Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's Rednesday!

Welcome to Rednesday! When you're done looking at my reds, please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue hosts this fun party every week!

First we have a little girl bell, Made In Japan. I got her last week at an antique store. I think these little Christmas girl figurines are my latest obsession! Unfortunately I'm cheap and they're not!

This is a down-filled snowflake quilt that sits on the sofa, ready to keep us warm as we sit and watch TV.

I got these old canisters at a thrift shop last week. I couldn't believe they were still sitting there, because they were only $3 for the set! Guess they were waiting for me to come along!

And finally, my pal Dawn at Cottage State of Mind sent me this adorable apron, just because! Isn't she sweet?

And in the pocket she had tucked this ornament! I love it, because it's so retro looking! That's the pretty tag that she included too. Sorry for the glare. It is so dark and gloomy today that I had to turn all of the lights on to get a decent picture.

And she also sent me this little tree. You probably can't tell, but when the light inside is on, it sparkles! I turn this little beauty on every night. Thank you so much Dawn! You're a dollface! Now head over to Sue's to see lots more reds!


  1. Your Christmas is as lovely as the rest of your goodies! I just love being able to stop by and see all your treasures!
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. Your Christmas reds are lovely. It's been dark and gloomy here too, so the little bit of red was a cheerful spot.


  3. Rednesday and all of your fantastic Christmas items are a match made in heaven. I love seeing all of your wonderful red items!

  4. Hi Carol! That little bell girl is adorable. You always find the sweetest things! I hope you have a fantastic Wednesday honey. Kori xoxo

  5. Hi Carol,love all your red things...those cansiters are a wonderful find.....the little Christmas angel is so sweet....have a very blessed Thanksgiving day.....

  6. You have a lot of fun Christmas items to show this Rednesday! love them all. I really liked seeing that canister set! Awesome!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  7. Lots of great Christmassy bits and bobs there Carol ... love your little Christmas bell, she's a sweetie (just like Dawn).
    Happy REDnesday to you!
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  8. Is it really wed. again already?1 I'm glad because your red posts always make me feel happy!

    SCORE on the canisters, Carol! ♥

  9. What a load of precious reds! The little doll is too cute and that sparkly tree is mesmerizing!!!

  10. I envy you that cozy red snowflake quilt!
    Happy Rednesday Carol!

  11. Good Morning Carol, love your little Christmas girl. Is the fur on her coat kind of spiky? My mom has a santa made that way. It's always been one of her favoites and I bumped into a shelf last year and broke it! I glued it back together pretty well but there was one piece we never did find! I felt so bad! Of couse mom said not to worry, it was just a "thing".

    Those canisters are so cute and perfect for you. I'm so glad to see the little tree lit up, it looked so sad at the thrift store! Glad you're enjoying it all.

  12. Hi Carol,
    First of all, I love your header; so cute! The little girl bell is adorable and that's a wonderful snowflake quilt! Wishing you a Happy REDnesday and a lovely Thanksgiving.


  13. I love everything on this post! That snowflake quilt is gorgeous and I love the apron that Dawn gave you. I did get your email too. Thanks so much for thinking about me. Since my reply to you we have had bad floods here too though not as bad as Cumbria. The road I normally travel to work on is closed so I have had a long diversion to drive around! To be honest with you, we kind of expect this every year now. The climate in England has gone all wrong!
    Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
    Susie X

  14. I have a Christmas figurine collection, also. Isn't it crazy the prices nowadays? I stopped in at my favorite thrift store yesterday, and they had a pair of S&P's for $28! I don't even think they cost that much on Ebay!

    I'm so glad that canister set made itself invisible until you came along! I love every item - I'm glad we have similar tastes!

    Isn't Dawn just the best in the world? She has such a giving spirit!

  15. The cannisters and apron are lovely. I just got 2 lovely vintage aprons at a local thrift store for $1.85 each! They've been washed now so will feature on a blog next week all about Xmas aprons. I love them (among other things!).

  16. Your blog is delightful as is your Christmas lovelies. Thanks for stopping by today and be sure to visit often. Happy Holidays!

  17. I can tell, we are going to have a fun time this Christmas in blog land. It is my first Christmas sharing with others and all the eye candy and memories brewed up are just amazing. What fun treats you found. I love vintage Christmas and I want to stay stuck in time there! A holiday toast to Christmas shared!

  18. That apron is so sweet. So are the canisters, the figurine, and I love those vintage looking ornaments. The blanket looks so cozy and fluffy.

    Hope your Thanksgiving was wonderful!

  19. Carol, I love that snowflake quilt and the canister set! You DO always find some of the neatest stuff.
    How sweet of Dawn to send you such nice gifts. And red, too!
    hugs, Sue

  20. wow what a great find on those canisters! I love christmas reds but am going for white this year!



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