Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend Finds, A Redo, And A Redon't!

Our daughter Liz came home from college for the weekend, and she redid my blog for me! Thank you so much Lizzy! You know I couldn't do it without you!
Well it's that sad time of the year, where there are either a couple of garage sales, or none at all. Pickings were very slim, and all I got was the old tray, above.

And I got this old needle book. One more, and it will officially be a collection! Another collection. Yay!

I got this fan a couple of weeks ago at a garage sale, for $2. Here's where the "redon't" comes in.

I've seen these old fans on Ebay, and on blogs too, with the blue base. So I decided that I would just spraypaint the base blue. Now I've seen one with the blades blue too. So now I think I want to try somehow to paint the blades blue too. At the same time, I wish I had just left it the way it was. Do you ever do that? Jump into a project and then regret it?

Do you remember Fifi, my little cement poodle statue that I found at the curb, minus it's little tail?

I decided to give her a coat of white paint, and a red collar with pearls, along with a dog tag. Doesn't she look so much cuter, so French poodle-ish? It was one of those projects where you know you should be doing something more important, like doing the laundry, or giving the cat a bath, but it was so nice out, and Fifi was crying out for a more flattering look!

I bought this yarn a few weeks ago at Michaels. I fell in love with the colors. This one is called Harvest. Well, a few hours later.....

I had a nice scarf to go along with this quilted jacket that I thrifted for $1......

and these slippers too. I "retaught" myself to knit last fall on YouTube. You sure can learn alot on YouTube! I used the simplest slipper pattern that I could find, just to get myself back into knitting. Now I'd like to try something a little more complicated, like a sweater. I love every single color of the Homespun brand, and I see Michaels has it 2/$7 this week. Hmmmmm. Well, that's what I've been up to. How about you?!


  1. Love the new look. Your poodle is too cute. I wish I had the patience to learn how to knit. Your cold weather gear looks nice and cozy.

  2. Hi Carol,

    Well, I love the fan with the blue bottom, and the little tray with the pretty roses. I have seen these fans painted entirely white, with roses on the blades. Of course they are just for show. I don't know how they do it.

    Love your new blog redo! ?Love the colors of that yarn, and your scarf and slippers came out great. I can crochet a bit, but I can't follow a pattern. Wow, you can learn to knit on youtube? I have to check that out.


  3. The blog looks great! I love the poodle painted white with the red collar...and I know what you mean about doing a little project when there are other things to be done but I think we all need our creative time.
    Have a great week.

  4. Look at the woman in the lower right corner of that needle book...I think there is some bad blood between her and the woman holding the needle..."Needle hog!" ought to be in a little thought balloon above her head...

    I like the fan...if you don't like it, can you spray it a different color? I wonder how it would look all chippy...hmm...

    Love little Fifi...

  5. It's fun to change our blogs and the new look is great.
    Good for you to teach yourself to knit.
    Boo-boo's happen...
    The garage sales are all done it's thrift stores and estate sales till spring.
    Deb :)

  6. Your blog looks great! I really like the fan painted blue, and I LOVE the poodle painted white with her pretty red collar. I have not knitted in years, but your pretty scarf sure makes me want to try again, and that $1 jacket looks like a real find! laurie

  7. It's not really slim pickings when you find such a cute tray! Thank goodness Hurricane Ida is coming today instead of yesterday as we had too many good art festivals and garage sales this weekend. I just can't BELIEVE we're getting a hurricane this late in the season!!

  8. I'm sure I have seen one of those poodles somewhere before but can't think where! You have done a great job painting it. I love the flowery tray. Enjoy the rest of your week.

  9. Loving the new look - can I borrow your daughter?

  10. Your blog looks great! Tell your daughter she did a nice job!

  11. Hello dear Carol,I love the new look of your blog..thanks for sharing all your goodies with us. Your knitting projects are wonderful...I crochet but,I want to learn to knit. Got the book and the needles just can't get the hang of it though....I will keep trying...have a blessed week....

  12. Love your new look, and Fifi too, She's adorable!

    Gorgeous yarn, my daughter has been using that to make hats and scarves lately too.

  13. When I looked at your blog a few days ago I thought...hmmm...someone has been renovating. Looks great Love the gingham and the rick rack.

    Great job on the poodle!

  14. Your daughter did a great job on the new look! That yarn is wonderful, I have a daughter who knits I wonder if I buy some yarn and drop several hints??? Oh yes and I agree I like the fan 'before' but love the poodle 'after'.
    Linda from A La Carte

  15. Your blog's new design is wonderful! Your daughter did a terrific job.

    I've moved my treasure hunting indoors now that the non-stop rain has begun. *sigh* -amy

  16. Wow! I love your blog! I just stumbled upon it and am so glad I found you. I am following you now. Please check out my blog if you get a chance. Have a great Monday! Kori xoxo

  17. I like the fan base painted blue. What a great price too. That tray fit so well into your vignett.


  18. Hi Carol,
    Great blog re-do! Fifi is tres belle. A concrete poodle?!?! You are the luckiest girl I know!

  19. I love the new layout.. whoever did it for you is a genius ;)
    I like Fifi too she's pretty cute! I enjoyed being home with you, and being home right now too even though I'm sick :(
    LOVE YOUUU. <3

  20. Great finds! I love the scarf you knitted, that's a talent I don't have.

  21. You are welcome to come and visit! I live in Arizona and we are just starting up with garage sales and craft shows.....come on down! I have a guest room! :)

  22. Fifi looks great! And Ive used that yarn its soooo soft! Ive crocheted with it :)


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