Tuesday, March 9, 2010

More Kitchen Reds For REDnesday!

It's time to pull out all of your red stuff and share! When you're done looking at mine, please pop in to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess each and every week.

I scrounged up a couple more reds that I had forgotten about. This little garbage can is pretty rough looking, with lots of rust on the bottom, but it does a magnificent job of holding alot of my candles.

A little red shelf. I remember my parents having one of those little eight o' clock coffee banks. My Mom doesn't remember where it went, so of course I had to find one for myself. What is it that makes us want to surround ourselves with things from our childhood?

I found this lovely shelf liner at a dollar store. I can't wait to line the shelves in the cupboard that hold some of my cookbooks. You can see how it turned out on Friday, for Carey's Book Party!

Finally, I'm so excited to watch LOST tonight! For the last few weeks I've been watching the series online and on discs from the library, and I am now officially caught up. I can start watching it with everyone else, but the bad part is that I now have to wait a week for the next episode! Honestly I don't know how they're going to tie everything all up in just 11 more episodes, but it'll be fun to watch! Now please head over to Sue's for more REDS.


  1. I love that little red shelf and the liner paper is too cute. You always have the best red items to show.

  2. Hi Carol!

    that shelf liner is beautiful. It always amazes me what I find at the dollar stores these days! Great stuff.

    That shelf is so cute and the eight o'clock coffee tin is wonderful. I just used the last of the eight o'clock coffee this morning! I don't normally buy it but i really like it. A couple of weeks ago my dad stopped by with this freshly ground bag of eight o'clock coffee for us. I said, "Um, thanks?". He said to make a pot...right now. Okay dokey! If dad wants me to make him cofffee now, I will make it now.

    Apparently my mom was out for with the girls for dinner and so my dad raced to the grocery store to grind up some eight o'clock coffee. He loves the smell and loves the coffee. But, mom has him on a strict "de-cafe" diet! LOL

    He said, "I just need one cup.....Please!"


    Happy Rednesday!

  3. Love your red shelf! So cute! Dollar Stores are such a treasure trove. Gotta get by there and take a quick look.


  4. What cute items you have! That garbage can is so pretty with the roses. Hmm...I think we need to check out the dollar store also!

    Have a great week!

    Laura and Michele

  5. I always enjoy your posts so much! You always have so much cheer to share. I just love it. I always enjoy the kind words you leave for me and others. Okay, done with the Carol @Old Glory Fan Club....

    Your reds this week are really cute. That little shelf is just adorable and the coffee bank is something I need. I'll have to be on the lookout for one too. Love what you use the trashcan for. Does anyone ever accidentally use it for trash or wonder why you're throwing away all those perfectly good candles?

    Cheers and Happy Rednesday!

  6. Very cute red things. I love that shelf paper, too.

  7. I love all of those things! Especially the liner! I would like to see what you end up doing with it. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I am starting a Favorite Things Friday party on the 19th - come and join us if you are interested!

  8. I love all your pretty reds. I like your vintage spice can too. I collect old vintage spice tins and that caught my eye!

  9. I love all your reds . I remember the coffee banks , too. I love to watch LOST.

  10. I love that vintage red shelf - very sweet!

  11. What a great way to store your candles I love the garbage can and to use it for something totally different than what it was made for is really neat. I like the shelf liner also.

  12. Love your little trash can! I do remember 8 o'clock coffee from the A&P Supermarkets!! And I too am a LOST fan!! I still can't imagine how it will all end. I have to watch this weeks episode as I taped it last night since I had to work.

  13. Carol, you always have such neat stuff. Do you have anything that doesn't have some red on it? LOL! I love the shelf liner. I was expectin it to be a thirft store find but it's new? What a great vintage feel it has.

  14. Love that shelf liner - it looks authentically vintage!

    I'm so glad you're a LOST junkie like myself!

  15. Love the idea of storing your candles in that sweet, rusty, old trash can! How clever are you?!! =)

    Love your little corner shelf. I have one i am working on, but seem to never find corners for them. Why do I keep buying them then? A weakness I guess. =)

    Sure do appreciate you coming by and leaving me a note.

    blessings on your day

    barbara jean

  16. I know the shelf liner must be new (at the dollar store) but it has such a great vintage look about it. I love it.

  17. What cute shelf paper. It looks vintage! Oh how I wish there were more vintage shelf papers available. I'm looking forward to seeing your finished product!

    Susan and Bentley

  18. Honey, why you throwin' away yer candles into that garbage can???!!!

    Tee hee...only you...would think of using it for storage!!! You're too funny!!!

  19. Hi Carol :)
    I am so glad you stopped by my blog today---I would love to have a cup of coffee with you in my red kitchen---Illinois isn't that far away from Pittsburgh (heheheh) I love all of your red today. I think my favorite is the little garbage can--the rust adds to it's charm :) Wonderful Rednesday post
    :) Mimi~

  20. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for the nice comments and supporting my blog party. I love that little garbage can. I wish they still made the this cute. I remember that mustard can. I think my Dad kept nails in it. They don't make anything today that is worth keeping or using today.Everything is so disposable. Your give a way prize is on its way. Let me know when you get them.

  21. Love that little red shelf, I think I need one like it! And I do have that shelf liner, aren't dollar stores great?

    I don't see how they're going to wrap up Lost either, I know somebody has to know what they're doing, but I swear sometimes they just make it up as they go along! Waiting a week in between episodes just gives you more time to become confused!

    I just sent you an email, let me know if you're interested. :)

  22. Wow! That liner paper is incredible! The red shelf is so darn cute! Love it all!

  23. I'm tellin' ya, Carol, I think we surround ourselves with things from our childhood for the comfort it gives us (security). That's why I named my blog Vintage Comfort. I love your rose garbage can - I thought it was a canister...it's darling. Ooo, that red shelf gives me ideas...cute tins you've placed on it, too. That red/white shelf-lining paper would look perfect with the old red and white Betty Crocker cookbooks. It's amazing what you can fine at those stores, isn't it? Happy REDs~

  24. Oh! I want that shelf liner too! How on earth did it end up in a dollar store? Amazing!

    Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my playhouse. You are so right- we are never too old to play!

  25. Carol,
    I was watching CBNC last night and they were doing a whole segment of the history Sears houses! It was so interesting. Maybe you could email them to see if you could find the show, somehow?

  26. I just love the old vintage reds! Blessings!

  27. Super great reds as always!! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy Lost. I have never gotten into it.
    Hugs, Lisa

  28. I am so happy that you have joined me on this wonderful world of blogging. I have been following your blog as well and have been enjoying the treasures you show. I must say though for todays red posts, I would love to go shopping at everyone's blog, if the stuff was for sale. This is fun isn't it!

  29. You made my tag! You've made my day! It is always such fun to visit you. You have the best vintage finds ever! Thank you for your kindness on my blog. Elizabeth

  30. Lovely post. Like the idea of using a vintage trash can for storage.

    Will have to start looking for one.

    Thanks for the visit and lovely comment on my wild palm trees.

  31. Fun reds. I don't know what it is either that we like to have our childhood things around. Nostalgia I guess. Thank you for your visit. I am feeling better now. May go in for half day at work tomorrow. Don't know yet for sure. But don't want a relapse if I go back too soon either.


  32. Love your sweet red shelf! We finally got caught up on Lost, too, and are now watching each week!

  33. Gorgeous reds. I am so behind on Lost, I could kick myself. I really want to know what happens in the end but have lost track now of what has already happened to everyone!! It is a good idea of yours to catch up online!

  34. Hi Carol! It's so nice of you to stop by my blog. I have always loved those plaid 50's picnic things. Couldn't figure out why...they just made me happy. Well, after my Grandparents passed away we were going thru some things and stored away was a car blanket. You guessed it..it was the plaid that matches the plaid picnic peices. Now I have that and 2 different sizes of the round cooler you saw, the metal picnic basket, a medium round thermos type drink carrier, a larger thermos with a pump dispenser top, 4 scotch plaid freeze and keep tin cylenders...still in thier packageing...to put in the cooler, and a fabric 2 person food and thermos carrier. I really would love to have the old metal camping set that has a metal arm that goes over the seat of a car and hangs on the back of the seat, but I've found those for 75-100 dollars,sooo I'll wait. Some time soon I'll have to do a tablescape with all the pieces together.
    Sorry I couldn't stay too long, but I hope you come over soon again! And, I also hope you might be able to pop in for the Vintage Alphabet the week of March 22.
    Your Rednesday pieces are great. Here in the Cincinnati are we don't have the same type of thrift stores and $1 stores. You don't find things like I've seem from other bloggers. LOL I don't think Jim'll go for a ride to another state for thrifting..antiquing yes, but.....

  35. I think I'd like to answer the question about why we love our childhood goodies around us. For me, your girl with the curl, I live in childhood. It feels safer there for me than all this chaos in the world. Even at work I have a gnome on my desk, as long as it makes a senior smile, I'm happy. By the way, your RED cutie stuff is always a good happy pill. Thanks for the show and tell moments!

  36. Hi Carol, I love all your reds, the shelf is so sweet and the vintage looking shelf paper is really neat. I am watching Lost this season after taking a break from it. Even though I thought I was caught up, I am still confused! LOL So, I just watch every week and wonder what I've missed somewhere along the way... I am not too sure about all the flashbacks the writers are using. Not my favorite way to watch a show. Eleven more episodes better wrap this all up- before I get even more confuses! grin


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