Ohio Art Chinese Checkers game, above! As soon as I got home, I ran inside and put it up there with all of my metal picnic baskets, and I think it looks like it belongs there!

I also got this tray. I have a green one just like it. So obviously I needed to buy it, because by golly, if one is good, two or three has got to be better! I'm starting to understand now how my house is bursting at the seams! DO NOT be surprised if you see me on Hoarders one day.

And finally, this great old wastebasket! I've been wanting one for a while, and this one was at a great price. Now if only I can get over the "it's too pretty to put garbage in" thing, it'll look great in the bathroom! I got a few other things at this sale, one of which I've been yearning for. But that will have to wait for another time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Couple of Little Projects

When I bought this big story of old glory board this summer, I thought I was going to find the perfect spot for it right away. Well, it's been sitting there on the floor ever since, and I finally got tired of picking it up to clean the floor.

So I dug this old bench out of the garage, dust and all. I have to admit that I've been looking for this bench all summer, and couldn't remember where I put it! Does that happen to you? Happens to me way too often.

So one little bottle of 99 cent paint later....

the board is off the floor, and can be appreciated better! I wanted a turquoisey blue, but this might be just the littlest bit too loud. Any easy ideas on how to tone it down? I couldn't get a good shot of the whole wall without standing on the dining room table, so this will have to do.

A little bit more Halloween. I printed these on card stock, from here.

Then I bought these great frames, already scruffed up, from Dollar Tree.

And here we have the final Halloween projects! No more. I'm done!

I was so sick of this sink skirt! I made it from an old tablecloth.

I like this cherry fabric much better! I can't believe I'm letting you see my filthy, chippy kitchen! Oh well, it is what it is. The cabinets are in dire need of a paint job!

Ok, one last quick Halloween picture. Vintage blow molds. These are already put away, back in the attic. I have nowhere to put them in my tiny house, and since I found out that they are worth something, they no longer go outside!

Finally, I'm ready to move on to Christmas! Are you? I can't wait to read this magazine, and start doing some Christmas crafts. I want to continue working on my glitter cottages that I started last year. Oh, I can't wait to start seeing all of the Christmas crafts on other blogs. It's the most wonderful time of the year! That was me singing a Christmas carol. Be glad you can't hear me!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Vintage Radios for Vintage Thingies Thursday

Please join me over at Coloradolady, where Suzanne is our wonderful hostess and we share vintage things every week.

Today I would like to share this old radio. It is a Silvertone, and you could get one from the Sears catalog back in the 30s. We saw this radio while on vacation in Wisconsin several years ago, and since we live in a Sears Roebuck house, I decided that we needed it! Bless Mr. Old Glory for agreeing to buy it and make it fit in the car! To this day, I don't know how he did it, because when we go on vacation, the car is always packed to the gills!

While I'm at it, I decided I might as well show the rest of my radio collection, for those that haven't seen them. I got this pink one from Ebay, and it's my favorite.

This little transistor probably isn't that old, but it is red, so I grabbed it!

Another Ebay win. Unfortunately, I can not get this thing clean! Pretty color though!

And last we have this yellow Truimph clock radio. It's in excellent condition, another Ebay win, and my favorite. Oh wait, I said that about the pink one, didn't I? Actually, my favorite might be that green one that I want to win on Ebay....
If you've enjoyed seeing how I waste my money, I mean, seeing my vintage things, head on over to Suzanne's!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It's Rednesday!

Please join me at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is the hostess for Rednesday, and we share our love of red!
Today I'm sharing an old plastic Santa cookie jar that I just got from Ebay. I've been wanting one of these for a while, so I figured I'd better grab it now, before everyone is snatching up the vintage Christmas stuff! I'll be using that cherry fabric in the background for a project, but for now, that's for you Sue!

These stools sit in my kitchen to help me reach the upper cabinets. I'm a shorty, so I really need these. I got them at a huge garage sale benefiting PAWS several years ago. They're cute and very functional, but my favorite thing is this:

One one of the stools, someone has carved the letters dj. Probably a little girl or boy's initials. Maybe they used it to help them get into bed. Or brush their teeth. At least that's what I choose to think! I just love it!

And finally, I know I'm cheating here, because I already showed this a couple of days ago, but I love it so much that I'm showing it again! I've always loved Smokey, and although I don't quite know what I'm going to do with this scarf, I had to have it. Maybe frame it, or make a pillow. Any other ideas? Well, if you would like to see more red things, head on over to Sue's!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Goodies From The Covered Bridge Festival!

When we started out for Indiana early Wednesday morning, it was very gloomy and drizzly, and it was like that the whole time we were there! Have you ever seen a wind farm? We passed the Fowler Ridge Wind Farm in Benton County, Indiana. I was fascinated yet creeped out by those huge turbines! They made me think of the movie War of the Worlds. Is it just me?

There are three towns with festivals going on, and this one was at Bridgeton. You can see the old mill, and the covered bridge on the right.

This is the inside of the bridge.

This is the bridge with a little waterfall.

This is the fest happening in the town of Mansfield. This fest was huge!

One of the many food vendors. The name of this one made me smile! I wish I could have taken pictures of all of the craft booths, but many had signs saying No Pictures Please. There were lots of antique booths too, but the prices were very expensive.

I just love this sign! It was on the way to our hotel in Terre Haute.

I got this McCoy vase from a sweet Amish lady selling antiques. If you enlarge the picture, you can see that it was only $2, because it was chipped! Turn it around, and no chips!

I also got these from the same Amish lady. I thought this deck of cards was pretty cool. I had to have them, because I've seen lots of crafts using them on lots of blogs!

I haggled pretty hard to get this little jar! I've always wanted one, but it was a little pricey for me. Luckily the vendor was willing to make a deal!

I thought this planter was a cupid, that I could use in my Valentine decorations. When I got it home, I realized it was a baby with a rattle! Ah well, you're still going to see it with all of the Valentine decor!

I got this pink tin, full of sewing notions, at an Amish farm having a garage sale. The little pink vase also came from a garage sale. Normally there are a ton of garage sales along the way, once you get close to the fest, but the weather was too crummy for most people I guess.

My first Santa boot! I feel a collection coming on!

Yes, dear Penni, of course I came home with something red, white and blue! This apron came out of a big basket, where everything was $2.

This Smokey the Bear!!! scarf came out of the same basket. I have loved Smokey since I was a little girl, but have never owned anything Smokey until now. So happy!

And finally, Terry @ Purple and Paisley sent me one of these old magazines that she shared for Vintage Thingies Thursday. Click on Terry's blog there, to read the post. The magazines have really crazy crafts, ads where women are looking for their missing husbands, or a pen pal. Terry's post about these magazines is very funny! Thank you Terry! I had fun reading the magazine while we were at the hotel!