Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More Christmas Stuff, Of Course, For VTT

It's Vintage Thingies Thursday time again! When you're done looking at my stuff, please head over to Coloradolady, where Suzanne hosts this fun party every week.

This week I'm showing, oh I don't know, maybe MORE vintage Christmas things. You may be thinking, gee hasn't she run out of old Christmas stuff yet, because I'm so sick of seeing this stuff from her day after day after day. Well too bad, because there's still more! Lots more! Here we have an old Relpo Santa and his sleigh, full of satin ornaments. You may notice the pine cone in the little cloche. My daughter put that there, because she picked it up on a walk with her Grandma when she was little and has kept it ever since. Isn't that cute? Where does she get that "saving every little thing" from? Certainly not me! Must be her Dad.

Here we have my very small but growing Santa mug collection. That little one, second from the right, is all chipped up because it was stuck inside one of the bigger ones. After trying many different ways of getting it out, I put it in the freezer for a while and it finally wiggled it's way out! Pardon the orange glow in this picture. Weird fluorescent bulbs.

A little plastic Santa in his sleigh and reindeer.

And finally, no wisecracks here. The tree is vintage, NOT ME! I don't know how old I was here, but I still have that teddy bear in the background. I wish I had that tree too, but it was stored up in the attic, and raccoons got in and destroyed all of the Christmas stuff. So sad. Now please head over to Suzanne's to see more vintage thingies!


  1. Oooh, I want your Santa mugs!

    I'd never heard of sticking crockery in the freezer to separate them before. I shall have to try that trick!

  2. My favorite is the plastic Santa and reindeer.

  3. What fun collections! Did you see the Martha Stewart Magazine for Dec. ? She featured those cool metal trees - guess they are quite costly if you find one ! I think those trees are from 1901...just kidding !

  4. Enjoyed your vintage Christmas show today. We had tree like this, but I did not know I should keep it. They sell for a pretty penny today.

  5. GREAT Christmas items, I'm jealous! I remember those Santa mugs from when I was little, I had a small one! :-)

  6. Hahahahaha you make me laugh with this qoute "The tree is vintage, NOT ME!" that was a good one ^_^ Those vintage you've got there are just too cute thanks for sharing!

    My Vintage Thingies Here

  7. When I saw the title I was thinking....ummm, she should open a retail outlet for her Christmas stuff!

    Funny that silver seems to be a theme tonight. I decided to decorate in silver, blue and white this year and just bought a few things (1/2 off) today! I think I'll pull out the Xmas village houses that I painted with my youngest when she was little. I think I might just be catching the spirit.

  8. Just keep sharing. Christmas is about memories too! We had some of those Santa mugs too!

  9. Maybe you will get lucky and find another one of those silver trees at a thrift store and buy it! I love all of your vintage Christmas stuff!

    Merry Christmas!

  10. Love it all! Memories rush back ... & that darling vintage photo, chuckle!

    TTFN ~Marydon
    PS Pop over & follow our new blog ~
    ... and ... our huge giveaways

  11. Another great post honey! I love all these vintage pieces! Thanks for the sweet comments on my posts! Hope you are having a great week. Kori xoxo

  12. My mother-in-law gave us some of those Santa mugs last year for Christmas and I love them!! Also, your picture is sooooo cute! :)

  13. Never, ever think you can post too many Christmas things for me. I love everything about the holiday season, from the cold,to the rush,the smiles,the cooking..ornaments and even better if they're vintage..I just love it all...specially those sweet little mugs. Happy VTT..and hurry and post more Christmas goodies.
    p.s. I'm participating this week, however I'm not able to sign in.

  14. Those Grinchy raccoons! Argh! Tearing everything up!

    I never get tired of seeing vintage things! Very clever of you to put the mugs in the freezer to get them apart, I'll have to remember that little trick!

  15. Please keep sharing your vintage treasures! I hope you never run out! I don't have much at all so I get a thrill looking at yours!

  16. Dang girl, three memes in a week all with vintage Christmas items! I think we may need to do an intervention! LOL!

  17. I am jealous I don't think I have any vintage Christmas unless you count my 40 plus yr.old sons' hand made ornaments! I think Suzanne has your tree.............

  18. i love all your chrissy stuff and enjoy seeing it ALL lol!! love the sweet B&W pic of you too and that darling pram in the background :))

  19. I've told you already that you have the best vintage Christmas stuff and you continue to bring out more great stuff every week!! All of it is so much fun to see. I do love the "vintage" picture of you in front of the tree...priceless!!

  20. Well, you know I can't get enough of the Christmas stuff, so keep going! Yay Santa mugs!

  21. I wish I had a pic of a tree like that... I've see a few this year and I think they may be having a rebirth of sorts! The santas are great!

    I just saw some spongebog santa socks...I love spongebob, i really do, but yours are better :)

  22. I'm not tired of the Christmas stuff, bring it on! Love your Santa mugs, I've got to get mine out soon!

  23. I never get tired of anything vintage especially Christmas vintage thingies....I see you have a silver tree too from!! I love your mugs and all your vintage goodies. Happy VTT!

  24. My Mamaw had one of those tree's, I hear tell they are worth a lot of money now! Who knew??

  25. Hi Carol,

    Never tire of seeing all of your Christmas goodies! Love the mugs too!!


  26. Love all of your photos! I used to have a santa mug like your smaller ones pictured. Mine was plastic I think. Hot chocolate tasted better in that, and I used to dig it out even in the summer sometimes because I loved it so much. Only problem was it was so hard to clean the inside! Wish I still had mine though!

  27. We used to have a plastic Santa sleigh like that when I was a child. I remember the dog getting hold of it and chewing Santa's head off!! My mum tried to replace him with another Santa but it was never the same again! That's a really cute picture of you under the tree.

  28. Carol I love your vintage Christmas things. And the picture with the tree is great! Happy VTT



  29. Sweet vintage picture of the tree and you. Never too young to start collecting. I wish I had my Santa mug when I was little. I am allows on the look out for such items but rarely find any.
    Happy VTT!

  30. The santa mugs are great! Love your collection!


  31. What a GREAT picture Carol! Such a darling little girl! So wonderful that you have this saved!!! I just love these old Christmas tree poses! Thanks for sharing! Hugs, Coralie

  32. What sweet things you have managed to save. I enjoyed seeing them all.

    Happy VTT,


  33. Carol,
    One of these days, we have to meet! I just love your house and your wonderful vintage lovlies! We are so much alike, and I am dying to see the interior of your home!

  34. Love everything, especially your Santa mugs!

  35. I love old Christmas stuff, thanks for showing more of yours. The santa and sleigh is darling. And in your Christmas photo, I noticing a very cool old baby carriage in the background! That would be fun to have.

  36. Love the mug collection! Too bad about the, time and nature happen...

  37. Love your Santa Mugs!! I have a set in my booth that I am selling- I keep thinking maybe I will snatch them back!

  38. I still have my childhood Santa mugs--of course they're all chippy but there are so many wonderful memories attached to them. You have lots of great stuff!!

  39. What a wonderful collection of vintage Christmas! I love each & every one & of course the best is the picture of you with the aluminum tree - classic!

  40. Oh my goodness...pure magic over here!!! I LOVE the Santa mugs, and that GLORIOUS sleigh and reindeer!!! But most precious of all...the darling little pic of you. That is the sweetest picture EVER!!! : ) I'm so glad you shared it. : )

  41. Carol I love your vintage decorations!!! Thanks for visiting my blog for VTT. Loads of fun!

    Christmas Goodies Recipe Exchange

  42. just had a chance to view your blog.I am loving all your vintage Christmas decorations. I will have a couple more next week

  43. Love Christmasy vintage things; thanks for showing them off!

  44. Hello you little cutie!! That is a darling photo of You!!!
    Love your vintage Christmas goodies.
    I read in the other post that you have an April too!!!
    We sure have MUCH in common. No wonder I enjoy your blog so much.
    Happy weekend!
    Deb :)


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