Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Umbrella Girls, Flower Face Girls, And More!

The subtitle to this post could also be: How I Went Shopping In My Attic!

I've been thinking about these little flower face girls for months now. I thought they were probably in the attic, but it's so cold up there that I didn't really feel like digging around up there. But I really needed something for VTT today, so I threw on my coat and headed up there.

What I found was a shoebox full of cuties that I had forgotten I had! They all used to be on display, but several years ago I got tired of them, so they all got packed away.

Imagine my surprise when I started unwrapping the kind of things that I've been looking at on Ebay and drooling over! These girls look like they could be twins, but only one of them has their umbrella.

This one has a tag that proclaims her a Flower of the Month Girl, Miss Carnation, January. She's got a copyright of 1956, and she is adorable!

I think this one is my favorite, and I can't believe that I could have forgotten her. She's got a bluebird in her hand, for Pete's sake!!

This one reminds me of Little Bo Peep. Such a big ruffly dress for a little girl! Pull your dress down, we don't want to see your petticoats!

Lovely. Simply lovely!

I do remember this one spending a little time on my daughter's dresser. Did I snatch this little ballerina from her, and claim her as my own? I honestly don't remember.

Finally, a little choir singer, sitting in a gold wire chair. Sure wish I had known about this one at Christmastime. Ah well, next year. Have you found anything lately, in the recesses of your cupboards, or up in your attic, that you completely forgot about? Please tell me you have!
Now head over to Coloradolady, where Suzanne is our hostess every week for Vintage Thingies Thursday!


  1. I can't believe you just go up to your attic and find a bunch of goodies like that tucked away! Glad they are seeing the light of day again!

  2. Oh Carol - so sweet! My pick is the flower girls. Love 'em!

  3. This is the most adorable post! I love those flower face girls and don't believe I've ever run into any. I can't believe all those pretty things were just waiting for you in the attic! We can all enjoy seeing them now. Thanks! Twyla

  4. What an incredible collection! They are all so sweet!


  5. They ARE adorable!

    I especially love your January girl with the flower blossom parasol!

  6. Loving all of your "little girls" especially the "twins". I also LOVE all your Valentine decor and vintage Valentine's on your sidebar. I am especially crazy for the skating kittens - there is nothing cuter than a vintage cat illustration!

    Best wishes,

  7. Love all these girls and especially the one with a bluebird in her hand. They are really adorable. Fun to find things we forget we had.

  8. Sweet! I've never seen anything like these before. Now I'll be on the lookout for them.

  9. What a beautiful happy blog. I love it! I'd like to go shopping in your attic for sure.

  10. So cute! I especially love the little flower girls! :-)

  11. Carol,
    WOW, isn't it fun to go shopping at home???? LOL These are priceless and on Ebay would bring a good amount of money! You are a lucky girl! I wish I had an attic to look in! :)

  12. I can't believe that you would tire of these lovely ladies. Wonderful collection.

  13. Okay Carol, When can I come over and shop in your attic?

    You some absolutely adorable little figurines!

  14. What a fabulous, fun and free shopping trip!! How lovely! My favorites are the two little twins holding umbrella and the flowers. Too sweet. I love the vintage valentines you have on your sidebar - I have quite a few on mine too. Come see and take any you want...

    Cynthia K. (Beauty and Blessings)

  15. I think I saw some like this once, only once before. They are beautiful, & I'll bet they are going back on display!

  16. I absolutely love your blog. It's so cheerful-makes me smile. I think my favorite re-find of your's was the little bo peep look alike. I think I need to head up to my attic.


  17. What sweet little treasures! Just love those little flowers.


  18. Now waht a nice surprise that was finding all of those cuties up in your cold attic. It was for sure worth the trouble. Thank you for visiting today and for following me and I'm following you too now. See you next time.

  19. These are adorable! I love them all! How fun to go "shopping" in your own attic! I've been avoiding mine because of the cold too, but I know I don't have anything like this up there!

  20. Hi Carol,

    these are adorable! I sometimes find things too, that I have packed away and forgotten about, but not as cute as these. Thanks for sharing them.


  21. Wow! I gotta get me an attic like that:)
    They all look so spring-like which is lovely after all this snow we have in our neck of the woods.
    Hugs, Sonya

  22. I am surprised you could forget about all those.

  23. I just love attic's the best! You have some real beauties here...thanks sooo much for sharing them. Thanks for coming by for a visit and I hope you come again:)


  24. Oh please, let the little ones be displayed again. They're adorable,and they would cost a fortune on ebay. I love them all, but the little one showing her petticoat is my favorite.. Happy VTT

  25. Oh, get these girls out of hiding and show them again!!!! They are beauties.

    Little Miss Bo Peep is a little naughty - - - she's showing her pantaloons!

  26. Lovely! Fantastic collection!

    The flower girls are too wonderful!Love the Little Bo Peep too!

  27. Those are absolutely adorable! How did you forget about the girl with the blue bird in her hand! She is the sweetest! Looks like I need to put on my coat and go in my attic to see what I can find! lol I know I don't have any sweet little treasures like yours but I do have some things up there that I have forgotten what I have! hehehe

    Vintage Thingies Thursday!

  28. You need to look around more. No telling what else you will find. These little ladies are adorable.

  29. I loved when you said you found things that you've been looking at on ebay. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has forgotten what I have stashed away!
    Beautiful figurines. You'll have to display them again.

  30. Oh i did this last summer! It is so great to find old treasures at HOME!! Love your sweet girlies!
    Hugs, Lisa

  31. How wonderful that you rediscovered all those treasures!

  32. oh how cute..they deserve to be on display all year round!

  33. Uh HEy, can I come shopping in your attic? LOL what a sweet find! love them all so adorable.
    luvs and glitter~jen

  34. I need to come visit your attic...what lovely treasures! I love the Bo-peep. sorry I am so late, I want to throw my computer in the street.....Happy VTT!

  35. How could you for get all those sweet ladies! Isn't it funny how we tire of things then like them again. It's fun shopping your own attic, I can attest to that, but most of my stuff was put up there by someone else. The things I find that I forgot about are usually shopping bags I "put away" in closets, under beds etc until I'm ready to display the things I bought. Yeah, yeah, you caught me, I hid them from hubby then forgot I bought them!

  36. Just wondering what hours your attic is open for business? The flower face girls ate too cute - I always wonder who thinks these things up. -amy

  37. I promise a very large RED room for all your cute treasures and ceramic girls...with your magic Queen in Training could turn them into friends! Don't miss the Winter Ball tonight and free rides on WONDERFUL! Thank you for joining my grab-bag-give-away...I'll be having one monthly. I've had a blast. Crossing my eyes...hope you WIN!

  38. Thank you for stopping by my blog and entering my OWOH giveaway. Your blog is lovely.

    As a fellow vintage things lover, I hope you'll come back and visit me soon!

  39. I want to go shopping in your attic! What precious finds! One cute one after another, and how fun that must have been for you to get to "find" each one in your attic. laurie

  40. Just found your blog through my OWOH entry. I love love your vintage style. Your collections, I too collect most of the same things, just add vintage thermos', Fiesta, juice glass and pitcher sets....what to do with us collectors? I love that you forgot about those adorable girls, I've done that as well. I just wanted to say hi, love your blog, I'll stop by again.

  41. Dear Queen Carol,
    You were such a dandy and fun Queen in Training. I appreciate you, oh, what fun we had! I crown you Queen of the Flowers!
    ~The girl with curl~

  42. Can I please, oh please, go shopping in your attic?


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