Sunday, March 21, 2010

Weekend Finds or How I Lost Things In My Own House!

Antiquing this weekend was a dud. So was thrifting. I can't wait 'til garage sale season starts!! I did find this pretty tin, which looks rather lovely with the Easter decorations.

Two vintage Easter decorations. The bunny is a music box. Can't figure out what tune it's playing though!

And some Gurley candles, still in the package. I can't decide whether to take them out or leave them in there. I guess it all depends on whether I am going to keep them or sell them.

I have a little crafting area in the basement. I don't craft down there though, because I would rather sit upstairs by a window, than in a dark basement. For a while I've just been piling my craft supplies on the table and on the floor, but lately I've been seeing other bloggers' craft rooms, so I decided to tackle mine. I didn't take a "before" shot, and it's not ready for an "after" shot, but I found several things that I forgot I had. Like this old wastebasket. Isn't it pretty? It now resides in the bathroom, where I can see it and enjoy it! I will never let that clutter happen again. Never.

And I found these two old flowerpots. I've been looking for the one on the right for a few years now. They were packed away when Mr. Old Glory peeled up the ugly pink carpeting in the living room, and revealed the lovely wood floors. I was so sure that it was in the garage. I let out a little squeal when I found it again!
So you see, sometimes it's a good thing when your husband watches an episode of Hoarders and decides to spend his vacation decluttering!


  1. I think if I tackled my craft room right now and decluttered I would uncover a lot of things I have forgotten I have too.
    That's a great little wastebasket you uncovered!
    Have a great week.

  2. That header is just ducky! We went to our small town zoo yesterday and they had baby ducks. I couldn't get my 17 year old to look at them. He's afraid of birds. So imagine his horror when we turned the corner and were greeted by a pen of emus. Took me 10 minutes to get him past them!

    Love the trash can. Hoarders scares me... too close to home! I wish I could make my hubby watch it!

  3. Lovely tin, and I'm still looking for one of those waste cans. :( I would have really liked to see a before shot, might have made me fell less guilty. ;)

  4. How could you forget you had that nice waste basket?! The little bunny candles are cute and far too nice to burn!
    Enjoy your week.

  5. Love the trash can! I have a similar one and I keep magazines that I am currently reading in it! I also have a black tole one and I forgot about it stored in a closet!! thanks so much for reminding me. I am going to use it in my guest room!

  6. There are dud days and there are sweepstake days that I feel I found too much. lol

    Carol, I just became a follower. I forget to become a follower sometimes. Love your blog girlie!!

  7. Thank you so much for your prayers, they are truly needed. I pray this person finds there way to the Lord soon. I just hope we can recover.

    Have a wonderful week.


  8. Oh, I love love love the little trash can! And the flower pots are lovely too! I can't wait to see what else you un-earth in your craft room! (Mine is in a nice room upstairs, with a window, but I still lug everything downstairs so I can be near the kids and hubs.)

  9. Ooh, I think I'd leave the candles in the packaging. You can still see how cute they are, and it's fun to have the original vintage graphics.

    I found a bubble planter like your pink one last week at a thrift store. Mine's white, and I've been looking for one of those old flowerpots with the attached saucer for AGES so I was tickled too! I like mine but I must say it would have been even more fun if it had been PINK like yours. :)

  10. Hi Carol!

    I have NO IDEA what I might find out in our garage if I looked - - - we still have boxes from when we moved in here SEVEN years ago!

  11. I have boxes I'm ready to unpack and see what surprises have been in them for a couple of years now! Can't wait!

  12. I always love to drop by and see what you have...those bunny candles are so cute!

  13. Hi Carol,

    Love the new blog look for spring!
    Your header is so cute! It's nice to discover boxes with hidden treasures in them, that you forgot you had.


  14. I had to laugh at your post. I spent the weekend cleaning up my craft room. I found things that I forgot I have, I found that I have 12 pairs of scissors, not counting the pinking shears or the ones for scrapbooking. The best find was the roll of wall paper border that I have lost for 2 years. I used it for the first two floors and then ran out of steam before getting to the third floor. My husband was ready to tackle the hall, so this find was the most important of all.

  15. You are all ready for spring, Carol ... everything is lovely. Those Gurley's are darling ...

    Happy spring.
    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN, Hugs ~ Marydon

  16. I think finding things at home is the best! Well if you forget you are looking for them it is better!! hehe Lovely finds!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  17. Those candles are so cute! I could never bear to set light to them!!

  18. Love the Easter candles in their pacakge!!!
    I hope I get a craft room this year!!! Hubby keeps saying..."this year"...and it's going on 6 years!!! ugh!!!
    Deb :)

  19. I find that the stuff I love, sewing, vintage goodies, are organized. It's the stuff that is like real work that gets messy, paperwork eeeuuw.

    Looks like you managed pretty well this weekend!

  20. HI,
    I love the goodies you found in your own home!!! I have been looking for two saucers for about 5 years now.... Check out these two blogs. You may have already come across them but they always have super neat graphics that they share.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  21. I need to declutter too,You found some lovely things .

  22. There are things I know full well are in this house somewhere. There's a staple gun I've been looking for for ages. Where could it be? I know it's here, just haven't uncovered its whereabouts yet!

  23. Great finds and re-finds...I do the same thing. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for you nice comment...have to spend some time looking around on yours!

  24. Hi Carol,
    It's me again. I got your e-mail. Glad the cards arrived safe and sound. I think Easter bonnets are just what those ladies need :-)
    Enjoy creating!

  25. How funny to find those vintage goodies right in your own house! I'm looking forward to seeing your revamped craft room sometime.


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