Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday!

Once again it's time for Vintage Christmas Monday over at Anything Goes Here, where Joan is our hostess with the mostest! I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving weekend. I spent alot of time with our daughter, who was home from college. We went to see Twilight Friday night, and that was so much fun! And I spent alot of time decorating for Christmas, inside and out. And I didn't go on the computer at all, so I've got alot of catching up to do!

When I was little, we would spend every Christmas at my grandparents' house in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Grandpa would go out into the woods and cut down a tree, and then I would decorate it. These chenille Santas were the first things to go on. I'm so happy to have them to put on our tree!

These chenille candy canes were the next to go on my grandparents' tree.

And finally these foil bells with glass beads. It's amazing that these have survived so long, but I do take great care of them, and I hope my daughter will eventually put them on her tree when she has her own home. Although I doubt it, because she always says that her home is going to be very modern!

I love these little angels, especially the two feathery ones!

Here we have an old plastic Santa cookie jar.

And last but not least we have a vintage tree skirt that I got this weekend for 37 1/2 cents. Okay, it was 75 cents, but half off, so I probably paid 38 cents for it! And naughty MimiLucy has made it her favorite spot! Now please head over to Joan's for a list of all the blogs participating, and Joan would like to invite YOU to join in too!


  1. How did you split that penny in half? It is a great tree/cat skirt.

    One of my favorite things are chenille ornaments!

    I am hopping around already this evening. I have my work cut out for me if I visit everyone. Oh the trials of a hostess!

  2. I love your grandparents ornaments. They are so beautiful. I wish I had more of my grandparents' ornaments. The chenille ones are especially pretty. We mostly have vintage-looking Christmas decorations, not true vintage items.

  3. Such fun memories! One of the things I like best about Christmas is the memories the decorations can bring us. I am going to try to participate...just have to take that picture, download, write a post....
    Hope you continue to share your Christmas treasures.

  4. Everyone is showing such beautiful things, it's so much fun. I love the Angels with the tulle wings ~ and those with the feathers too. Acutally, I like it all :) Thanks for sharing. Judi

  5. You have some great vintage things. Love the bells. Have a great VWM..julie

  6. I love, love, love old stuff...oh, I mean...vintage!! Wonderful memories, too!!!

  7. I love your story-and you are so very fortunate to have all those old ornaments of your grandparents. Isn't if fun to fluff up our houses for the holidays!



  8. Hello Carol... oooh what beautiful treasures you have! I love your little chenille santas and candy canes..and your vintage tree skirt is wonderful... MimiLucy is precious... kitty kisses Mimi! My favorite part is your memories of your grandpa and your fresh~cut tree from the Northwoods in Wisconsin... those are "vintage Christmas" treasures that money cannot buy... Love to you... Bisous... Julie Marie

  9. Carol,

    What fun Christmas memories! Your that is great! I wish I had had the chance to get even one of my grandparents ornaments! Things were so much simpler then....and still so festive! Thanks for sharing! Thanks for the compliments on my blog!

  10. Love the chenille!! Especially since they remind you of Christmas with your Grandparents!

  11. You have such a great collection Carol. It's wonderful to have things from family.

  12. You have the best vintage Christmas items! I love everything but especially the chenille ornaments.
    Have a wonderful week.

  13. How sweet to carry on the tradition of your grandparents tree. Everything is wonderfully special. Elizabeth

  14. It is so special that you have those old family ornaments. Thank you for showing us all your vintage things. I love them! Have a great week! Twyla

  15. oh...the chenille Santas are to die for!!! I just love your tree ornaments...
    thanks for stopping by my blog...yours is great! I will be back for sure...don't you just love vintage Mondays?
    happy almost December!

  16. Carol, I love all of your vintage decorations. How amazing to have things that belonged to your grandparents. Hope your daughter eventually uses some of your pretties, even if she does make her home more modern. They could be such a nice contrast!
    :-) Sue

  17. I want to go and see Twilight too. Glad you enjoyed it. I love your little chenille decorations. Vintage decs always remind me of my childhood and I have noticed on US blogs that there are a lot of things I recognise that my grandmother used to have, so it is obvious to me now that most of the nice decorations that were around when I was a child must have come from the USA. I just wish we'd kept all those decorations.

  18. We saw "The Blind Side" was excellent!

    I've not done any decorating yet. I do need to hit the thrift or vintage shops to find some sort of tablecloth for a card table which is where I'll set up my Christmas village scene that I got at a yard sale this past summer. It is the first one I've ever had!

    There are so many vintage items from my childhood that I wish I still lucky you are to have those items!

    Happy Vintage Christmas Monday!

  19. I love all your vintage decorations....the story of your Grandpa cutting down the tree sounds so wonderful it is that you still have those very same ornaments to hang on your own have a bless week...

  20. It's sad when children don't want what their parents cherished for many years, but if they don't want something and it gets sold at a garage sale or goes to the Goodwill, it usually finds its way to people like us who still appreciate old stuff. And I'll bet when your daughter gets a little older she'll change her mind!

  21. Your blog has such a Christmassy feeling and I love your cottage!
    So nice of Joan to host a party and bring all of us cottage gals together :)
    Warmest wishes from Boxwood Cottage in Germany sends you

  22. Hi Carol,

    Love your santa cookie jar, and those bells! We had bells like that too! Ours had a wreath on the top, and I remember hanging them in the small windows in our living room. They were very delicate with the foil. Ours were all silver, but I like the red ones.


  23. The thought of munching cookies from that old plastic santa cookie jar makes me smile. I can taste the gingersnaps, the sugar cookies and peppermint twist and some good ol' chocolate chip cookies, just like granny used to make. Cheers to the season! A happy Christmas is on it's way for all! Blitzen told me so!

  24. Your ornaments are so precious!! Who could resist those chenille candy lucky lady!!
    What type of cookies are going to fill that jolly cookie jar???
    Happy VCM and enjoy the rest of your day!! xOxO Nerina :)

  25. Lovely, just lovely. I have a thing for candy canes although we haven't bought any yet this year.

    You know my favorite part? The gorgeous black cat under the tree. A present? For me?

    Thanks for checking out my blog and thanks for sharing your with us, or well, me.

  26. MimiLucy has excellent taste in vintage napping spots.

    I love all your treasures!!! They are so obviously cherished.

    Ha ha, you daughter SAYS she will have a modern house...but you know...the lure of "old things" will eventually catch at her heart and those precious ornaments will again be given place of honor on her tree...

  27. It's the Chenille Santa that's the cherry on the cake for me! Bisous, Ange

  28. I love all the vintage ornaments, what wonderful ornaments. I love the santa one.

    I am still planning on going to see the Twilight saga New Moon haven't made it there yet, but my girls went to see it and loved it, I have read all the books so I know what's going to happen, just would like to see it in action ;0)

    Happy Monday



  29. Thank your for the nice comment you left on my your vintage Christmas displays!

  30. Such precious things! I love the skirt and the price. My 3 girls are going to fight over my stuff after I'm gone(they don't care right now).

  31. Love it all but I think the Santa cookie container is my favorite. I probably will not be using a vintage tree skirt anytime soon my Scottie has already chewed the trim on a really pretty on I bought a couple of years ago. We cannot complain much because she has not chewed any furniture or anything of great value but she love throw rugs and anything fabric in the floor. Thanks for stopping by the book count down is a great idea. I should give that hint to my girls for their children.

  32. Me again. I meant everything I said in the previous post except the book comment. I got your sweet comment and another's comment mixed up.

  33. Love the chenille ornaments!
    Thanks for the lovely memories.
    Your blog is so pretty and Christmasy, too :+)

  34. You have a cat of great taste and discernment!

    I agree with Christine that your daughter will probably change her mind when she gets a little older.

    I'm amazed at how well those foil bells have lasted! Wonderful!

  35. I just love those feathery angels! Thanks for sharing your vintage treasures.

  36. Hi, Carole!
    I have some of the cardboard bells with vintage beads, too! I almost forget!! Now I need to find them .... hmmm ....
    Happy Vintage Christmas Monday!
    Betty :)

  37. Great collectibles! Love the chenille santa and candy cane! At least 'your' plastic santa as a pleasant face!

  38. Fun, Fun vintage Christmas treasures. Thanks for sharing them.
    Deb :)

  39. Ohhhhh we used to have a plastic Santa Cookie jar like that...wish we still did. Thanks for the memories.

  40. Carol~~~

    Love the chennile ornaments. Isn't anything chenille pretty much vintage thse days?! lol!! They are very cute! My daughter who is in college, sounds exactly like yours. She will have modern. She tells me my living room looks like a funeral home!! lol!

    Happy Holidays!!!


  41. Hi Carol
    Thanks for stopping by!
    How fun your tree is... all your vintage is wonderful!

  42. Great vintage that you have taken such good care of it...can you imagine how much of that gets tossed.
    Thanks for sharing your memories of christmas with us!

  43. Hi Carol, I just love all your vintage Christmas goodies! Love those old chenille ornaments, just too cute, but your kitty is just a little sweetie. That's just like a cat...anything new and they have to be in the middle of it!

  44. Loving those candy canes! I can't believe you spent 38 cents for that tree skirt...I would only have paid 37 cents...HA!

  45. Oh, Carol! I love that you have some of the ornaments from your Christmases with your grandparents. I remember similar bells at our house when I was growing up and those little angels are so sweet. All of the decorations bring back special memories for me! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Coralie

  46. Those are great and too funny - 37 1/2 cents :) But the old ornaments are just great! Was just looking at some new ones the other day. meh. total meh

  47. Thanks for the sweet comments Carol! I hope you are having a fabulous day honey! Kori xoxo

  48. Great Christmas story and ornaments!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Hope you visit again soon,

  49. Hi Carol,
    Thank you for stopping by! You have a lovely blog. Looking forward to your pictures next Monday.
    Greetings from Luxembourg sends


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