Sunday, February 7, 2010

Crafts, Thrift Finds, And A New Obsession!

I finally finished Elizabeth's February Tag Along! Elizabeth provides the images, and you make them your own way. Sorry for the wonkyness of this picture, but it's so hard to get a good shot of glittery stuff, and it's actually a sunny day for once!

I found this at a thrift store. Again, hard to take a good shot, and you can see my camera in there! I'm a sucker for anything with a cottage on it. It says on the back " Little Sunbeam Plaque". I had to have it!

One of the thrift stores that I go to every Saturday helps battered women, so I'm always happy when I find something there to buy. It's a great cause. Just as I was leaving the store, a couple of men started bringing in box after box filled with bouquets of flowers and potted plants, all donated from Trader Joe's. I picked up three bunches of these gorgeous tulips, and was so happy to share them with my Mom. They were $1 a bunch.

I also got this campanula plant, which is a perennial and will be going in the garden this spring. Also $1.

I also got some paperwhites, which smell heavenly! Does anyone know if I can save the bulbs and try to force them next winter? These were also $1.

I also got this card at the thrift store, for 12 cents. I love anything Mary Engelbreit, so I grabbed it. Dorothy definitely had it right. There's no place like home!

And finally, why didn't anybody ever tell me how great this show is??? I'd always been meaning to watch it, but I hate getting tied to the TV every week. I haven't done that since Friends. But a few months ago my daughter started watching it online, and said it was great, so I got the first season from the library. I watched it all in a couple days, and have requested the second season from another library. This is one of the best shows ever, and I'm so caught up in these characters! I can't wait to see what happens next....


  1. Oh I love all the wonderful flowers and plants you got for $1 each. I've got to get something for the house this week...I need some flowers! Well enjoy LOST! I loved it the first couple of seasons and then it got really weird on me and Lost me....I kept trying but did not understand it. I think watching it on DVD all together might be easier then once a week....let me know if you keep liking it. I may try it again on DVD.

  2. Such a cute tag and great finds (beautiful flowers!), but I can talk Lost with you any day! I think it's the only show my hubby and I always watch together! And I have to ask, Jack or Sawyer? ;)

  3. Just as I begin to sign in for a new post, I see my own tag smiling at me. Oh sweet you have interpreted the image! I love the doily in the background. I see too you love thrift stores and flowers. My kind of gal! Elizabeth

  4. Carol,
    That Valentine Tag is wonderful! I just love it! ANd of course I love the ME card too! Flowers....don't know much about those...don't live where you can put a lot of bulbs in the ground so I am not aware of how you force them inside......Meri is coming over again today and we are going to get busy! Have a great Monday!

  5. Barncat, even though I've only seen the first season, I can already tell that Jack is a control freak! Sawyer is definitely a bad boy, so my answer is....both? Is that bad?

  6. Carol, I agree with you 100%. I can't exactly copy someone elses work either because it just isn't "me". I love your Valentine tag because it so perfectly you! I think you are way past paper obsessed! Your work is so inspirational! E

  7. Your tag is very sweet. The bulbs can't be forced again but you could put them in the ground and they may bloom again in a few years. And thank you for stopping by my blog.

  8. Hurrah! Another Lost fan! I've been watching the show since it started and I love it! This weekend (due to illness and boredom), I started to re-watch Season 1 (which I have on DVD). And now I want to spend my time re-watching the past 6 seasons.

    But I have to work ... and I really should cook for my children ... and probably shower every once in a while! Sigh! Why does life always interfere with what we'd rather be doing?

  9. Your tag is so pretty and I love your little sunbeam plaque. I am always late figuring out if a show is good. I'll have to check out Lost. Have a nice week! Twyla

  10. Great stuff! I went to my favorite spot and got goodies too. I need to get pics and post! You always have the best "junk"!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. You got some great deals. Love the thrift store! Mimi

  12. Hi Carol,
    Your tag turned out great!!!
    I LOVE LOST and have been watching it since day 1...
    Great deal on the flowers :)
    I made some ME cards this weekend..
    Deb :)

  13. Once upon a time there was this lovely gal Carol who was a Queen in disguise and she loved tulips and cottages. Once she got Lost but her daughter found her and told her...there's no place like home. Blogging on, thankful were playmates in blog land. What a sale...$1 is GOOD...thank you Trader Joes!

  14. What a deal you got on all of those gorgeous flowers. Your V'tine tag is so cute, and I also love M.E., so that really spoke to me. laurie

  15. Wonderful job with Elizabeth's image. I absolutely love it!! : )
    We are big LOST fans over here, too!

  16. My favorite thing about this post is your use of the word "wonkyness". Ha-ha-ha! That made my day! ♥

  17. What beautiful finds! Thanks for sharing them with all of us!


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