Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Few Kitchen Reds For REDnesday!

Please remember to head over to It's A Very Cherry World after you look at my reds. Sue is our hostess, and you will find a list of lots of other blogs to visit to see more reds!
Well, we're back in the kitchen this week. I thought I had exhausted all of my options in here, but I've since spotted a few more reds. Like the little plastic basket that holds some of my vintage towels. And the old aluminum foil/paper towel/ wax paper holder. I love the red gingham bow on there! At first everyone (except me) hated this thing when I hung it up, but I guess it shows that you can get used to anything if you have to deal with it long enough!

This is an old breadbox that I use to hold some of my craft paints so that I don't have to run downstairs all the time. There are more craft supplies in the yellow breadbox too.
And finally, when Sandy over at 521 Lake Street showed some plates that she had gotten at Target, I had to run right over there and get some for myself! Once again Target has the cutest things, and those cherries are for you Sue!


  1. Now THIS is why I don't go into Target unless I have to -- those cute dishes! I have WAY more dishes than brains already.

    I really love your kitchen metal ware -- I remember when people USED those breadboxes! I remember also how they rusted at our summer house, and how wonderful it was when my mother discovered Tupperware -- no rust in the salt air!

    What sweet things you shared this week; thanks!

  2. Love the wax paper doohickey! That little red towel basket is mighty cute too! You always have such wonderful reds.

  3. Nice basket! It's so cute with the towels in it. I love those little dishes too.

  4. That is a great place to store craft items ! Great Red Dishes !

  5. Love your reds this week again! You have the best stuff!!! Breadboxes are wonderful.

  6. You had me at the polka dots girl! Awesome!

  7. I could cry when I think of all the lovely, lovely breadboxes we didn't appreciate...*sigh*...love yours...

  8. Carol,
    I just love your kitchen...I can just imagine the whole kitchen...."sigh"...someday I will have an vintage catalog home too! :)

  9. Love those polka dot plates!!!
    Wonder if they have them at our Target in Oz?
    Happy REDnesday!
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  10. Hi Carol!

    Oh, I really love that wax paper/foil/paper towel box! it is awesome. And the bread boxes are wonderful.

    Fun reds today!!

  11. Lovely red this week. I remember having the same paper dispenser when growing up.

    I have the same table cover that is in your second photo. It was a wedding present back in the mid sixties.

    Thanks for the visit to my old red barn. Hope you have a wonderful week with nothing but happy reds.

  12. Love your wax paper dispenser but I especially love the bread boxes. I had my grandmothers (it was red!) but it was lost in a house fire in 1986.

  13. You have given me an amazing idea to paint my vintage paper towel, foil, wax holder. Loved all the pics...

  14. I love all the cute, vintage looking reds! Those dishes, darling! Cindy

  15. It's always so much fun to get a peek inside your house. I love the old breadboxes storing your craft supplies!

  16. I wasn't ready to do any red's today but am still enjoying what everyone else has to show. I love the aluminum tin foil holder, it would look great in my kitchen.... hint, hint.

  17. Apparently, they didn't have a vote - let's hear it for kitchen dictatorship! I love both pieces.

  18. Happy Wednesday to you dear one!
    I'm packing up your box of goodies and intend to mail them out soon to you!
    I love your eye candy, your home and you!
    May your day be filled with joy with a good cup of laughter!

  19. Thanks for stopping by! LOVE those polka dot plates.

  20. I love both of your vintage breadboxes! We found one a couple of years ago that my daughter uses in her dorm apartment at college.

  21. I love your kitchen reds, Carol. Especially the red basket, that's just darling. And I'm a great appreciator of vintage tins - your storage tins are wondie. Happy REDS~

  22. First of all...your header is so so cute! I love your basket filled with towels...really cute basket filled with cute towels = very cute idea! The cherry dish is adorable...so bright and cheerful!

  23. Oh MY! Your old aluminum foil/paper towel/ wax paper holder I found one just 2 weeks ago at goodwill. And have redid it, I'll soon be posting before and after pictures on my blog. I LOVE yours. And the breadboxes LOVE them!!!

  24. Why do I get so excited when I see that somebody else has something I have? I have that red plastic napkin holder, too!

  25. Hello! Love your red retro goodies! Must head to Target!!!! You have a darling blog!


  26. Love your blog! Love your paper towel holder! Oh My! These items are simply gorgeous. Target has some wonderful things too!

  27. Hi Carol,

    I wish I could have joined in the party today but my husband and three sons have been sick. I have a little time to visit my friends though. I love your reds but my fav. it the plate on the bottom. I love your Easter/Spring blog decorations. They are just so cute. Your blog is such a cheery place to visit and always makes me smile.
    Love and hugs,

  28. Hi Carol! Catching up on visiting. I loved your comments about your husband watching Hoarders. Do we all watch it hoping and praying it is never us collectors of vintage! Today's post had so many fun things to discover. Always cute, always fun, I love to visit here! Elizabeth

  29. I love all of your red pics. I have a lot of red in my house. I love red and vintage treasures too. You have wonderful, fun things! I just bought the polka dot plates at Target in red and yellow and my sweet mom bought me the big, red striped picnic basket too.

    This is my first visit to Old Glory Cottage. Enjoying it. I am one of the publishers of Mermaids of the Lake. We are an e-zine for women and we have a blog of the same name. Come for a visit!

    Mermaid Debbie


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