Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Gurley Candles and Beistle Turkey for VTT

Please visit Suzanne's blog, Coloradolady, to see everyone's vintage things!

Did any of you grow up with these Gurley pilgrim candles? I know I did, and I loved to play with them. Unfortunately these aren't the ones from my childhood. My Mom still has those. But my daughter loved to play with these, and they all have names, but I won't embarrass my daughter by telling you them!

These two are the son and daughter of the couple above. Gosh, I wish I could tell you their names, because they're so funny! But I won't.

Here we have an old Beistle honeycomb turkey. This guy is huge, about 18" tall. I got him at a garage sale for 10 cents.

This is a banner hanging in our dining room It's not vintage, but it reminds us to give thanks for all that we have!

This book isn't vintage either, but it's destined to be a classic! I finally got it from the library, after a 2 month wait! I'm only about halfway through it, and already I've discovered so many wonderful blogs in it! And it's packed with helpful tips on blogging. Not just the technical side, but also the emotional side of blogging as well. I think I'm going to have to add this book to my Christmas list! Now how about swinging on over to Suzanne's, to check out some more vintage stuff??


  1. I've never seen these candles, but boy are they cute!!

  2. I love your big paper turkey.

    My library seems to be ignoring blogging.

  3. Oh sweet! Surely you will tell us their names...

    P.S. I just wanted to let you know that in my post today, I passed along an award. If you've done it before, you can just link to your original post.

  4. These little boy and girls are cute. You can tell us their name I think, want to join your funny thoght about it.

    My Bangkok Through My Eyes!
    You Got A Posty
    All Little Things I Like
    Thailand In Photos

  5. I remember candles like this for Christmas, and I know my parents have that turkey somewhere in their house, but it had a wobbly neck when last seen.
    Thanks for sharing that book, I'm putting it on my TBR list.

  6. Oh, these candles are so sweet, I remember the little boy and girl from who knows where, maybe my mom had them. Thanks for posting that book, really nice! Happy Vintage Thingies Thursday...and have a great weekend....Jury duty 1 day...yea!

  7. I have not seen those candles before, but they are darling. I need to see if my library has that book. There is so much I do not know about this blogging business. I really enjoyed your post today.

  8. I just love those little candles. And I do remember them. Sounds like I will have to get my hands on that blogging book too. I will check with my local library. Not sure they will carry it, but maybe I can request it.
    Happy VTT.


  9. Hi Carol ~
    I think we had the same candles growing up.....
    I want to know thier names your daughter gave them, LOL ! You are nice mom !
    Now I want to read that book - I wonder if I can just read it at the Barnes and Noble....LOL !
    p.s. I need major help in the technical part -

  10. Love those candles!! I need to get that book!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Awwwww for the Thanksgiving candles!!!

    We used to have a set when I was a child, and I think they were very similar to your second set.

  12. Hey again! Congrats on your blog award!

  13. What a sweet post..and ooo,that book. I have to check my library. I could certainly use some help.
    Happy VTT..have a wonderful weekend..

  14. So sorry..I forgot to leave my name before I hit the publish. I confess..
    I am indeed the anonymous culprit..:).

  15. We had candles like those for almost every holiday. I'm so sad we finally convinced my mom we should burn them. What a sad day in retrospect. So nice to see some are still around. They look just charming.

  16. I just got that book from the library and it is great...checking out blogs I wann't familiar with too!
    Am waiting to see where my army of gurley candles will march to this Thanksgiving...china hutch? kitchen? Right now they are all huddled on my dining room table

  17. Hi Carol,
    I have the same candles and the same banner...that I can see the banner on my new post:)
    Deb :)

  18. What great pilgrim candles they are adorable.

    Happy Holidays stop over and visit me I am having a giveaway.


  19. Those candles are so cute. I think I must have some "Gurley" candle Santas. They are similar to these. laurie

  20. What wonderful Pilgrim candles you got! And that big old turkey looks like he thinks he rules the roost!

    Happy VTT!

  21. I wonder what their names are....Perhaps "Penelope and Miles" something fanciful like that, perhaps??? I'm fascinated by the idea they have NAMES!!!

  22. We had those candles growing up too - every once in a while one would get droopy from being stored in the heat all year. Sure wish I had them now, droopy or not. :-) -amy

  23. I think my MIL had some of those candles-maybe we did too! They Are cute & kitschy!

  24. You brought me back to my childhood with those candles and like your daughter I always had to touch & play with them.

    I've been wanting to pick up that book from Tara. Glad u gave it a thumbs up. I will check my library first like you did.

    Stop by and browse a bit; I'm sure you'll like what you see. If you do, then don't forget to click the "Follow" button and just below that you can "Subscribe" to my blog to get informative posts and we can both inspire and share with one another to get our creative juices flowing.

  25. I love your Thanksgiving vintage items. Somewhere I bet my mom has those candles somewhere still, lol.

  26. I find it really interesting to see traditional American things. You only really see stuff like this on blogs! The little pilgrim candles are new to me and they are very cute.

  27. Uh-oh, now you're decorating for Thanksgiving... like everyone decorated for Halloween? LOL which I never did by the way!

    I think I better catch up!

    Happy VTT!

  28. My Mom is still hanging on to the Thanksgiving candles, but I did find my own Christmas choir boys just last week, yay!

  29. I remember the pilgrim I want some! lol....thanks for the info about the book also!

  30. We always had these candles when I was growing up so when I got married it was natural for me to have a few too. Unfortunely I have only a turkey left to display.

    I'll have to check out that book; looks interesting.

  31. Hi and happy VTT. I remember these candles. I have seen the santa ones too. Really cute.


  32. Carol,
    Yes! I remember those candles, and how if they were saved for the next year they were usually melted! LOL And I love your turkey!!!! I have a friend that has put one of those out every Thanksgiving for the past 30 years!

  33. Of course I think your stuff is fantastic, since I have all the SAME STUFF on my mantel! I'll post about it next VTT. Happy Junky Thursday!
    P.S. I added you to my Blog-o-Rama

  34. I love those candles! My mom had those, as well as that turkey centerpiece. That one's in really great shape.

    I've been meaning to read that book - thank you for reminding me about it!

  35. I had a flashback when I saw those candles..I just know we had some when I was growing up!
    I've read a lot about that book and am going to have to check it out.
    Happy Thursday.

  36. Very awesome candles. I have never seen Thanksgiving ones, only Christmas ones that look similar. They are just great!

  37. I have those candles too! I keep mine on a shelf all year round~ they're too cute to put away :)

  38. Wow, neat vintage things, but I am really intrigued by that book! Another thing I want to read... the list is so long. Did you read Julie and Julia? I enjoyed the blogging thoughts in that! Happy VTT!

  39. I remember these candles and they are
    so cute! Love your Beistle turkey,
    I just love Beistle anything, they
    were so creative.

  40. You could e-mail the names to me. I'll never, ever tell.

  41. I posted my Gurley candles today too! Mine are Christmas ones though. I love your little pilgrims.



  42. Vintage is my favorite era :) I love the photos. The little boys and girls are just adorable. It's so fun to decorate for the seasons and holidays.

  43. My parents sold those candles in their home and garden shop when I was growing they certainly bring back memories. I think they cost something like .05 or .10 each. xo Joan

  44. Hi Carol, I LOVE those candles, they are just the cutest! and the honeycomb turkey. He's great. I just found one the other day, but not as old. Your blog is great, I just love all your great collectibles!

  45. I played with those candles too and had names for them that I will never tell either. Smiling in Washington at memories made in childhood.

  46. Such a sweet post! I love your big fat turkey!
    Thanks for the book recommendation; I'm headed over to Amazon to check it out now :)

  47. Hahaha if only they knew the awesomeness behind those names.. ;) You better not ever get rid of those candles!


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