Monday, April 5, 2010


Today is my birthday, and tomorrow is my one year blogiversary, but YOU get the presents!!!

I can't believe I've been blogging for a year, especially since I wanted to quit after the first week! But I'm so glad that I stuck with it, because I've met so many nice people!

Here is what I'm giving away, and I'll be adding to this all week. It's something old and something new. Sounds like we're getting married, doesn't it?!

First is a jar with a vintage decal, just perfect for tea, coffee, buttons or whatever!

Next is a divided tray from Target. I bought one of these, and I can't wait to use it this summer!

Along with four polka dot plates that match the divided tray.

And a necklace that I made just for you. It's the kind where you can change the picture inside, and put whatever you want in there.
All you have to do to win is leave a comment on this post, and I will pick a winner by random number generator a week from today. As I said, I will be adding more to this as the week goes along. Thank you so much for reading I blog. I appreciate each and every one of you! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to try and sneak a taste of my birthday cake!
This giveaway is now closed


  1. Happy Birthday, Carol! Cool giveaway, and I'm the 1st to comment! Have a great week...*elaine*

  2. Hey...I don't mind being #2!! Have a happy day...I really enjoy your blog! Hope to strat my own soon!!

  3. A very happy Birthday and 1st year blog anniversary to you dear Carol....what wonderful presents and how sweet you are offering them to us....blessings

    Sign me up, what a darling give-away!

  5. Happy birthday & blogiversary wishes to you! How nice of you to give away such lovely things!

    Enjoy celebrating you B-day!


  6. Happy Birthday Carol!! And happy blogiversary! What a very cool giveaway. And our birthdays are very close ;-) Have a great day.


  7. Well of course I will leave a comment because you KNOW I want to win all that fabulous red for my home. Happy Birthday sweet girl!! And happy anniversary/birthday to this precious blog.

  8. Happy birthday dear Carol! i'm so glad we've met!

    I'd love a chance to win this wonderful give away! Thanks! ♥

  9. April is my family birthday month, too!--April 6 for my dad and a sister, April 14 for ME and April 16 for another sister, so you're in EXCELLENT company, ha ha! Please enter me in your giveaway--my kitchen would love wonderful with that red stuff (and if I don't win I'm headed to Tarjay anyway--too cute). Happy Birthday!!!

  10. happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Carol, happy birthday to you.

  11. HAPPY
    YOU, dear CAROL!!!
    Of course you should be eating birthday cake..ALL day if you want to!!
    Congrat's on your blog birthday too!!
    I would LOVE to win your giveaway!
    April is my birthday month also..and I'm thinking about doing something like you are doing!
    I LOVE the handmade necklace and all the goodies! Thank you for having a giveaway.
    Deb :)

  12. Well Happy Blogiversary Birthday Carol ~ Don't count me in the giveaway 'cause ya know I have tooo much of my own. Just wanting to send best wishes your way!! Enjoy the day ~ Judi

  13. Happy Birthday, Carol!! Hope you have a wonderful day~

  14. I had stopped by to say thank you for your lovely comment on my post about my daughter, so first a Thank You. Then I saw your give away, and got very excited. I love it. The jar would look fabulous in my kitchen. So a very Happy Birthday to you and 1st year Blogaversary! Please, Please, double please, count me in. Thanks.

  15. Happy Birthday Carol! Happy Anniversary too! You are so sweet! I hope you have a wonderful day today and you get the most delicious birthday cake ever.

  16. Well, here's wishing you a very Happy Birthday AND a happy Blog Anniversary!! That is a lovely assortment of giveaway goodies, and I thank you for the chance to have a shot at winning them!

  17. Happy Birthday! I'd quite happily receive a gift FROM you in regards to this celebration. And red and yellow are the colors in my kitchen. Lovely, lovely. Good luck to me! And thank you.

    Have a wonderful day!

  18. The happiest of birthdays AND bloggaversaries to you!

    Have a blessed week!


  19. Happy Birthday!

    You have some marvelous party favors! I want to win them, cause they are just too super cute! that jar is amazing!

  20. Happy Birthday to youuuu, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you...and blogiversary too!! (I love to sing that) ((giggle)). I'm so happy you stuck with the bloggin too, I've enjoyed your blog :o)! I hope you have a great day filled with lots of presents and cake!

  21. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!
    Just found your blog through Happy Cottage Quilter - really looking forward to getting to know you better.

  22. I had to jump in on this one - love that jar and the necklace and....well...everything!

    Have a Happy, happy Birthday!

  23. Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Brithday and God bless you
    Happy birthday to you!

    How sweet to do a give away on your birthday! A true example of giving rather than receiving!

    Abundant blessings for your birthday and thanks for sharing the love with the blog world!!

  24. Happy Birthday girl! I knew I liked you for a reason. Birds of a feather...yesterday was my b'day.

    Love your giveaways but I'm downsizing my life so please don't enter me.

    Have a wonderful day!

  25. Happy Birth-iversary, Carol! I'm so glad you stuck with it! You know this giveaway has my name written all over it! (I hope some of your winning luck rubs off on me!

  26. Happy Birthday, I hope you have a Grand one! I would love to be included in your celebration, count me in. Hugs, Diane

  27. Carol,
    WOW!!!!! Love the new look! So different! I would love to be in your first giveaway!!!!! I love everything you have offered!!!!! How fun !
    Happy Birthday girlfriend!!!!!!!

  28. Happy Blogiversary! Love your blog and Love the presents. Hope I win!!!


  29. Good Morning Carol Sweetie...
    Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversaery at the same time. What a deal. I am your newest follower. I am so thrilled to have found you today while blog hopping. What a beautiful colorful home you have here. I too love cherry items. I can't believe the beautiful red things you have. Love them.

    I can't wait to see what you share next. I will be popping back in. Please pop over and say hi. I would be so honored if you signed up to follow my blog as well.

    Have a beautiful day.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  30. Happy Birthday! Wonderful goodies and you're a gem to offer them!

  31. Oh I hope I win. Such my style. Please enter me and congrats!

  32. Oh happy day! Sweet giveaway, hope your birthday is just as sweet! Please enter me too!

  33. Happy Happy Birthday! Good Goodies. Really goooood. What lovely prizes. I'm crossing my fingers.

  34. Happy Birthday and Happy Blogiversary! Thanks for the giveaway. I've been a follower for quite some time and love your blog....glad you stuck with it! :)

  35. Wishing you a Happy Birthday and Happy Blogaversary! Well wishes for another great year and glad you didn't give up.

  36. Happy birthday and happy blogversary to you Carol! Blogging is fun and I do hope that you will continue to do that for a very long time during a very long happy and healthy life, best wishes from afar!

  37. Happy Birthday, Sweetie !
    p.s. Don't enter me in the give away.

  38. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carol...and happy blog anniversary, you have really put together a wonderful giveaway! I'd love to be entered!

  39. HAPPY BIRTHBLOGANNIVERDAY! Hope you have a spectacular day and glad you stuck with us in blogland!

  40. Congrats on reaching this significant milestone. I have a blog for my "married into" family where we post birthdays, anniversaries and other significant family events so I love reading blogs like yours and others similar as I absolutely love vintage, "old" and refurbished. Keep it coming!

  41. Carol,
    Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary! Count me in for the giveaway. The items are darling :)

  42. Just admiring the giveaway -- don't enter me, I'm too lucky an old gal and giving someone else a chance!!! lol...but what a generous and sweet giveaway! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to yer bloggie!

  43. Hi Carol,

    I'm number 44, that's got to be the lucky number....right? I would love to receive those items, especially the necklace you created. It looks stunning, and I need something to wear to my daughter's wedding in May!


  44. Oh Carol...what a perfectly fun and colorful giveaway. Congratulations on your anniversary...just think what we all would have missed out on if you had quit so soon!

    Fondly, Carrie

  45. Wow, I can't believe that you wanted to stop! You have such a lovely blog!

    I have had a lousy afternoon, my Grandpa died and the horrible relatives are staying at my house this weekend for the funeral. I'm so sad about Grandpa.

    I've been waiting all day just to see what your giveaway would be. Your pretties are making me smile just by seeing them. Thanks for the eye candy pick me up!

  46. Well Happy Birthday girl!!! Congrats on 1 year of blogging also! Love that sweet giveaway!

  47. Happy Birthday! Eat a piece of cake for me too!

  48. Happy Birthday and Congratulations!

  49. Happy birthday and blogaversary! That is a wonderful giveaway !

  50. Congratulations on making it through one year! I think that there were a lot of us who started around this time last year. I, too, just hit that milestone. Hope your birthday brought you some nice presents and good wishes. I'd love to be entered in your fun give-away.

  51. Well, Happy Birthday AND Blogversary! Amazing that you've only been blogging a year, you caught on quick! Not surprising with your great posts! I always enjoy visiting you!

  52. Happy Birthday Carol!!! I love that jar! All of it is wonderful... count me in!! Thanks for stopping by and always being so sweet with your commments, they make my day! Theresa

  53. Happy Birthday and Happy Blog Anniversary! I wanted to quit even before I got my blog up and running. I started blogging alittle over a year ago also.

    I love what you are giving away, but I don't need anything so don't enter me.

    I just wanted you to know how much I love your blog and how much I appreciate your comments on mine. I am always happy when I see that you have been by. xo Joan@anythinggoeshere

  54. Happy Birthday Carol!!
    And Happy blogoversary!

    And thank you for offering such a fun giveaway! I love how bright and cheery everything is!!

  55. Celebrate! cool things you are giving away! thanks for your generocity with your giveaway!

  56. Well Happy Birthday and your giveaway is right up my alley. I love all those things.

  57. Happy Blogiversary!! I would love to win have never won a give away. I see that you are going to have a really big job selecting someone. God bless

  58. Carol,
    Happy Birthday!! I hope you had a wonderful day. Please sign me up for your fabulous giveaway....great gifts!!

  59. Well Happy Blogiversary Birthday!
    One year of wonderful finds and
    goodies! Your first year was terrific
    and I wish you many more years showing us your fun treasures!

  60. Happy 1 Year Blogiversary, Carol! Your blog is delightful. So is your giveaway which i am officially entering ;) I'll have to go back and see what day your birthday was on. We have a lot of April birthdays in our family. Hope your day was special!

  61. Hi, Carol "Happy Birthday" to you!! Our b-days are 3 days apart! I hope you celebrate the whole month! OMG! I love the dishes from Target! I have been drooling over them on your blog! I LOVE LOVE Cherries! and red and yellow are my kitchen colors too! We are playing together over at Jacqulines! Isn't she a doll? I would feel so blessed to win your giveaway! XO Fran.

  62. Okay...when did you get those Gnomes? My son works for Target and he didn't even call me about this!!! name is Jacqueline, the girl with the curl and yes, in case you didn't know it, I want to enter the give away. I'll do what ever Carol says! Happy Birthday dear heart. You make me happy, when skies are grey! You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't ever, take my Carol away. Adding some sugar on top of the comment section. I love the old wagon wheel. I have two the same in my back yard from my grandpa's farm in Canada!

  63. Eeek, happy slightly belated birthday! :)

  64. Cute, cute, cute, Carol!I haven't seen those at Target either! Maybe cause the last two times I've been I've had the kids with me and couldn't give it all my attention! I love the necklace and would probably leave the rose in it.

    You know, you girls have got me all confused with my decorating. I was pretty focused on where it was going until I started blogging. Now I want some of everything!

  65. Happy Birthday Carol!! Everything is better with birthday cake. Hope there was ice cream too. -amy

  66. Happy Birthday and will have to tell you it goes by fast. I have been blogging for several years is hard to believe...I have so enjoyed it and meeting people such as you...Have a great one. I would love the opportunity to win...even thought the chance is slimming...Hugs, Mica

  67. Yay for a year, both for you and the blog! Why, I remember back when you didn't have a blog and you sent me pictures of your cat dressed up in an e-mail attachment (I'm brushing away the tears. I'm sentimental like that.) Happy anniversary!!! Happy birthday!!!!!!!!

  68. Oh how I would love to win!! Anything with red catches my eye...even the curtains in your kitchen with the red motif that you didn't mention! Happy Rednesday!

  69. Happy B Day! I would love to win!! :) Amber

  70. Happy Birthday Carol !Happy one year blogiversary! Please enter me in your cool give away !

  71. Well, Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary! What a delightful giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  72. love your blog bling.

    wonderful give-away. Happy blogaversary!

  73. Happy Birthday and congrats on your blog anniversary! Yours is one of my faves as we seem to love the same things. I must turn away from looking at that sweet, sweet jar with the decal...I'm partial to vintage decals and just love it on that red top jar...sigh. Hey, I have 4 red polka dot plates from Target...yellow would be a great compliment...and, cherries are dear to me, and my girls still eat out of divided plates (I did not see those at Target 'tho). Well, cheers to whoever wins, they will be a happy camper.

  74. Hi Carol
    Happy bloggy anniversary and a belated happy birthday to you. I started blogging around the same time as you and I havent forgotten that you were my very first follower! Those are very lovely goodies you are giving away.
    Susie X

  75. Happy, happy blogiversary to you! (And a happy belated birthday, too! I hope you're like me and try to make it last about a week...)I just found your blog via Shiny Red Houses, and I'm super glad I did. I loooove the vintage goodness, love the cute tray, and the necklace is just gorgeous.
    Also love: the Sears Roebuck house! (Not included in the giveaway, I know.) I've been so crazy about them since I read an article about them a few years ago. I didn't realize I'd grown up surrounded by them, but as soon as I saw the picture, they reminded me of home. So, so lovely.

  76. Good evening..and Happy Blogiversary..and a Happy Birthday too.
    I just became a follower! I was checking out Sandy's blogs that she follows from 521 Lake St.
    I have seen your red stuff and your vintage stuff before..What a collection!! I'm looking forward to visiting in the future.

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  77. I'm so far behind, Happy Birthday! Love that jar, and what a pretty necklace you made. :)

  78. Carol, happy belated birthday! You share a birthday with my best friend, Susan! Happy Blogoversary too. Such a sweet giveaway you are having. What a treat to win! Thank you for the opportunity! Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  79. Happy Birthday Dear. Glad it was a good week. Your give-a-ways are so nice. I have a porch like that. Very long and very narrow. I like the lattice. ((((HUGS))))

  80. I am commenting in the hope you did not close this give a way. I love the yellow polka dotted plates and the cherry platter. Wouldn't mind winning that.

  81. Congratulations to the winner! And Carol, I hope you have a wonderful birthday!!!


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