Tuesday, April 6, 2010

REDnesday And A Giveaway!

Happy REDnesday! And thank you Sue, at It's A Very Cherry World, for hosting this fun party every week. Be sure to pop in to her pretty blog when you're done looking at my reds!

First we have a set of boxes that I was so lucky to win from Janelle at Sweet Bee Cottage! I wanted to win these pretty badly, because I think my kitchen is in need of some beautification. This is where there are, for now. I want to eventually get the spice jars and picnic basket off there, but since it's been warm outside, everything inside seems to take a backseat.

I found this herd, flock, or gang of gnomes and shrooms in the dollar section at Target. The gnomes were a funky brown color, so I painted them red. Jacqueline, you know that you're responsible for this!

The little cottage on the right was found last week at a thrift store, for 25 cents!

Finally, today is my one year blogiversary! I'm celebrating by having a giveaway, with the above items being what you can win. And I will be adding to this all week, to fill up the box real good! If you are interested, please enter HERE by leaving a comment. I'm so happy to have met you all, right here in blogland, and I appreciate each and every one of you!


  1. Cute reds today Carol! And what a great job repainting the gnomes! they turned out so awesome.

  2. Yes, Carol, I (jealously) know you won the giveaway! LOL! I absolutely love that little cottage - I should try to make one somehow. And I love what you did with the gnomes - great idea!

  3. Love your REDS! The red picnic basket is one I would love to find.


  4. Wow - the gnomes look fab girl! I see you've been renovating your blog again. Looks great - love, love, love your banner.

  5. I love all the fabulous items you have on top of your refrigerator (especially those spice jars). You always show the best "reds".
    I'm off to go sign up for your giveaway!!

  6. I'm sure loving red! Thanks to you gals. Hummm maybe a new color for my kitchen.
    How was your birthday?? I sure hope you had a GREAT day!
    Deb :)

  7. Oh those look so good in your house! I am so glad you will enjoy them.

    Love the gnome idea. Another idea I will have to "borrow" if I can find them at my local Target. (Or was it a long time ago?)

    Cute cottage too!

  8. Hi Carol, where to start?! First, I love the little bluebird in your sidebar. Next, good for you for winning that darling giveaway at the Sweet Bee Cottage. I love your gnomes and toadstools-they look vintage. Great job of painting them. The cottages are so dear.
    I'm sure I forgot something but if i go back, I'll lose everything I wrote already ;) Happy REDnesday!

  9. well Happy Birthday! and Happy Blogiversary! I'm so happy you won those boxes. They're perfect for you. I don't remember the gnomes at Target...maybe they didn't catch my eye since they weren't red yet!

  10. oh that is where they went...Yay for you! They look cute in your space. Happy Rednesday! Mica

  11. Happy Blogaversary, Happy Blogaversary, Happy Blogaversary, HAAAAAAAPPPPPPPPY Blogaversary. Imagine me singing to you. Even if you weren't number 1 on Mclinky, I still would see yours first, you have the nicest stuff.

  12. Love everything! Paint the gnomes - what a great idea!

  13. Oh my goodness girl, those spice jars..ohhhhhhhhhhhh,,,,oh my oh my oh my!! Ya I would have been praying to win that give away for those boxes also. Like I told you before Carol, you and I together at yard sales or thrift stores would be heading for the same things each time, LOL. I do like the look on top of the fridge. What a great idea about painting those gnombs..I will have to see that woman who inspired you, and NOW has inspired me to start doing that (instead of only picking up red items, I will start painting what I find,,lol) I'm SO hoping to join Sue today once again for REDnesday...

  14. The gnomes are darling painted red! I had seen them at Tarjay but passed on them, I need to think more out of the box!! I really love all your reds. :)

  15. Carol,

    You are a sweetie!!!

    I love your reds! Especially the plates and saucers! My kitchen is red with hints of yellow, so they would lok fab in there!

    Happy Rednesday :)


  16. You have such a cute collection of reds. I really like your spice jars. I'm crazy about your picnic basket too. What fun it would be to stage a vintage tailgate party with it!

    Susan and Bentley

  17. Lovely red goodies! So cheerful looking.


  18. Congrats on the give away ! The boxes look great ! I love your gnomes! Jackie is influencing us all, in a very good way. The little cottage is sweet .

  19. Carol,
    Your kitchen is just perfect!!!! All that fun vitage red and that cherry valance (from a vintage table cloth perhaps?)
    ANd I love the gnomes!!!! You did a great job on them!!!!! Everythng is so sweet! Love the new banner too! :)

  20. Everything looks so cute! I love the gnomes! Great idea for them!!!

  21. Congratulations on your win. The gnomes are so cute and that little cottage is just adorable.
    Congratulations also on reaching your one year blogaversary. How sweet of you to have a giveaway.

  22. Congratulations on your one year anniversary!!! The time flies, doesn't it? You asked if I knew of people who substituted applesauce for sugar in baking and...YES...many do and it works well and makes things healthier and definitely more moist (which I love)!!
    Love your REDS Carol! Again...congrats!!!

  23. absolutely delightful! I love the little gnomes! Hope to see you back at my place. I became a follower and hope that you will do the same. until later...

  24. Carol, if you remind me this summer, I'll send you some peach leaves for the tomato honey recipe! I have two trees!

  25. I have the same cardboard stacking bins from Gooseberry. Okay, seriously that is the cutest stylized graphic on the cutting board!

  26. Hi Carol
    You really have surpassed yourself with your reds this week. I love all of them especially the boxes. Congratulations on one year of blogging.

  27. Carol, Your kitchen is just too cute for words! I love your stacked boxes - I've got to keep in mind making some of those! Congratulations on your blogaversary! It has been such fun getting to know you through your lovely blog and wonderful photos. I'm off to catch up on earlier posts! Have a great weekend! Elizabeth

  28. Those gnomes! I love those gnomes!!! :)

  29. Red is my color. I really love all your photos. Cute stuff all of it! Love the little cottages. Love the stack of beauties on the cabinet. It is all so incredibly cute.

  30. You're just amazing--you always have the coolest stuff!

  31. Hi Carol!
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. Love all the red in this post, it is not my usual colour but I would like to try more of it. Looking forward to seeing more of your blog!

  32. I'm so glad that you participate in Rednesday, so that we can see your red goodies!

  33. Happy Rednesday ;) Your gnomes are so cute :)

  34. Love your new blog look. Those little houses are so cute and right up my alley. All of your reds are lovely as usual.

  35. Happy, Happy Birthday Carol!
    Here's wishing you a junky year.
    P.S. The jar with the decal is so sweet.


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