Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Reds From The Kitchen For Rednesday!

It's time for Rednesday, that day where we all share our love of the color red, and our hostess is Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!

Today I'm sharing some reds from the kitchen, and I didn't realize it until I was uploading the pictures, that they're all fruity! These are two little jars, probably about 5" tall, and their only job is to sit there and look pretty!

Next is a matchholder. I have no idea how old it is, but it has a small circle with 29 inside it. I don't put matches in it though. It would be a shame to strike a match across that cuteness!

Finally, we have an old, very chippy little shelf, which sits on top of the fridge. And some little S&P shakers, and old spice tins. I wish spices were still sold in tins, don't you? I hate plastic. Well, not all plastic. I like vintage plastic. Vintage plastic buttons, vintage plastic flowers, vintage plastic doll furniture....but I digress! If you would like to see more reds, check out Sue's wonderful blog!


  1. Hi Carol - thanks for stopping by my blog..I'm SO glad you might use my little dutch boy on your blog. I think they're adorable :)
    I love your reds! I've always loved match holders...don't know why, but I do...something so homey about them. And that shelf is great too!
    Have a great Rednesday!

  2. You always have such fun stuff. I'm guessing you've been "hunting" for a long time. Red is definitely one of my favorite colors - especially to wear!

    P.S. I noticed the red and white checkered jars behind the shelf. Are they jam jars?

  3. I love the old McCormicks spice tins. I was kind of shocked to learn that tins are at least 15 years old. I still had some tins in my cabinet, ha!!! I too wish they were still packed in tins.

  4. Carol - I saw your comment about feeding your hubby more caramel. You're too funny!

    Maybe you should try Freecycle. You never know.....

  5. Love that little match holder. Too cute! Red is one of my very favorite colors. I have to ask, are those your jars for your new collections peeking out? Those look cute too.

  6. Carol,I Love your reds this week.The matchbook holder is so neat.I'd love to find one some day.Your blog is very pretty.Hugs,Jennifer

  7. Carol,I Love your reds this week.The matchbook holder is so neat.I'd love to find one some day.Your blog is very pretty.Hugs,Jennifer

  8. Hi Carol
    I have finally got around to joining you and Sue for Rednesday! I love your fruity jars. You always have some lovely stuff to show us.

  9. I think my grandma had that EXACT same match holder - - - if not exactly, it was very similar.

    It's the only match holder I've ever seen, until your post!!

  10. Hi, Carol! ♥ I used to have a strawberry just like that but it held corn cob holder for me! The matchholder is my favorite, though. It has "mom" written all over it! ☺ ♥

  11. Hi Carol,
    Your reds are wonderful! I really like the fruit jars. Happy REDnesday.


  12. Cute, Bright, Chippy Reds...good for a smile ;-)
    Glad you stopped by and if you haven't visited Dawn's blog...she is an inspiration. She was the one who actually got ME blogging. Her work is so sweet.
    Off to do a German show today...all dressed up like Fraulein! Some girls never grow up.
    Tsehuss! (German for Bye!)

  13. Hi Carol...love your red fruity canisters! They are cheerful and so funcational, too. And the McCormack spice bottles are great! Wish I had kept a lot of my old tins and bottles...who knew how popular and in demand they would be? We sure like those old things...especially when its us!

    Love your blog!

    God bless,

  14. Carol, I have that exact same match holder hanging in my kitchen. It doesn't look as good as yours. It belonged to my grandparents and I know must be over 50 years old. It is very special to me. Hope you have a wonderful day! Twyla

  15. Great red things you show us! Love the little shelf and your matchholder is really beautiful!
    At our grocerie they still sell spices in little tins.
    Thanks for sharing your reds!
    Greetings from The Netherlands!

  16. Hi Carol,
    Love your cupcake picks :) I have a couple...not as many as you.
    Love visiting your blog and seeing all the eye candy. Makes me smile.
    Deb :)

  17. Carol, I love all your reds today! Why am I thinking Tootie Fruitie?! LOL I love old tin spice cans. We always had a match box in our kitchen at home! Too funny. But back in the old days, everyone still smoked cigarettes and the gas stoves still needed to be lit with a match. How times change! Wonder what someone will think of our microwave ovens someday? *grin*
    hugs, Sue

  18. Carol, you've got some wonderful items to show us today! Love the shelf, and that cutey little bird pitcher(?) - I wonder what it was for, it's so tiny! I have those same S&P's! Yes, I wish spices were still in tin, also.

  19. thanks for stopping by my blog..I'm SO glad you might use my little dutch boy on your blog. I think they're adorable Work from home India

  20. Carol,
    You and I must meet one day! We are twins by other mothers! I love everything in this post!!!!! That decal on that match holder is just killer....and the lovely little spice rack....too cute! Thanks for staying in touch!

  21. Hi Carol!

    I am justt trying to get caught up on all your blog posts this week. Man oh man woman! you got some awesome finds lately!

    I love the red matchbox! My grandma had one very close to the one you have.

  22. Ah those bright happy apples! They do evoke warmth and hominess. Thanks for showing the possibilities in them . . .!

  23. Great Post -- I gotta tell you. I so seldom cook that half of my current spices are STILL in the old little tins. Unbelievable, isn't it? Thank you for commenting on my son's wall of album covers. Yes, I will let that boy decorate to his heart's content, but he's at school now so I don't get to see him often. I really love your blog!

  24. Love your REDS, Carol! Sorry I haven't been around for a couple of days...working projects and goofing off at thrift stores. Hope all is well with you! Hugs, Coralie


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