Thursday, March 11, 2010

Carey's Book Party-Some of My Favorites!

I've found someone who loves books as much as I do, and she's throwing a party to celebrate them! Carey, at Chicory Nits, is our hostess. Please visit her when you're finished looking at my books!

I'd like to start with the very first book that I received as a gift. I was very much into horses when I was a little girl, so my sister gave me this book for Christmas. It has beautiful illustrations in it. I eventually got to have a real live horse of my very own!

I've loved Mary Engelbreit forever! Her Outdoor Companion book is my favorite of the many books by her that I have. My daughter and I even got to meet her at a bookstore, just before her amazingly wonderful magazine was launched. We each got free copies of that very first issue, and....

She signed two of our books! I miss her magazine so much, don't you? I'm so glad that I kept the first 3 years of issues, so I can pour over them any time I want!

This book, Anya, is one of my absolute favorite novels. I've read it 3 times! It's about the Holocaust, and I discovered it in high school. I remember in History class, we saw a film about the Holocaust, and I was just so shocked that such a thing had happened and this was the first that I was hearing about it! It started my thirst for knowledge about it, and I've read many books about it since.

This is my favorite Tasha Tudor book.

I just love the pictures of her strolling through her garden, and doing everyday things.

I love these books, written by super-junker Mary Randolph Carter. She shares all of the junk she's found, where she's found it, and other people's junk too.

This is a page from Kitchen Junk. Oh my goodness......

Some of my favorite cookbooks. Funny that I should have so many cookbooks, because I hate to cook!

One of my favorite authors is Maeve Binchy, and I am slowly collecting all of her books in hardcover from thrift stores. I love her stories of small town life in Ireland and England.

I love this whole series by Diana Gabaldon. I've read Outlander, the first book in the series, three times! I love time travel books, and that these books have alot of historical aspects to them as well. I'm also trying to collect this whole series in hardcover too, but they're much harder to come by than the Maeve Binchy books.

And finally we have my favorite gardening book. I have alot of shade to deal with, because of lots of 80 year old pine trees. I can never have a vegetable garden here, unless I want it out by the street!
So there you have it. Just some of my favorite books. I didn't even get to delve into my love of British mysteries. Or my love of Mary Emmerling. Or how about all of the classics I've started collecting? I think Carey needs to have another party!


  1. Oh how fun! If I'm not careful, books could take over my house! I do the same thing, look for my favorites in hard back at thrift stores and garage sales. It's been a while since I read a Maeve Binchy book, but they are wonderful. :)

  2. I love books! I have so many and just can't get enough. I've been like this since I was a child. I love Maeve Binchy and all her books are great. I will have to check out a few you mentioned that I have not read.

  3. Carol, I'm finding that we have even more in common - I hate to cook, too! (But I do love to eat!)

    Lucky you, that you got to meet Mary in person! I still can't believe that they stopped the mag, it better come back soon.

    I've read that Tasha Tudor book - it's a good one!

  4. Hi Carol,

    Thank you so much for joining my first party. Your post is beautiful. I love Mary E. as well but do not have an autograph. I miss her magazine also. The other books you mentioned sound like what I would be interested in reading. I will be looking on my favorite web site Amazon. I didn't realize that I would be finding more books to love on my visitor's posts. Thanks so much for joining. I means a lot to me since this is my first party.
    Love and hugs,

  5. How is it that I don't have the Junk book? I don't think I've ever even seen the Junk book. I'm on a mission to find it!

  6. Oh such fun!!! I have completely different taste in books than you ladies, however, they still take over the house! I am blessed to volunteer at a donation facility and we get to enjoy the blessings.

  7. That's a clever party to start up. We are mostly history or biography.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day ~
    Have a lovely weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  8. You got some good stuff. Great recomendations thank you for sharing.

  9. I'm surrounded by books, too. That sure is a lovely edition of Black Beauty.

  10. Oh my! I've been out of the loop all week and missed this meme with her. And I SO love my books. I also love Mary Englebreit. I had those books you showed myself for many years. Then for some strange (menopausal?) reason I gifted them to my husband's hospital for the patient library. Kicking myself now! For the magazine is gone too.

  11. Wow, what absolutely fabulous books!xxx

  12. Getting to know you is like sharing a stepping stone. I love Tasha, Mary E. and Maeve and I too met Mary with my daughter at her Bellevue Washington store that was open for just a short time. I LOVE Mary E. and I have most of her books. I always pick them up at Goodwill or thrift stores or anywhere. It's like a gift that just keeps on giving and never going out of style. Now my friend, you also have me looking for Yankee Candles in thrift stores. Happy weekend to you. See you at the game show!

  13. I too miss Mary E.'s magazine!! I love decor books and ahve quite a bit of them. Loved seeing your books and can't wait to see more!!

  14. Looking back through some of your posts that I somehow missed... i love Mary Englebreits books and magazines. And Tasha Tudors illustrations too! We love books around here too. My shelves are full and they are starting to stack up on the floor, which means I Need to do something.... either find a place for another shelf, or get rid of some that I don't care as much about.


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