Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vintage Blue Canisters For VTT

Today I am sharing my old blue canisters. I was never able to afford a whole set of these, so I started collecting single, orphaned pieces. Some are marked Germany, Japan, and Czechoslovakia.

And I was drawn to the little spice jars too. I don't know what language "Zazvor" is. I tried using the online translator, typing in Polish, German, and Czech. None of them gave me a translation. Luckily, there is a tiny piece of paper taped to the bottom, that says "nutmeg", so I'm assuming that's what it means.

This little pepper jar didn't have a lid, so it gets to hold our pencils, and some of my vintage ruler collection. Yeah, I just realized today that I've been collecting rulers!
Please pop over to Coloradolady, where you can see more vintage thingies, and Suzanne is our fearless hostess!


  1. Oh I love them! I like that they dont match exactly and you found them along the way.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  2. I used to collect these also. Bought them just like you~ ones and twos at a time.

    They are so expensive as a set... if you can even find a set anymore! xo Joan

  3. Mismatched collections are the best!!

    Here's a says zazvor means ginger in Czech!!

  4. I love how they don't match but go together perfectly!

  5. Oh, I think I like the eclectic mix much better than all matching--these are so sweet!

  6. When you uses them it does not matter if they match or not. Whatever makes you happy is the way to go. I think they all are great pieces.

  7. Hey, Carol! I love that you collect the orphans! That tea canister is my fav; love the daisies.

  8. What a fortuitous day for you to ask me a question about scissors - .99 cent craft scissors found even at WalMart, pinking scissors is also a favorite method. As I scrolled down admiring your lovely vintage collection my heart literally withheld a beat to see the little ceramic red box with white doily lace. I made this very box for my father when I was only eight years old, and it sat on his dresser to keep his change all the years of his life. What a gift you have given me today! Elizabeth

  9. Carol,
    LOVE, LOVE the Tea one!!!! It's so pretty and if you ever decide to part with me!!! The oatmeal is also very awesome. Great finds and I'm a little jealous...but will still be your friend!! LOL!!!
    Deb :)

  10. I think that because you single pieces it's even more interesting than a whole set. Thank you for sharing :)

  11. I love your containers. I would much rather have one of each than a matched set.

  12. Oh Carol, I love your blue canisters! I don't see many of them around anymore. Lovely collection.


  13. I love the pepper canister and how you are using it.

  14. The canisters are sooo beautiful. You are very clever to pick a color (blue) and collect just those. Unites them as a set afterall.

  15. Honestly, I love the fact that they do not match....I love them just the way they are, very charming. I would have never thought to collect them one at a time...great idea. Happy VTT!

  16. Really lovely containers, so nice of you to give a home to these orphaned ones :-).

    Isn't it funny when you realize that you have been collecting things only after you begin seeing more than 3 of them around? I have the same type of ruler's something about those wooden rulers :-)

  17. they are simply adorable!..i love how they're all mismatched and yet display so perfectly

  18. This kind of a collection shows so much more variety, even in languages. Very nice containers.

  19. I love your blue and white cannisters. You have some really interesting designs. They all seem to go together even though they are not a matching set. Your valentine header is really cute by the way!

  20. I love your canisters! Blue and white is so pretty, and I've never been able to integrate it into my color schemes - I'm ususally decorating in warm colors. :( Thanks for showing these!
    Mary Lou

  21. I love your mis-matched set! Red is always my favorite, but blue is a close second. :)

  22. I love mismatched things. Your canisters are wonderful together. What a great collection. thank you for sharing.

    Thank you, too, for visiting junkblossoms. I hope you'll visit often. Pat.

  23. They are gorgeous! (I'm jealous!)

    Blue is my favorite color; but I only use it in my bedroom. (Saving the best for me!) I have a lovely mostly-green house with a yellow kitchen. And I've found a lot of great yellow, green & the occasional red piece of kitchen ware. But I've been thinking a lot lately about a blue kitchen!

  24. I'm always drawn to blue and white! These are lovely and so unusual.

  25. Oh I just love old rulers! I can't wait for Round Top so I can hunt for some!

  26. The canisters are just beautiful! Maybe that's what I'm going to have to do. I had a friend that had vintage canisters and I knew I wanted some then but have never found any nice ones in blue. Great idea!

  27. Love them!!!!

    Enjoyed a first visit. Hop over sometime.

  28. zazvor is czech for ginger.

  29. I love your you want some more orphaned blue canisters...I think I have a few of the smaller ones.....Dianne

  30. You have found some beautiful pieces. I like them all. But I especially like the little pepper thingie holding the fabulous rulers. You have a very nice collection.

  31. how sweet!!!! never saw any of them before, so thanks for sharing.

  32. Carol
    thanks for coming by.
    I'm doing the baby shoe tutorial tomorrow.
    come on back over.


    barbara jean

  33. OH I love these! Blue and white is my thing! I think they are even more special because you have so many different ones!

  34. How original collecting orphans. Thanks for stopping by.

  35. i love the canisters even they are orphan! mix and match are the in thing! thanks for sharing.. happy vtt

  36. Wow--I had to scroll down really far to get to the comment section--you really rang a bell with your darling little canisters! I think it's always more fun to collect onesies, it adds character and as we all know, the thrill is in the hunt! Have a happy day!!

  37. I love blue and white anything. All your finds are just fabulous! have a wonderful weekend! :) Tammy

  38. Hi Carol,
    Me again. Glad the tutorial may help with future projects.

    In regard to your 'slow to dry' skates you did, I will often just spray a surface with Matt spray before i do project.
    The paint adheres better then.
    Also, several thin coats is always better than one thick one. (Just throwing that in since i do not know how you did it.) =0)


    barbara jean

  39. I love your cannisters. I don't se them very much around here, but I'm always drawn to them. I love the colors.

  40. I really like the way you've made a single collection of various similar items. The blue canisters are lovely.

  41. Dearest Carol,
    Thinking of you on this cool Sunday morning. Step right over into Queens in Training...there is a special little something over yonder for you. Mismatches are made in heaven!

  42. The mix-matching of these is wonderful - they look great together! -amy

  43. Zazvor is Czechoslovakian. Yes it is nutmeg.
    I saw you commented that your husband is stuck a bit on the family tree. I do a lot of research. Maybe I can help if you want to send me some questions/info.

  44. Oh, Carol! I Love these! I collect the little spice ones! I have a partial set of the big ones. It wasn't complete so it was a good price. Thanks for showing these! Twyla

  45. karmiłby tοż smoka w dzienna ρora.

    Sіг Rogeг był

    podnіecony, choć nie po raz pierwszy żył w tеn sposób po сiсhu, сzekаjąc na zapοczątκowywanie.
    Uświadamiał οsobiście, iż niepokóј

    spowodowаnу istnieje czуmś.

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    traitements jak

    оczу z guzików. Wiedzіony nieposkromiοnym аpetytem połknie natychmiаst.
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    Arnоld kiωnął g.


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