Friday, December 4, 2009

Estate Sale Finds and Glitter Everywhere!

I went to a pretty good estate sale Friday morning. I love estate sales, but you sure do have to work hard to get the deals! First my friend Nancy and I got to the sale at 7:45 AM in order to be the first to sign the sign-up sheet which would be put out at 8AM. Then we walked around Target for half an hour, then drove back to the sale in order to be there half an hour before they opened so that we could be parked right in front of the house and wouldn't have to stand outside in 29 degree weather. Whew, what an ordeal! Was it worth it? Yes! I love this old cooler. It reminds me of the metal picnic baskets that I collect.

A close-up of the brand. Hoot mon!

I've been wanting one of these Princess phones, and it was so cheap that whether it works or not, it's still so cute to just have sitting around. Mr. Old Glory, would you pleeeeease try to make it work?

An old Made In Japan Santa. Here is where I just have to talk about rudeness at sales. A woman was practically crawling all over me, trying to get at all of the Christmas stuff and almost taking things out of my hands. I was very tempted to go off on her, but instead I just left the room. Have you ever had an encounter with a rude shopper? What did you do?

A pretty metal basket, probably for sewing.

A box of Shiny Brites, bought just for the box.

I'm buying old Little Golden books from my childhood, or just ones that I remember. I loved these old books so much!

Honestly, I still don't know why I bought this little house. I do know that if I didn't buy it, it would have been on my mind until I could go back the next day and see if it was still there!

A peek inside one of the windows.

And finally, I need some help from you all out there. I've got a bunch of deer, new and old.

These three are old Made in Japan ones, with glitter on them. I decided that I would like to "glitterize" some of the others.

These three turned out ok.

But these two look awful! I don't know why the glitter doesn't want to stick to these. I use Deco Art varnish and then sprinkle the glitter on. What do you use when you are glittering something? Is it because the deer are plastic that it's not working so well? Or am I using the wrong thing to make the glitter adhere? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Happy Weekend!!


  1. Hi Carol! You need to go ask Magpie Ethel - she's always glittering her deer! And she always answers emails/comments. good luck!

  2. Seeing all of your finds makes me want to hit the thrifty stores today!

  3. What fun stuff you found at the estate sale! I love all the vintage Christmas items! I'm not an expert on glittering so I'm going to have to defer that question to someone with more knowledge.
    Have a great weekend.

  4. Oh my gosh Carol. Would you please call me the next time you're going to a sale? I'll find a way to get there! I love the little house you bought. I would have kicked myself too the next day if I hadn't brought that home. Thanks for sharing all your cool finds!

  5. G'morn ~You made a haul at this estate sale. Love your finds, particularly the little red deer, Mother had one. I am a very sentimental person.

    Oh, yes! I have met very rude people at these sales. One time I was holding a beautiful McCormick teapot & this nasty old gal grabbed the lid ... she was NEVER going to give it back ... not even when politely requested to do so ... after a bit of a standoff, I gave her the teapot! She wasn't worth the time nor effort to raise an issue.

    Hae a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~Marydonphtshi

  6. What great finds at a winter sale, those don't happen to often around here. I've been lucky, have never met anything but nice, friendly people at sales. Good luck with your glittering, I'm no expert!

  7. What a haul you made! Great stuff, for sure. I used to back off when I ran into rude people at yard sales, etc. but not any more--I think I've reached an age where I don't have to defer to anyone and certainly not someone being oafish at a freakin' garage sale or thrift shop! I basically tell the person they're just going to have to back off until I'm finished. MAN! does that feel good!!

  8. You lucky gal...I have been looking for an old phone in that exact color for a year now. I want one for my office space.
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  9. What great finds and worth the effort I would say, lol, but I don't live with 28 degree weather. Love the princess phone, I want one but must be bargain and alas so far nada. The little house is one of my fav's so glad you bought it. I don't glitter so hope someone else can help you there!

  10. Carol, great finds!! Yes I have had people who are so rude and step right in front of what you are looking at. Guess it's best to step aside. It's not worth high blood pressure.


  11. A new picnic basket!!! I bet THAT made you happy, and it's in such good Christmas colors too!

  12. Love the cooler. I picked up round one recently that looks similar but is a different brand. I'm using it in a gift exchange with family so I can't post it yet but will show it later.

    Looks like Santa's about to take that rude shopper over his knee for a good spanking. I so dislike pushy people! I rarely say anything either.


  13. Wow - that was a good estate sale. Lots of fun stuff.

    Rude people? Depends on the situation. If it was something that I wasn't overly interested in I would say "Go for it - knock yourself out!" If I was interested, I would stare out over the top of my glasses at them and say "Excuse me?" or "Excuse me!" Do unto others....

  14. Hi Carol,

    you got some neat stuff! The little house is so cute. I went to a day after Christmas sale at Fortunoff. They have gorgeous Xmas stuff. One woman dumped out a whole box of glass ornaments on the floor, so she could have the container for HER stuff. Many broke when they fell to the floor. I called her an animal. she just looked at me. Now, on the deer, I used Aileens tacky glue, to glue some glitter to some old little plastic ornaments. They came out good. thanks for sharing your goodies. You find the best sales.

  15. Fun new treasures!!! It is interesting that you sign up...we get numbers at estate sales around here. I think a sgin up would be easier. Oops..not sure how to help about the deer glitter problem.
    Happy weekend!
    Deb :)

  16. I have such a love/hate with estate sales and for the exact reason you mentioned. I remind myself 'its just stuff' and there'll be more somewhere else tomorrow.

    Your little phone is darling! -amy

  17. I love that princess phone! It is adorable. Thanks for visiting yesterday, Carol and for the sweet comments on my Grinch post. Hope you have a great day honey! Kori xoxo

  18. Oh boy, when I encounter rude folks at a sale, I just base my reaction on if they are really old, or if I think they aren't hitting on all cylinders, or if I think they are just jerks and I am not in a jerk-allowing mood...snarling in broken German is very effective...

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE that little house, so glad you got it!!! Honey it's wonderful.

    I thought all the deer look good...

  19. I use Polycrylic by Minwax for all my "glitterin'". Works like a dram!!

  20. good finds...I hit a doozy of sale today and am still smiling (post coming soon). For glittering - I use plain old elmer's glue. I paint it on with a paint brush and then just pour the glitter on. I have done a ton of plastic deer and had no problems. Glitter makes EVERYTHING wonderful.....

  21. Carol,
    What great stuff! I am afraid I wouldn't be the person to talk to about rude people...cannot tolerate them and I let them is too short but I just can't back off if I really was there first! I think it is an old habit from grade school! LOL

  22. I love your plaid cooler! In one of my new magazines I saw one just like it with a huge pine and red Christmas ball arrangement in it. It was gorgeous!

  23. Carol, You found some great things, girl! Love the cooler- it DOES remind me of what you collect. The phone is such a great color, and those precious little deer- just so cute. The sales have dried up here- cannot wait until spring when they start up again. I miss my shopping trips. LOL
    :-) Sue

  24. You made a comment that struck me: "I do know that if I didn't buy it, it would have been on my mind until I could go back the next day and see if it was still there!" I'm in the estate sale business, and I've found that at estate sales, there's no such thing as "buyers remorse"; rather, it's "non-buyers remorse". Folks always wish they had purchased an item that they left behind!

  25. Thanks for the comment over on my blog.I love the elves in the jar.I'll have to remember that one.
    judy j


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