Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That!

This is going to be an action-packed post! Lots of pictures!
I went to an estate sale this weekend, on the second day of the sale. I didn't go on the first day, because when I went to sign up, I would have been #72! Forget that! So I found this little pink dolly on the second day.

She was crying out for some Valentine lovin', so I prettyfied her a little!

I can never pass up a flag, especially if it's a 48 star one.

I got this little gal for 50 cents, and I think she'll look great amongst all of the Easter decorations.

I did a little crafting this weekend. I'd been seeing alot of little valentine girls on other blogs, so I thought I'd give them a try. Ok, so now I can say that I tried!

I also made this plaque, using one of my many skeleton keys. I think that I can safely say that I am ready to start crafting for Easter. When your daughter says "It's very valentiney in here", I think it's time to move on!
I received an award a couple of weeks ago from Joan at Anything Goes Here. I apologize Joan, for taking so long!

I am supposed to share 7 things about myself....

1. When there is nothing interesting in the house to snack on, I make a little bowl of Jiffy pie crust! MMM MMM GOOD!

2. Before I get off of the computer, I have to play a game of mahjong. Or solitaire. I have to.

3. I love British mysteries. My favorite author is Ruth Rendell. Another favorite is M.C. Beaton.

4. Whenever I go on a trip, I always have to bring some rocks home. On one such trip, to Michigan, we brought home so many rocks that the car broke. Shocks or something. Those rocks ended up costing us $800.

5. I love 80s hair metal bands!

But my guilty pleasure is Lionel Richie!

6. I secretly wish that I was a computer geek!

7. I like bugs! This is the first insect that I ever bought. It's a giant cicada. I wish I had more wall space, because I would buy alot more. I have a few bugs that I have framed myself. They were already dead though. I couldn't hurt a fly!

Now I need to pass on this award:

1. Blonde Episodes
2. Just A Little Southern Hospitality
3. Creative Breathing
4. Always Home
6. Once Upon A Fairyland
7. Makin' Projiks

Thank you so much Joan for this award! Please check out these blogs, and especially Joan's. She is the queen of antiquing, crafting, junking, blogging, you name it she can do it!


  1. Cute finds, Carol. Glad you posted your award, I've got two to do also! Yikes it's been weeks and I've forgotten. Bugs? I remember your butterfly post, the one with a butterfly on hubby's head. The rock story was funny, my MIL has done something like that.

  2. GREAT POST CAROL! I love your estate sale finds, I just love going to estate sales. Your valentine crafts are really good, I wish you would do a tutorial, cause I love that plcque and the little dolls! Have a great Monday! Cindy

  3. I love the little girl for Easter Deco's...great craftin, I'm just not crafty! You have given me my first award....Thanks. I will have to figure out answers to those questions. LOL>>>>>>

  4. I so enjoyed reading your list of 7 things...80's you have a picture of yourself with 80's hair? I have a lot of "big hair" pictures (also sporting huge shoulder pads!).
    A fun post.

  5. Hi Carol
    Great finds at the estate sale. Congratulations on your award. You certainly have let us see some novel and interesting things about yourself. I'm not sure about the 80's hair thing but I could go for the rocks! I can't go to the beach without bringing some rocks back!
    Enjoy the rest of your week.
    Susie X

  6. I enjoyed seeing your finds the little pink doll...You did a great job on your crafting dolls and that wonderful heart...have a blessed week....

  7. Thanks for the award Carol, love your list! #2-I'm sooo addicted to spider solitaire, #4-I think there are still a few rocks rolling around my car form our last trip (or maybe the trip before!), and #5-Since you admitted it, I will too, I still listen to hair bands!

    Great crafts and great estate sale finds, I don't think there has ever been one done like that around here, no numbers, just an auction, or a madhouse of people grabbing!

  8. Hi Carol! I love the 7 things about yourself. I have a collection of Michigan rocks as well! I love your pink Valentine decorations and that you made pegdolls. So cute! You will have to keep checking back at my Valentines to be sent, there are quite a few more to make..... Have a great week. E

  9. I love bugs, too. And I would never kill them myself either. Thanks for the nice comments. I look forward to visiting your recommendations. xo Joan

  10. Hi Carol!!
    Love your flower face girls...haven't seen anything like them before. It's fun to shop in one's own home!!
    Your estate finds are great. Love how you "dolled" her up. I'm already thinking Easter too!!! We like 2nd day as it's cheaper and you can dig around and find what was left those books from the sale we went to.
    Happy Monday to You...
    off to the grocery store.
    Deb :)

  11. Thanks for entering my OWOH giveaway! Good luck! It is so nice to get to know you! You have some wonderful valentine decorations! Hope you visit me again soon!

  12. Thank you so much for thinking of me honey! you are too kind and made my day...hope you had a great weekend! Kori xoxo

  13. Thank you for following my blog. I just love your finds and your crafts. Your blog is wonderful and colorful!! I'll be watching for new posts,

  14. Well that was fun! I sure wish you hadn't brought up Mahjong though. I used to be addicted to it and haven't played it in a while. Try Hotel Mahjong - you'll love it.

  15. Congratulations on your award! And oh my goodness Carol, I am so honored that you passed this award on to me! What fun, and how I enjoyed reading all about you. I've loved getting to know so many new blogging friends. I will go now and visit the other blogs.

  16. Back again! I had to look at the Motley hair again! I think I deleted your e-mail to me because I didn't recognize the address, so sorry! Could you please send it again?

  17. Oh I love this!! It is fun to learn more about you!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  18. Very informative post! I must ask, I've only made pie crusts a few times and I've never tried the Jiffy. Does it require shortening? That's one ingredient I refuse to bring in the house! It just looks BAD!!!

  19. Such cute treasures from the estate sale. I like your V'tine plaque you made- so pretty. Enjoyed learning more about you. I HAVE to play a game of solitaire before I get off of the computer! So glad you'll be joining the party, and thank you so much for posting the party button on your blog. laurie

  20. Jiffy Pie Crust? I would have never thought of that. I can't believe you let #72 scare you off! I have been in the low hundreds and still stuck around. At least you found treasures the second day!

  21. So glad I found you tonight--what fun to see all your fabulous estate sale finds! I'm a vintage-loving girl, too & will be back to visit often!

  22. Wonderful finds, adorable creations. Way to go!!!
    Funny story about the rocks. Well, not the part about the repair bill.
    Take care,

  23. Okay, here I go...I'm following the directions so tomorrow I'll post 7 things about the girl with the curl. I'll leave out the part about gnomes...since everyone knows thats the #1 thing that makes me tick...tock...right down the block...pick up my socks...and put on my frock...don't be in shock...hickory dickory dock. Silly me!

  24. What great finds! I am sooo ready to start crafting for Easter! It's my favorite holiday. I love the pastel colors, the flowers beginning to bloom, peeps, etc.. And as I write this I am looking outside and watching it snow. Again.

  25. Carol, I feel like I learned so much about you! I think the most surprising thing was the bugs! Thanks for the fun post! Have a nice week! Twyla

  26. The flag is the perfect accessory for Old Glory Cottage!!! I love rocks too, but your rocks are quite a bit more expensive!!! Judi

  27. Great finds and perfect for valentines day - well the dolly's.... Motley crue, lol... not so much for valentines day but yeah, love em too!

  28. Oooh, a 48-state flag! So cool! :)

  29. Waht a cute blog. I love Mccoy pottery. And I recently found an old Scrabble game I forgot I had. Now I can make Scabble tile necklaces...YAY !
    Those flower face girls are precious.

    Thanks for coming over to my blog and leaving a comment.
    Turn Left at the Pigs


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