Sunday, February 28, 2010

Weekend Finds-Vintage Greeting Cards And More

I went to my favorite antique store on Friday, and I came away with a ton of vintage greeting cards, 11/$1! Feel free to use the images. It's funny how after reading other blogs for a while, certain things remind you of that person.
Every time I see kitties, I think of Holly!

These two make me think of Twyla and Lindsey!

These little yarn girls also make me think of Twyla, who is a whiz with yarn!

This card makes me think of Elizabeth. I know she would make an amazingly cute tag with this card!

The card on the right makes me immediately think of Coralie!

The card on the left makes me think of Susie's beautiful garden in the summer! The one on the right reminds me of Jacqueline, who always indulges her inner little girl!

The card on the left makes me think of Sue, who always has pretty things to share on her blog.

And this squirrel? This squirrel just reminds me of the rotten little squirrels that defy gravity to eat all of the expensive food out of the birdfeeders!

I also found these two old Napco plates. I think I'll buy just about anything with a parakeet on it!

Lots of old wrapping paper for 25 cents.

Oh, that poor donkey!

I LOVE this bridal shower one. Poor girl, she has no idea what she's getting herself into!

Creepy clown paper.

Just plain lovely. I think I want to somehow use this on the inside of one of my bookcases.

And finally, two old Easter picks. This is what I went to the antique store for in the first place, because I have very little vintage Easter things. I must be a little early, because there was nothing Eastery except for these. I guess I can't complain though, because I did walk away with 55 vintage greeting cards....

Friday, February 26, 2010

EGG-citing Easter Crafts!

Do you know what happens when you cut a paper mache egg in half? Yes, I know you get two halves! Do you know what is inside a paper mache egg when you cut it in half? There is a plastic egg in there! Did you know that? I didn't. I thought they were solid paper! Anyway, I cut one in half, and made two little decorations.
I am calling this first project Betty McBunny and Her Flowercart! The wheels on her cart are actually buttons. She's built up some big muscles on her bunny arms by pulling that cart!

This one I have named Little Purple Chick In An Egg. Don't be jealous. I'm sure you can think of great names for your projects too!

And this shadowbox I have named Easter Bunny In The Land Of The Giant Pink Mushrooms!
The sun has been shining for two days straight, and I am positively giddy! There is definitely something to be said for the vitamin D that the sun provides us. I hope the sun is shining in your little part of the world too!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Vintage Tablecloth And More For REDnesday!

It's that day of the week again where we get to share our love of RED! When you are done looking at my reds, please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our wonderful hostess each and every week.

This first item is really supposed to be all about the green, but there is alot of red on it too. It's a little St. Patrick's Day tablecloth, probably for a card table. Love the RED polka dots!

A close-up of all the good luck charms on it. There's even a wishbone!

I've probably already shown this red tray before, and I apologize if I did, but maybe some of you haven't seen it before. It's from the magnificent Laurie, who helped me jumpstart my tray collection about a year ago! Since then I've found lots!

And finally we have red toile curtains from the boudoir! It is so incredibly bright outside with all of the snow, that it was hard to get a picture at all, let alone a decent one. I sure miss the fabric department at WalMart, don't you? This fabric was only $2 a yard there, and I bought enough for both windows. The mirrored, beady things hanging in the window are to prevent birds from smashing into the window, because there is a birdfeeder out there. Sometimes there is a scuffle between the birds, squirrels, a cat, or a hawk or two!
Now please head over to Sue's for more REDS!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Easter Crafts

I've been doing a little crafting for Easter! I was going to make some things for St. Pat's day, but then I decided nah, I'll just jump right into Easter. Probably because it makes me feel like Spring is just around the corner!
Mrs. McBunnyhop would like to invite you into her flower garden! She's holding the gate open, so go on in! I had so much fun making this shadowbox, and all it took was a frame from Dollar Tree, a bag of bunnies for 50 cents from the thrift store, and the rest I had just laying around.

This plaque was fun to make too. Everything is from Hobby Lobby. I can't stand how cute those little chenille chicks are! I think I need to buy another box of them, just to have. So, what have you been working on?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Kitchen Reds For REDnesday!

We're back in the kitchen for REDnesday! I always think that I have no more reds to share, but then I look around, and there's still more!

First is a little napkin holder that I found in a thrift store in Wisconsin. Also a place mat, and a little polka dot jar that was in my stocking this past Christmas. Can't believe there's still conversation hearts in there. I think the fact that they are like little pebbles might have something to do with it! Don't buy conversation hearts from the dollar store!

A goofy chicken potholder. I actually have a couple of these, and I got them at an antique store. They're very old, but very well made. Haven't burned my hands yet!

And finally, the old classic. Doesn't everyone have this cookbook? Isn't it mandatory?

I do love the pictures in this book. I want that little girl figurine standing guard over the mashed potatoes, or whatever that big mound is!

This ham picture actually makes my mouth water! Great presentation, isn't it?

Love everything about this picture, from the corn cob holders to the table to those plates. I want those plates!

Eggs A La Goldenrod. On a beautiful plate. I thought that was actual goldenrod topping those eggs, and almost had an allergic reaction just looking at it! But it's only sieved egg yolks. Close call!
Are you enjoying the Olympics as much as I am? Tonight is the men's short program for figure skating. Go Evan Lysacek! Illinois Boy!!
Now if you would like to see more reds, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess each and every week!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Vintage Valentine Card Party

Joan at Anything Goes Here is having a vintage valentine card party, so when you're done looking at all of my cards, head over there for a list of all the other participants!

Please click on the pictures if you want a closer look. I didn't know how I was going to photograph all of these cards, so I decided to "pose" them in different spots around the house!

The one with the doggie on it is one of my favorites!

I love this one because of her gorgeous parasol.

I think the two cards with the picket fences on them are in my top ten of favorites. And the girl with the watering can!

Any excuse to include a picture of my pink radio! Actually if you enlarge this one, it makes perfect sense to display it there!

My one and only valentine postcard, on the right. Definitely need to add more of those to the collection!

I also love the more contemporary cards too. Love that poodle in the middle, and is that Sunbonnet Sue on the left?

Can you see the glitter on the one in the middle? I really should give it to my Mother for valentine's day, but she doesn't care about old cards, so I'll keep it!

This last one is for you Joan! You're one SMART cookie too, and I want to thank you for being the hostess with the mostest!
Ok, so that's it. That's just some of my collection. Thank you for looking at them, and now please head over to Joan's to see LOTS more vintage valentine cards!
Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Laurie's Valentine Party!!

Thank you Laurie for hosting your first ever Valentine Party! I'm sure it's going to be a huge success, and will become a yearly tradition!
I thought that I would share a few of my favorite valentine things. I hope this post doesn't seem too thrown together, but I have had the worst cold that I can ever remember having, this week! First we have a couple of my favorite things that I made recently.

A little glittery shadowbox.

Another shadowbox, using pink bead garland. I guess you can tell that I like picket fences, since I used them in both shadowboxes!

Some little party cups that I made using peat pots.

Next are some favorite decorations. I found this ceramic doily box at a thrift store recently. It's now one of my favorite things! I always loved paper doilies when I was a little girl, so I was drawn to this right away.

A little February angel, made in Japan.

Another old February angel. But these aren't just valentine decorations. I have them because my Mom is a February baby. She turned 85 on Wednesday!

This is one of my favorite vintage valentines from my collection. More picket fences!

And finally, an old Humpty Dumpty valentine. I don't have a very big collection. Maybe 50 or so. But I'm always on the lookout for more!
Now please head over to Laurie's, and join the party!