Tuesday, March 16, 2010

REDS Inside and Out for REDnesday!

Today we're looking at reds inside the house, and we're going to venture out into the garden for more reds! And as always, when you're done looking here, please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where the awesome Sue hosts this fun party every week!

First up is a little old Lefton apple plate, hanging from a keyholder that my sister made for me.

A few weeks ago, I was sitting around at my Mom's house, when I decided to snoop a bit in her buffet cabinet. I always loved looking in this cabinet when I was little, because it held all of the old Gurley pilgrim candles, and my little snow globe collection, which Santa added to each year. I found this old tablecloth, which I remember from childhood, and my Mom says she made that in the 50s! I didn't even have to beg to get it, and hopefully she'll let me have the pear one next time!

My red watering can, all ready and waiting to get planted with pansies and hung on the lamppost.

My little red wagon, also ready for some pots of flowers!

And finally, an old red pump and cream can. I got the pump out of my grandparents' barn in Wisconsin, and brought it here. It says Sears Roebuck on it, and our house is a Sears Roebuck house, so it was meant to come here! I can't wait to rake out all of the leaves in the garden, but I probably won't do that for another month, because it's supposed to snow this weekend, and most likely a couple more times before summer!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!


  1. Red is such a happy colour. I love all of your 'red' things but the apple plate and tablecloth especially are just soooooo cute X
    P.S Happy St Patricks Day

  2. Love all your reds. One of my fav colors for decorating.


  3. Great reds! I love the outdoor ones!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Love the old red pump. I have one original on our property sitting in the back in the middle of a rose garden. Can't wait to see the roses blooming this year :)

  5. Love your garden reds! Don't you just love raiding your mom's stash? My mom almost always lets me take her old things.

  6. As always, there are some beautiful sights to see at Old Glory Cottage and today there were those very special pieces from MOM! Lovely :) Judi

  7. I love the keyholder that your sista made - it looks great with your cherry plate.

    Your old pump is so cool too. How fun the we can play outside soon. Yahoo!

  8. You have some great items there.....love that watering can!!

  9. Such pretty reds! I love the red pump and the idea of putting flowers in the red wagon!

  10. Isn't it nice to go shopping at Mom's. I do that with my mom, and my daughter goes shopping at my house. Elizabeth is an only child, but I have to share with my two sisters. I love the tablecloth for its design and history. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Egads, is it Rednesday again already? I'm so behind! Loved you post on books and the cards too.

  12. Carol, I like that plate! But, of course, looking at it through my eyes there are cherries on it, not apples!

    So glad the pump and house have mated. I have a repro one, not hooked up yet.

  13. Love your reds, but my favorite it the cherries of course. Happy red St. Patty's Day.

  14. Oh Carol, how wonderful to have that table coth that your mom made!!! Love your watering can, too. I can't wait to rake1 Wonder if i can do it without overdoing it??? ♥

  15. Carol, you find some of the best reds! I love your Rednesday things.


  16. Love your leprechaun planter! Happy St. Patrick's Day...

  17. What a great collection of red things. I love the vintage red wagon!

    Happy St. Patrick's Day Carol!

  18. Beautiful reds, love the watering can. :-) May I copy and post your vintage lady swinging on the gate on my blog? I love it!

  19. Wow, lots of wonderful treasures you have. Happy REDnesday~

  20. We love your reds!! The tablecloth is one of our favorites, and the fact that your mother made it is even better! We also love that watering can and hope that you show it again with the pansies. And who doesn't love a little red wagon?!

    We hope you are having a wonderful week!

    Laura and Michele

  21. Very fun read treasures! Linens seam to "call to me"!!!
    LOVE your Easte banner! Those little ducks are stinkin cute!
    Deb :)

  22. I love everything, especially the cherries. It's all so fun.

  23. Great reds & I'm looking forward to Spring Flower Planting ! I love your Header with the Easter chicks !;~)

  24. Love all the red things you have, and the watering can is so charming!

  25. Honest to Pete, I visited your blog today AFTER I had posted on your adventures in The Calico Consignment Shoppe. It seems you love red hutches and goodies that are within.
    I'm itching to turn over the leaves too. Were having spring during the day, and still winter at night!

  26. Love your reds, but love your buck toothed bunny even more!!! So Cute.



  27. I love your red watering can and that red wagon! Those red wagons are still the best!! One of my favorite gardening centers here has lots of those red flyer wagons to put your plants in while you shop. It's one of the reasons I shop there!

    Have a great weekend and Happy Spring to you!
    Susan and Bentley

  28. Carole love love the radio flyer, wow it brings back memories. Glad you popped over for a visit. I have to try to get over more often just been so busy lately. I love Rednesday..

    Have a great weekend.


  29. Love the red pump and cream can. Great yard art.

    My mother always told us that summer would not arrive until after the April snow. She claims that it has snowed here in the St. Louis area during the week of her birthday every year since she moved here from Alabama.

    So I do not consider yard work before tax day.

  30. Love the apple table cloth that your Mom made!!! And yes the pear cloth needs to come to you as soon as she is ready to part with it. :-)


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