Friday, March 19, 2010

It Must Be Spring

It must be Spring, because all of the fashion-minded kitties were wearing their little summery frocks yesterday! Mimi Lucy can't decide if she likes her pink one....

or her green one the best. But today it's only going to be 38, with a chance of snow.

So she should probably stick with her pink hoodie!

And the crocuses have pushed through all of the dead leaves.

And are exploding with color! I hope they don't get covered with snow!
Happy Spring!!!


  1. You gave me my laugh for the day! I think I would be in BIG trouble if I tried to dress my Milo! Happy spring!

  2. That's hilarious. I love the pink hoodie.

  3. HI CAROL!!!

    Those kitties are CRACKING ME UP!!!! Oh, the pink hoodie is making her mad as a hatter!!!

    I heard on the weather that snow might possibly head our way at the first of the week - - - I'm ignoring it right now.

    'Cause I'm on SPRING BREAK!!!!! Who cares what the weather does out there if I have a nice warm Badger Blankie, my remote control, and my lappy for blogging. That's all I need for a FABULOUS break!

    Oh - - - and some food.

  4. Oh My Word the pink hoodie is by far the best! I have a picture of Weston my cat dressed in a blue sweater in a post sometime back.But I swear the pink hoodie takes the cake I LOVE it!!

  5. Mimi Lucy looks so adorable. Had to bring Baby Bee in to take a gander at her.

    Happy Spring to YOU!

  6. LOL! I love your Spring blog!!!!! Very pastel and light! Your cat looks like she wants to kill someone in that third photo! :)

  7. Love your header, that is too cute. OMG my cat would kill if I put a hoodie on him! BUT..I love it!!!

  8. We used to have black kitty that used to let us dress him up. We laughed and laughed and the poor cat just endured it. Your pictures look like those cats are on the borderline of smacking you with a paw. LOL Thanks for stopping by the other day. hugs, Sue

  9. Happy spring to you. Love the kittys.I have been meaning to tell you I love the blog title picture. The vintage pics on your sidebar are cute also, I really like the flowers.
    Have a great first weekend of spring.

  10. The pink hoodie picture is too funny. She doesn't look too pleased with her look :-)

  11. Wow! I'm sure that if I tried to get our cats into those lovely frocks they would reward me with lots of claw marks.

  12. Wow--how do you dress your cat without getting scratched? My cat would probably chew my arm off if I ever tried this. I think he was a pit bull in his past life!

  13. That cat in the pink is so cute! Looks quite comfortable in its pretty duds.

  14. I cannot believe the patience of your kitty!!!

    What lovely crocuses. I think the way the light shines thru their petals is just heartbreakingly beautiful! Spring spring spring!!!

  15. Oh they look so cute!!!! I wish my cat would let me dress him up. ;(

  16. LOL.........
    Cat in a PINK Hoodie!!
    That's a first for me:)
    Happy weekend.
    Deb :)

  17. LOL!! Your cat does not look so happy about the cold weather. (or maybe it's the pink hoodie?) ;-)

  18. Oh, the PINK HOODY...I love it. What a good kitty kat sport to get all dolled up for the photo shoot!
    Wait till you see what's happening over at the game show...I think you will be smiling...LOVE to you this Sunday morning!

  19. Oh Carol...Ms. Kitty does not appear to be enjoying her pink hoodie!

    I see you've been foofing your blog - the chickadees are cute!

  20. I forgot about your interest in pestering, I mean dressing up, your cat. Your kitty is very cute, and very cooperative. Much more so than mine would be, let me tell you. I'm just slightly tempted to try, though...

  21. Cute kitty duds! I can't believe you have that much green in your yard. We only have teeny green tips and no blooming bulbs. I can't wait. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  22. Aha! Hubby warned me of the weather beforehand, so I was able to toss some leaves back over our bulbs. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can uncover them again!

    We do not have any crocuses, so I'm enjoying yours immensely. Thank you!

  23. I just love seeing your photos on your sidebar, you post such fun things. But today, it is your little one in a pink hoodie that is cracking me up. Thanks for joining my giveaway. I have you down for several chances. Thanks.

  24. So adorable we all want pink hoodies
    just like Mimi Lucys! Springs here!
    Our mom enjoys all of your fun finds
    and treasures!

  25. Way Too Cute!!! And how happy the crocuses look.
    Have a great week.

  26. Her pink hoodie makes her look all Gang-sta! This is so funny. (Poor little kitty.)

  27. The pics of the cat are hilarious. Whenever we dressed our cats up they would just stand there or even fall to the side. funny

  28. I am ROLLING on the floor laughing at the expression on your cat's face!! How much blood did you lose getting it on???

    BTw-- the harnesses were on upside down--the ring goes on top (we have them for our chihuahua's)

  29. That is so cute & funny. I love your kitty!

  30. That pink hoodie pic is hilarious!!! She looks like she thinking, "What are you lookin' at!"


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